I am very sorry to read this, jeffhandy and I hope you'll be telling us all about how this is all behind you soon. Good luck!
Best wishes for a successful surgery and a quick recovery.
Jeff and GeorgieBoy, hoping for the very best for both of you, and for everyone else reading this thread who may be going through a similar challenge.
Five days until surgery, I'm a bit nervous but I know it has to be done. During the past week I've had some very good moments and some times of wigging out. Some of it is the Cancer treatment, and some is the election. (My views are in the other threads and I will not post them here) Stakes are high for both and in both cases I will be relieved when it is over. Leaving for a pre-surgery appointment right now.
Chin up. You are doing what needs to be done. Anxiety can be a real head jammer. Faith in your team and in whatever higher power you identify with can bring some measure of comfort.. Besides, whats the alternative? You'll probably have more challenges as you travel this road. You and I, and many others, have climbed aboard the hamster wheel and this will determine the new normal with which we will live our lives. Keep positive. Anything else is unsustainable. Best wishes for this journey.
Reproductive age for girls is about 12...Boys can also physically father a child in middle school.
jmitw said:
Reproductive age for girls is about 12...Boys can also physically father a child in middle school.
Absolutely, immunize early! It just takes one time and quite often there are never any symptoms
Best of luck with your surgery, jeffhandy. I just received a breast cancer diagnosis myself, and met with the surgeon. When the first thing out of my mouth was, "Is this going to kill me?" she replied, "This breast cancer isn't going to kill you, but there's s good chance your colon cancer might!" I was shocked. Wow, it's been 4 years since the colon cancer diagnosis, and I honestly thought it was behind me.
Since the meeting with the surgeon, I had another bc biopsy, and learned that the bc hasn't spread, for which I am grateful. But instead of feeling relaxed, I'm trying to deal with whether someone forgot to call me in for a liver and lung scan for colon cancer. As I investigate follow-up of the colon cancer, I am getting mixed messages from the oncologist's office. Trying to stay in the moment, and the moment is really the best place to be when dealing with this kind of anxiety. Heal well fellow soldier!
jeffhandy said:
jmitw said:
Reproductive age for girls is about 12...Boys can also physically father a child in middle school.
Absolutely, immunize early! It just takes one time and quite often there are never any symptoms
You said that 75% of people that have reached reproductive age have HPV...are you saying that includes middle schoolers and they already have HPV by age 12? If that is the case, what good does it do to vaccinate if they already have it?
Let me clarify, the report that I read said reproductive age and have been sexually active. But if this is what you want to debate, you are missing the point. And that point is that none of your children will ever need to go through what I am about to go through because of HPV if you get them immunized.
Last night was a little rough, woke up in the middle of the night really freaked out. I had a dream that I was being operated on and the anesthesia just paralyzed me but I was still very aware of everything and could feel everything. I think that might be the plot to a book or movie but I'm not sure. Anyway, it took me a couple minutes to remember that I didn't have any problems the other two times that I was put under but it still left me a bit rattled. I can't begin to tell everyone how thrilled I will be once this is over.
@jeffhandy Something which can help with anxiety is to keep lots of comedies on hand. I have been collecting for years and as the technology changes so does my collection. Its changed from BETA to VHS to DVDs and I use them to supplement whatever I can find on HBO. I have favorites that I've seen so many times that the characters feel like old friends.
Of course starting this thread was a wonderful idea and very generous of you to take us on your journey. It helps us all to remember how many caring people are on MOL and how many people have been through these trials and have come through with flying colors.
I'll bet there are lots of MOLers who would be happy to supply an endless list of their favorite laugh out loud movies.
I think it might be a good recommendation for everyone to watch a good comedy tomorrow night. I don't think that I will be alone with anxiety.
jeffhandy said:
I think it might be a good recommendation for everyone to watch a good comedy tomorrow night. I don't think that I will be alone with anxiety.
Glad to see you still have a great sense of humour. Remember..you've got this. And with your MOL family we all have your back.
It's good you dreamt about your operation. It means you are preparing for it, and you are more ready for it than you were before.
GeorgieBoy and Jeff, I'm keeping you guys in my thoughts and hoping for the best outcomes imaginable.
LisaT, OMG. After all you went through already... I'm so sorry. But you have kicked its *** before, and I firmly believe you can do it again. Your team is still out here rooting for you, and for GeorgieBoy and Jeff.
Hang in there, everybody. And watch something wonderful tomorrow night. Only tune in for election results around midnight, if you must.
jeffhandy said:
Let me clarify, the report that I read said reproductive age and have been sexually active. But if this is what you want to debate, you are missing the point. And that point is that none of your children will ever need to go through what I am about to go through because of HPV if you get them immunized.
The Dr just suspended my radiation due to severe burns on my thigh.The burns blistered and then I lost the skin.I only had 7 sessions left [out of 35] . All I can do is dress it w Silverdine and a wrap and wait for nature to takes its course.While its a bit discouraging, the pain is the worse aspect. A solid 9 on the 1 to 10 scale.Point is, we never know whats gonna get thrown at us and this is why having an optimistic attitude and a solid network of freinds and family is key to working through these setbacks.Also faith in your medical team.
georgieboy and jeffhandy, thinking of you, and wishing you the very best. Hang in there!
Ok, so I have been told to be at the hospital at 5:45 am. Getting some sleep now. This election crap can continue without me.
Jeff, I'm thinking about you and wishing you the best!
GeorgieBoy, I am so sorry you're in so much pain. Can you do anything about it with medication?
Very proud of myself. When I was diagnosed 4 years ago, I didn't get a second opinion. I felt safe because my case was going before the review board and would be reviewed by multiple doctors. This time (breast cancer diagnosed a few weeks ago) I know that my case won't be taken to the review board. Today I got up the courage to fill out paperwork to get a second opinion from Dana Farber. It was easier than I thought.
A good doctor would have recommended to YOU to go for that second opinion rather than you having to be uncomfortable and suggest it. Just make it a practice. Don't even think twice about it. Any diagnosis- second opinion.
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Will be following your progress in the peanut gallery (as my chemistry teacher called us).