DIY: Plants & Garden

Monarch Butterfly Plants available

Started by crunchy 11 comment(s) Most recent by crunchy 9 years ago Category DIY: Plants & Garden

ISO daylilly divisions?

Started by ChipmunkPaw 4 comment(s) Most recent by tomcat 9 years ago Category DIY: Plants & Garden

Landscaper - organic other requirements

Started by shanabana 1 comment(s) 9 years ago Category DIY: Plants & Garden


Started by MsApril 55 comment(s) Most recent by vjn129 9 years ago Category DIY: Plants & Garden

Winter burn and dying shrubs -- please help!

Started by Brigit 8 comment(s) Most recent by blianderson 9 years ago Category DIY: Plants & Garden

Ponds - Like real ground fed ponds

Started by josh_W 6 comment(s) Most recent by sarahzm 9 years ago Category DIY: Plants & Garden

Cherry Trees in Branch Brook Park

Started by tomcat 1 comment(s) 9 years ago Category DIY: Plants & Garden


Started by randg 12 comment(s) Most recent by seaweed 9 years ago Category DIY: Plants & Garden

Recommend your lawnmowe

Started by HoBoTransplant 12 comment(s) Most recent by j_r 9 years ago Category DIY: Plants & Garden

What makes a weed... a weed?

Started by seaweed 23 comment(s) Most recent by tomcat 9 years ago Category DIY: Plants & Garden

Landscaping Recommendation

Started by MsApril 1 comment(s) 9 years ago Category DIY: Plants & Garden

Shot Hole Disease

Started by Mallet 1 comment(s) 7 years ago Category DIY: Plants & Garden

Sunflower help

Started by spontaneous 1 comment(s) 6 years ago Category DIY: Plants & Garden

Yard waste disposal?

Started by weirdbeard 1 comment(s) 7 years ago Category DIY: Plants & Garden

Yard Maintenance reccos, not DIY

Started by reservationgirl 1 comment(s) 7 years ago Category DIY: Plants & Garden

May I borrow your garden sieve for a day?

Started by j_r 1 comment(s) 7 years ago Category DIY: Plants & Garden

fennel plants anyone?

Started by addiemoose 1 comment(s) 7 years ago Category DIY: Plants & Garden

Growing Orchids on to bloom again

Started by tomcat 1 comment(s) 6 years ago Category DIY: Plants & Garden

In search of old newspapers

Started by Sweetsnuggles 1 comment(s) 7 years ago Category DIY: Plants & Garden

Pesticide Free Lawn Care

Started by tourn 1 comment(s) 7 years ago Category DIY: Plants & Garden

Red Thread

Started by dickf3 1 comment(s) 7 years ago Category DIY: Plants & Garden