GOP2020: What Becomes Of The Collaborators Post-Trump?

Intel Services? These Naive People Should Go Back To School

WASHINGTON — President Trump on Wednesday pushed back against his intelligence chiefs’ national security assessments, saying “the Intelligence people seem to be extremely passive and naive when it comes to the dangers of Iran,” and he defended his own, more positive appraisals of threats to the United States posed by North Korea and the Islamic State.

“Perhaps Intelligence should go back to school,” Mr. Trump said.

In a series of Twitter posts the day after senior American intelligence officials briefed Congress and directly contradicted some of Mr. Trump’s rosier estimations, the president reasserted his own conclusions and trumpeted his accomplishments on critical national security matters. He said the Islamic State’s control in parts of Iraq and Syria “will soon be destroyed,” and that there was a “decent chance of Denuclearization” in North Korea.

On Tuesday, top intelligence officials described a different Iran, one that is not currently trying to make a nuclear bomb and appears to be complying with a 2015 agreement, even after Mr. Trump last year promised to withdraw from it.

On Syria, intelligence officials said the Islamic State would go on “to stoke violence” with thousands of fighters there and in Iraq, and with 12 networks around the world. Regarding North Korea, they said Pyongyang was not likely to permanently shed itself of nuclear weapons — contradicting a prediction Mr. Trump has made based on what he has called the “best” relationship the two nations have ever had.


Can't wait til we get rid of Trump so we libs can go back to criticizing intel services and military like we did in the good old days. cheese 

Well you have to admit that it's not every day that the intelligence agencies are accused of not being paranoid enough.

 Are you suffering from TAD? I am.

While psychologists have speculated from afar about President Donald Trump’s mental instability, a psychologist said his manic episodes and the need for constant attention is making Americans anxiety-ridden and in need of mental health care.

According to a psychologist who spoke with Politico, Trump’s distinctive brand of “provocation, brinkmanship, and self-drama,” is leading to what she calls “Trump Anxiety Disorder” that is affecting even those who don’t follow politics.

Jennifer Panning, the psychologist from Evanston, Illinois, who coined the malady, explained it as marked by such symptoms as “increased worry, obsessive thought patterns, muscle tension and obsessive preoccupation with the news.”

According to a therapist Cynthia Baum-Baicker, who is treating a couple whose sex life has been undermined by conflicting opinions about Trump, the president — as an omnipresent figure — looms darkly over everyone’s lives.

“Authority figures represent the parent, [so] President Trump seats in the seat of parent for all Americans,” explained Baum-Baicker. “So now, my ‘father figure’ is a bully, is an authoritarian who doesn’t believe in studying and doing homework. … [Rather than reassurance] he creates uncertainty.”

Trump’s deleterious effect on peoples’ mental health isn’t just affecting liberals –even conservatives are having anxiety issues.

“Conservatives are hurting, too,” Washington D.C. psychotherapist Elisabeth Joy LaMotte added. “I view this anxiety as collective in a very strong sense. They’re hurting in part because they feel they don’t have permission to share their real views, or they feel conflicted because they agree with things that the president is doing but they’re uncomfortable with his language and tactics…. And they feel alienated and isolated from friends and family who differ from their views, as if there’s not permission to view it in a different way in D.C.”


“...looms darkly over everyone’s lives” resonates most with me.

me?  I’m pretty chipper, m’self.

Well, pretty simplistic of course, but I agree about feeling more anxious.  Pretty awful thought to substitute that man for my kind, responsible, generous, civic-minded, quiet-living (and long-gone) parents.  Or even for previous presidents, many of whom i had some serious doubts about, but nothing like this!

I do find myself spending inordinate amounts of time watching talk-shows and reading about Trump's latest grotesqueries, as a way to understand, contextualize, not feel anxious and somewhat powerless by it all; and also because it's just a bizarrely fascinating reality show watching it all fall apart, like viewing the scene of an accident.  Of course, for those who are immigrants, or about to lose medical benefits, or subjects of increasing hate crimes and polarization, the anxiety can lead to real life pain, terror, and family destruction.  




my oh my what a wonderful day ....

It looks like ignorance is bliss.

plenty of sunshine 

Heading my way




Robert_Casotto said:
plenty of sunshine 
Heading my way

 This is the real illness.

In every life we have some trouble
But when you worry you make it double

Don’t worry ...

Business is up in the mental health care profession.


As with jasmo, I find myself following TV talk/news much more often than in the past. Kinda like being unable to look away from a car crash. I keep waiting for either self-destruction or indictment of this crime boss. I know we need to be patient.

I also think of my kids and the political environment they are experiencing post-BHO. 

Oh, and Robert, thanks for insipid trolling. Reminds me that I'm on the right side.

Also, and this is quite self-serving, I used to enjoy coming up with provocative thread subtitles when  one of the usual GOP suspects did something ridiculous or cruel. Ain't no fun no more.

GL2 said:
Also, and this is quite self-serving, I used to enjoy coming up with provocative thread subtitles when  one of the usual GOP suspects did something ridiculous or cruel. Ain't no fun no more.

 Probably has something to do with a frustration due to a lack of consequence.  I think as the Dems go exploring in the House committees , we will be able to grin again if they turn up some issues that have judicial or political penalties.

I too have followed the news non stop, hoping for that moment when we all can scream "Gotcha" but after 2 years of waiting, I have become pretty discouraged. But my optimistic streak keeps me watching for that triumphant moment.

Hang in there. Our time is fast approaching.

"...frustration due to a lack of consequence..." really sums it up for me. A sense of outrage that a career criminal is in the White House, acting with seeming impunity. Also exacerbated by the fact of his succeeding such a cerebral eloquent speaker (BHO) with crass, semi-literate, tweet-raging stupidity.

The most inarticulate man to ever defile the Oval Office. I'll take GW's "stategery" any day if someone will just Crazy Glue Trump's tongue to the roof of his mouth.

I obviously don’t know what will come out of these many investigations, but I have become focused on accepting the possibility that Trump May finish his presidency and live out the remainder of his life without any real consequences.  I do believe however that his kids and grandkids will suffer considerably.   Eventually one or more of these investigations will produce convictions.   The Trump name and brand will be pariah.  Imagine any of these people without the money provided by their conman daddy.   

I’ve wondered if he’s considered that while he is living a life of luxury provided by lies, his legacy will be worse than that of Nixon.   Of course he would be in in complete denial about this, but further than that I don’t think he cares about his kids and grand kids.   He is incapable.   They are merely there to confirm and increase his legend, and the minute they are perceived as not doing so they are no better than any of us.  

ya’ll playing checkahs.

he playin chess.

Robert_Casotto said:
ya’ll playing checkahs.

he playin chess.

 No...he's playing tic tac toe.... Mueller is playing chess...

I think for Trump it's just reality television.  Every day is a new episode that is not necessary related to any previous episodes.

people need to realize that Trumpism is going to be around long after the Donald is gone.  It was ascendent before he came on the scene.  He's just the guy who ran to the front of a parade that was already underway.

Robert_Casotto said:
ya’ll playing checkahs.

he playin chess.

 I’d bet my left one that he can’t play chess.

Regarding his kids, I might have sympathy for Barron and Tiff. Other 3 belong in jail w/DJT.

Robert_Casotto said:
ya’ll playing checkahs.

he playin chess.

he flipping the board over

He telling you he a grandmaster. 

Red_Barchetta said:
I obviously don’t know what will come out of these many investigations, but I have become focused on accepting the possibility that Trump May finish his presidency and live out the remainder of his life without any real consequences.  I do believe however that his kids and grandkids will suffer considerably.   Eventually one or more of these investigations will produce convictions.   The Trump name and brand will be pariah.  Imagine any of these people without the money provided by their conman daddy.    

Trump brand used to represent success, luxurious stuff, real estate. That completely changed already, right now it represents controversy, right-wing stuff, and also a bit of power (after all, he is in the White House). Once he gets out of the WH, his brand is done. How many people that live in trailer parks will be able to afford condo's in Trump tower? I think his Presidency will end up costing him a lot of money when all is set and done.

Good description: "Trump is a poor man's idea of a rich man."

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