She is a black beagle mix. Wearing a red collar. Please call Chris at 917-618-3943 if you see her. 

Thank you!!

Please post where she was last seen.

we just found out that she was last seen in the Washington Park neighborhood

No not yet. Hope she starts to move around now that it is cooling off. 

Driving around and still no sight of her. Hope she is getting water from sprinklers and staying cool.

Does the collar have up to date id on it? If not you may want to take the above picture and drop it with neighboring shelters and ACO's.

Good luck.

Maybe the rain will bring her out. Please be on the lookout.

I really hope you find her today. But if you don't I will help you look tomorrow. I will continue to follow this thread.

Flyers are out, hope it helps

Still no word. We miss her. : (

someone believes they spotted her around noon on south orange avenue and prospect - please keep your eyes open!!

Been out looking, and going back out. No sighting but encouraged that someone has seen her!

No luck tonight, and it's raining : (

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