What does Putin want (and whatabout it)

Started by PVW 18831 comment(s) Most recent by nan 6 hours ago Category Russia and Alternative News related


Started by Theoldtimer 8 comment(s) Most recent by Morganna 5 days ago Category Russia and Alternative News related


Started by PVW 178 comment(s) Most recent by nan 1 month ago Category Russia and Alternative News related

Sakwa book review

Started by jamie 8 comment(s) Most recent by nan 2 months ago Category Russia and Alternative News related

What has Jimmy Dore been up to?

Started by jamie 1413 comment(s) Most recent by drummerboy 3 months ago Category Russia and Alternative News related

Another Russia thread

Started by PVW 3 comment(s) Most recent by Morganna 3 months ago Category Russia and Alternative News related

What'd I Miss?

Started by nohero 5 comment(s) Most recent by drummerboy 4 months ago Category Russia and Alternative News related

Navalny returns to Russia

Started by jamie 28 comment(s) Most recent by yahooyahoo 7 months ago Category Russia and Alternative News related

How long ago did Russia recruit Trump?

Started by dave 57 comment(s) Most recent by yahooyahoo 9 months ago Category Russia and Alternative News related

Putin Watch

Started by jamie 5 comment(s) Most recent by yahooyahoo 9 months ago Category Russia and Alternative News related

Russian Propaganda machine

Started by jamie 2229 comment(s) Most recent by Jaytee 1 year ago Category Russia and Alternative News related

Julian Assange Being Turned over to UK????

Started by nan 1775 comment(s) Most recent by yahooyahoo 1 year ago Category Russia and Alternative News related

Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine

Started by jamie 2715 comment(s) Most recent by Jaytee 1 year ago Category Russia and Alternative News related

Russia meddling in Sudan

Started by Jaytee 3 comment(s) Most recent by Jaytee 1 year ago Category Russia and Alternative News related

Old Thread About Election Consequences

Started by nohero 1070 comment(s) Most recent by Jaytee 1 year ago Category Russia and Alternative News related

Griner gets 9 years!

Started by jamie 24 comment(s) Most recent by Jaytee 1 year ago Category Russia and Alternative News related

The Fight for Kherson

Started by jamie 372 comment(s) Most recent by Jaytee 1 year ago Category Russia and Alternative News related

The Downing of MH17 - guilty verdicts

Started by jamie 4 comment(s) Most recent by dave 1 year ago Category Russia and Alternative News related

Russia's Filtration Camps

Started by jamie 36 comment(s) Most recent by Jaytee 2 years ago Category Russia and Alternative News related

Free press in Russia (Pretty much history)

Started by jamie 27 comment(s) Most recent by PVW 2 years ago Category Russia and Alternative News related

Discussion of Putin's media machine

Started by jamie 14 comment(s) Most recent by nohero 2 years ago Category Russia and Alternative News related

Ukraine and UN

Started by RobertRoe 4 comment(s) Most recent by Morganna 2 years ago Category Russia and Alternative News related

Cyber Ninjas!

Started by jamie 2 comment(s) Most recent by GL2 3 years ago Category Russia and Alternative News related

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