Kids v Cancer Book Sale + Bake Sale this Saturday morning, May 30!

Hi, Everybody,

Just wanted to invite you all to join us this Saturday morning, 9am-1pm, at 38 Plymouth Avenue in Maplewood. It's time for our annual kids-book sale and bake sale benefiting Kids v Cancer. So many amazing children's books have been donated by our incredible community. We want them to be yours for the low, low price of 25 cents a book (or 10 books for $2).

All of our books are sorted by category, so you will easily be able to find what you're looking for: board books, picture books, sports, science, I can read, middle readers, young adult, poetry, art, series, fantasy, fables, history, biography, parenting, and many, many more.

We are getting ready to move into baking mode now: lemon poppyseed scones, cheddar chive scones, millet muffins, bread, cookies, blondies, Rice Krispie treats, and whatever else anyone brings by. My husband will be making lattes, and Senor Carberry will provide the music. We're begging the weather to cooperate.

Hope to see you!

zucca, the date in the subject is off by a day - Saturday is May 30.

I just want to say millet muffin.

Thank you, Jamie, for fixing that so fast!

And, jasper, thank you for saying millet muffin. My husband loves them, but we tried them for the sale a couple of years ago and no one bought them. Maybe I'll have to cut one up for samples.

We've been out of town the past couple of years during this event--I'm so glad we'll be here this year!! I'm really looking forward to this.

Save me a millet muffin!

OOh books and Rice Krispie treats..My favorite combo!!

LL, you are the reason for the Rice Krispie treats!

Can we bake something to donate? I'd like to contribute if possible!

We'd love that! Thank you.

@zucca - if I can manage to bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies in time, do you prefer them individually wrapped, or all together in a disposable tupperware thingie?

All together is fine, I think. Thank you! If you think you'll do those, maybe I'll make some ginger cookies instead. No pressure, though!

Okay, my daughter just counted 91 boxes of books! Please, please, please come take them away.

And here's a preview from the oven: fleur de sel blondies.

Wishing I could figure out how to upload the photos. . . .

We are on our way in about 15 minutes - just waiting for the last batch of my famously irresistible chocolate chip cookies to finish cooking.

Anyone who likes a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie should plan to get there early because they will go quickly, even though they are not technically a breakfast food.

Just had my scone and favorite Rice Krispie treat. Only allow myself once a year so it was super special and good. I can't believe how many books there are. And people.! Get out there early for the best selection!

So great!! We just picked up a whole box of books for the kids. I can't get over how well organized everything was. Thanks so much for doing this! My daughter is already deep into one of the new books and the baby, well, she loved digging through all the boxes so it was a success all around for us

I don't even know how to start to thank everyone in our community for being so supportive, so THANK YOU!

We raised over $1,700 today for Kids v Cancer and had a great time doing it.

We couldn't do it without a bunch of friends and neighbors who just step in and take charge. It is so much fun to meet so many book-loving kids. Senor Carberry sang and played all morning long--he must be hoarse tonight! Pdg's cookies were delicious. And if you are the person who dropped off the brownies and spice bars, thank you! Let me know where I can return the plate.

To all of you who brought books and bought books: You are the heart of it all. Thank you.

I loved the millet muffin!

Is this the recipe, or something else?

I had my daughter's birthday today, but otherwise would've loved to join you and support this cause. Hope this is not the last event you do, and let us know how others can help! Thank you for taking the initiative on this. =)

jasper said:
I loved the millet muffin!

I felt the same and would also love the recipe.

Thank you for a wonderful event.

This is the recipe. I halved it. If you google Metropolitan Bakery millet muffins, I think I saw it elsewhere already halved. So glad you liked them!

Thanks, zucca!

@zucca sent you a PM - Anne

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