Is this poison ivy ?

I am sure that is Poison Ivy.

As others have mentioned, clean exposed skin with a soap, like dish detergent, but use cold water,, not hot.

I have pulled small plants out using a baggie as a glove & then disposing of it. Other times, I have had to spray with Poison Ivy killer..

Good luck

BTW:  Hot water opens the skin pores & allows the oils through the skin barrier

So what’s this? I’d never even heard of Box Elder until this thread…

Heynj said:

So what’s this? I’d never even heard of Box Elder until this thread…

Uh oh. Can’t get my photo to load. Sorry about that. 

Taking another try at uploading.

@Heynj - Looks pretty much like poison ivy... but can you take a photo from the side to show how they are growing out of the stem?

Is that better? The leaf shapes certainly match the illustration posted a few days ago, too. 

Heynj said:

Is that better? The leaf shapes certainly match the illustration posted a few days ago, too. 

that doesn’t look like poison ivy. Take a look at the first picture Jamie posted up. That is poison ivy. This one doesn’t have the same shape of leaves.

Is it clinging to the wall? Is the vine hairy looking? Definitely signs of poison ivy. I would not take a chance especially with those red leaves in the second pic.

@Heynj - In the first photo, I see one leaflet coming off the stem, not a pair, so it's probably not Box Elder. I'd treat it as Poison Ivy.

Heynj said:

Is that better? The leaf shapes certainly match the illustration posted a few days ago, too. 

It is poison ivy. Second photo, red leaves (as already pointed out)  confirms.

Confirmed yesterday in person as poison ivy by my town’s forester, who was out checking something else. I have parents who are extremely allergic to PI, so I go out of my way to avoid it…

Hmmm, welcome to today's episode of "Don't effing touch 'dat!" To add to the discussion of using Dawn or various soaps to wash off the urushiol, you have about a 10, maybe 15-minute window before it really gets into your skin so get right to it if you're unsure. Of course, not all skin is the same (some areas are thinner and more sensitive), and conditions such as sweaty skin make it easier to seep in and get spread around. Wash the area like hell with cool water at a minimum if you cannot get soap right away. In a pinch, spitting on it will also help carry it away if you have no other options **but only do that if you can immediately follow up with water**. Spit alone will help it seep in.

Yeah, that stuff gets carried around by pet hair/fur and on clothes. If you have nothing to wipe it with, turn a glove inside out or take off your socks and use those instead of bare hands. It hangs out for a long time on unwashed cloth and on the plant even after it is dead. Definitely don't burn it or mow it as others have said. Even though the 3 leaves, center leaf on a long stalk, white berries, hairy vine (or not) may all be evident, it can look different from the pictures you'll see when looking it up so use caution. Unless you have an app that definitely says it is something else besides PI don't fool with it.

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