True Detective 2 (HBO)

Could it have been rock salt or somesort of non-lethal ammo? Would seem silly to kill off a co-lead in Epi 2.

mem said:
I think velcoro either was with dreaming or wearing a bullet proof vest.

I think we can all agree we knew the detective would be alive cheese

I am really enjoying Vince character .. thoughts of last night episode ??

I'm rapidly loosing interest. They spend too much time on long artsy shots of cars on the highway and Elvis impersonators and not enough time on the story. I feel like everything so far should have been in the first episode.

It seems like a bad imitation of Blue Velvet. I'm done

I tried to get into the show 1st season, but found it disinteresting. I tried again this season and after Sunday's show - AGAIN I'm tapping out.

Seriously. Who the heck was Stan?

j_r said:
Seriously. Who the heck was Stan?

My thoughts exactly ... Ha !

I find it confusing. And the dialog sometimes is weird and not how people speak, esp. Frank.

And I am glad I'm not the only one who doesn't know Stan.

j_r said:
Seriously. Who the heck was Stan?

The FBI guy from "the Americans"?

Last night episode was pretty good .. i enjoyed it very much.

thoughts .. anyone ??

Last night was where I finally gave up. Bad writing, bad acting, incomprehensible plot, derivative look and feel (entirely swiped from David Lynch), and seriously boring to boot. Just a totally botched season.

imonlysleeping said:...derivative look and feel (entirely swiped from David Lynch)...

We gave up on this show last week, but wanted to say that my wife and I said the same thing early on.

I was almost giving up, but it was good, at least for me its the best episode so far.

imonlysleeping said:
Last night was where I finally gave up. Bad writing, bad acting, incomprehensible plot, derivative look and feel (entirely swiped from David Lynch), and seriously boring to boot. Just a totally botched season.

I want it to be good, like season one, but this year is falling far short. The plot is all over the place and I'm struggling buying Vince Vaughn as the bad guy. Wish it as better, but I'm disappointed so far.

I like it. I don't understand it very well but there is something beautifully dark about it. Like a weird bad dream - not quite a nightmare but tense.

That shoot out. Jeez. It was a really good shoot out. And I don't even like shoot outs.

common guys ...

you have to admit last night episode was good ...

so after the shooting 2 months past and well everyone continue there life and now (the government) regroup them to continue with the investigation ( we all know Mexican had nothing to do with it) plus the missing girl is in connection with the investigation.


I've avoided this thread because of spoilers but now that the series is over, I found it to be slow and frustrating but just interesting enough in its characters and plot that I never gave up. I can't say that I liked the ending regarding Frank or Velcoro.

Seemed too much of a cop out / formula. Still the acting was good, even if the dialogue was at times incomprehensible and the plot while seemingly simple, got too complicated at times.

Overall, I'd say C+ on the series.


I really wanted to love it this season, like last year, and while I too enjoyed it, it did not measure up, at least in my book. To me the biggest issue was that they were trying to do to many different things. Many times, I had no idea who they were talking about, which made it very confusing. Also, as I stated up thread, I still struggled with Vince Vaughn as the bad/good guy, I guess I just stereotyped him from all his different roles, but couldn't get comfortable with his role here.

I do hope there is a season 3 and it gets back to a bit more of the original, but hey, who knows.

So no one's saying anything about the final episode of season two? Maybe everyone's still just kind of going, What was that?

They should let the writer have more time for season three. Even if we have to wait.

I didn't like it as much as I liked the first season, but I liked it. Both are stories being told in retrospect about things that happened in the past (longer in the past in the first season, a year in the past in the second)... things that were bigger than people realized before they delved deeply into them... things that were uglier than you realized at first glance. Of course you didn't realize that the story was being told in flashback until the closing minutes of the closing episode, but still...

Both seasons had the wrong persons fingered for a murder, with people killed and cases closed too soon.

It wasn't until she was mostly done talking that I realized who the father of Ani's baby was...

I would love to see season 3 in New York.

I just started watching recently and stopped at episode 3 because it's incredibly boring.

Are you talking Season 1 or Season 2?

I had not watched it ever until my son turned me on to it, and when I watched the first episode of Season 1 I was hooked.

Season 2 was a slower start for me, and it dragged in ways that didn't happen in Season 1. However, as I said, I liked it.

dave said:
I just started watching recently and stopped at episode 3 because it's incredibly boring.

Season 2. I enjoyed Season 1.

I switched over to The Brink tonight after shutting of True Boredom, which is quite entertaining.

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