Michael Moore's Broadway Show

Hi All,

Just back from Michael Moore's Tour de force on our Country and What We All Need to Do Given The Orange Man. 

When I saw the show about Dick Gregory featuring a mighty performance by Joe Morton I spoke of Joe's passion and energy about the character of Dick Gregory. Today, on Dick Gregory's day of passing, I witnessed MM give that same energy and passion to his own life story.  I never knew much of his personal history.  

Quite something.

I've enjoyed Garrison K for many years, watching Michael is like seeing Garrison on SPEED! 

Serious Stories, Seriously told and yes: Even Funny. Loved the Carry On Bit full of Baseball Caps!

Flint is a serious scar on our collective history and his telling is startling and completely riveting.  No More CEO/Business Leaders to solve our problems. Just causes more and more problems!

Loved his simple platform promises should he run in 2020: Only ONE Charging Cord! ONE!

Special treat today was a appearance by Bill Maher and Adriana Huffington.

We got tix via TDF- there was a line around the block.

If you enjoy politics, go see this unless you are a serious Trump Person!

Best Regards,

Ron Carter, RESIST!

rcarter31 said:

And he even "Dances"


Michael Moore dancing! That has to be fun. But Bill Maher too, wow. Glad to hear it was a hit.

Shouldn't he be preforming for free rather than exploiting money from those poorer than him by charging Broadway prices?

unicorn_and_rainbows said:

Shouldn't he be preforming for free rather than exploiting money from those poorer than him by charging Broadway prices?

Michael Moore was on Seth Meyers last week, and said that even though the Broadway space is very expensive (and he may also want to pay the workers a living wage who help put on his show), he negotiated to have the whole balcony to NOT be at Broadway pricing: It's $29 per seat. (He added that if you don't have $29, he'd help you out.) 

But I'm guessing you don't like him, so that won't seem good enough for you.

Well it has closed after 13 underwhelming weeks of box office as his fading career continues to fade. Only got 49% of the show's "potential gross". I would think a potential run in San Fransisco is still viable, but not much else.

(The original WSJ article is only available to subscribers so I substitute this link that refers to that story)


unicorn_and_rainbows said:

The original WSJ article is only available to survivors

Was the show really that bad?

Have to say, that is one of my funniest auto correct errors ever (and not too far from the truth)

rcarter31 said:

Hi All,

Just back from Michael Moore's Tour de force on our Country and What We All Need to Do Given The Orange Man. 

When I saw the show about Dick Gregory featuring a mighty performance by Joe Morton I spoke of Joe's passion and energy about the character of Dick Gregory. Today, on Dick Gregory's day of passing, I witnessed MM give that same energy and passion to his own life story.  I never knew much of his personal history.  

Quite something.

I've enjoyed Garrison K for many years, watching Michael is like seeing Garrison on SPEED! 

Serious Stories, Seriously told and yes: Even Funny. Loved the Carry On Bit full of Baseball Caps!

Flint is a serious scar on our collective history and his telling is startling and completely riveting.  No More CEO/Business Leaders to solve our problems. Just causes more and more problems!

Loved his simple platform promises should he run in 2020: Only ONE Charging Cord! ONE!

Special treat today was a appearance by Bill Maher and Adriana Huffington.

We got tix via TDF- there was a line around the block.

If you enjoy politics, go see this unless you are a serious Trump Person!

Best Regards,

Ron Carter, RESIST!

I refuse to let Unicorn have the last word on this thread that I just realized existed.

Ron, I too saw the show - a mid-September Wednesday matinee - and was bowled over too. My girlfriend is a member of some ticket club (not TDF) and we sat in back row Orchestra seats for a handling fee of $5 each.

Shows run was always to be limited. Everything you wrote in your review I totally agree with. It was inspiring, entertaining and thoroughly well-done. Our guest was a politically active musician - can't recall who at the moment but I'll look him up - and the day before he had Tom Hanks.

Thanks Michael Moore and all the other activists big and small. Resist! to quote the OP and a cool guy. grin

Probably "Audience Extras" (there is another similar organization I forget the name of). It discreetly distributes tickets to events that have loads of unsold tickets to fill the auditorium so that it does not look embarrassingly empty. 

Michael Moore's show Terms of My Surrender was an excellent show and unicorn provides the type of response our president* does. Shockingly, I am not surprised.

Wendy Lauter

Real name/real poster

[like the OP]

wendy said:

Real name/real poster

Who cares? When you get in a tough spot you use this as your get out of jail card? This is a hilarious thread, on an ANONYMOUS "town message board",  no one cares who you or anyone "really is!!!" ... 

wendy said:

Michael Moore's show Terms of My Surrender was an excellent show and unicorn provides the type of response our president* does. Shockingly, I am not surprised.

Wendy Lauter

Real name/real poster

[like the OP]

Starsong said:

wendy said:

Real name/real poster

Who cares? When you get in a tough spot you use this as your get out of jail card? This is a hilarious thread, on an ANONYMOUS "town message board",  no one cares who you or anyone "really is!!!" ... 

That's just such a strange thing to flip out about when this has been Wendy's signature for probably a decade or so....

Thanks sprout. It's my opinion that both Starsong and the poster who is now currently today going as unicorn and rainbows are acting like our president* in that they disagree with Moore's progressive brand of politics and belief and so are focusing on such things like how much $ did Moore's play take in or that I use my real name when there are trolls around. Similar to DT's focus on Corker's IQ or the NFL.

Best to end this thread again with the OP's initial one.

Love to all and resistance from all,

Wendy Lauter

rcarter31 said:

Hi All,

Just back from Michael Moore's Tour de force on our Country and What We All Need to Do Given The Orange Man. 

When I saw the show about Dick Gregory featuring a mighty performance by Joe Morton I spoke of Joe's passion and energy about the character of Dick Gregory. Today, on Dick Gregory's day of passing, I witnessed MM give that same energy and passion to his own life story.  I never knew much of his personal history.  

Quite something.

I've enjoyed Garrison K for many years, watching Michael is like seeing Garrison on SPEED! 

Serious Stories, Seriously told and yes: Even Funny. Loved the Carry On Bit full of Baseball Caps!

Flint is a serious scar on our collective history and his telling is startling and completely riveting.  No More CEO/Business Leaders to solve our problems. Just causes more and more problems!

Loved his simple platform promises should he run in 2020: Only ONE Charging Cord! ONE!

Special treat today was a appearance by Bill Maher and Adriana Huffington.

We got tix via TDF- there was a line around the block.

If you enjoy politics, go see this unless you are a serious Trump Person!

Best Regards,

Ron Carter, RESIST!

Starsong said:
 This is a hilarious thread

only if one has an abysmally low threshold for hilarity

Respectfully, it's more of the case, to me at least, that when you feel you have lost or are losing an argument, or are maybe a bit embarrassed, you fire off a missive with an enhanced signature with "your real name" and that "you are a real person"..attempting to invalidate anyone's response that does not post with their full name, hoping that it validates your argument more. Further, you imply that because you use your real name, your posts are more important or significant; neither of which is or should be true.  In fact, it's a bit hypocritical of you to suggest that I am reacting to something else, "ala Trump", (which by the way YOU brought up..) when in fact it is you that wants to "end the discussion" with your real name in all caps, like that makes your point true or valid.  All because you didn't win an argument or were contradicted.

Respectfully submitted,


Anonymous Poster

wendy said:

Thanks sprout. It's my opinion that both Starsong and the poster who is now currently today going as unicorn and rainbows are acting like our president* in that they disagree with Moore's progressive brand of politics and belief and so are focusing on such things like how much $ did Moore's play take in or that I use my real name when there are trolls around. Similar to DT's focus on Corker's IQ or the NFL.

Best to end this thread again with the OP's initial one.

Love to all and resistance from all,

Wendy Lauter

rcarter31 said:

Hi All,

Just back from Michael Moore's Tour de force on our Country and What We All Need to Do Given The Orange Man. 

When I saw the show about Dick Gregory featuring a mighty performance by Joe Morton I spoke of Joe's passion and energy about the character of Dick Gregory. Today, on Dick Gregory's day of passing, I witnessed MM give that same energy and passion to his own life story.  I never knew much of his personal history.  

Quite something.

I've enjoyed Garrison K for many years, watching Michael is like seeing Garrison on SPEED! 

Serious Stories, Seriously told and yes: Even Funny. Loved the Carry On Bit full of Baseball Caps!

Flint is a serious scar on our collective history and his telling is startling and completely riveting.  No More CEO/Business Leaders to solve our problems. Just causes more and more problems!

Loved his simple platform promises should he run in 2020: Only ONE Charging Cord! ONE!

Special treat today was a appearance by Bill Maher and Adriana Huffington.

We got tix via TDF- there was a line around the block.

If you enjoy politics, go see this unless you are a serious Trump Person!

Best Regards,

Ron Carter, RESIST!

Is this a game? 

Oh, I think I get it. Can I play 'Who has the last word without actually mentioning the topic of the thread' too?

I’ll interject here just to note that My Little Ponies, unicorns and rainbows are natural allies.

the ironic imagery just knocks me out 

My radio alias - Wendy from Maplewood - which I use for calling into the FAN agrees that the ironic imagery is wonderful. Oh and Michael Moore's show was excellent. If there's a taped version released, go see it, regardless of screen name.

ml1 said:

Starsong said:
 This is a hilarious thread
only if one has an abysmally low threshold for hilarity

See? It’s getting there.

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