"How 'bout it babe. Just you and me?"

Lambertville, yesterday.

Also, Wood Duck and White-cheeked Pintail (Common in Carribean. Not sure why it is in N.J.)

Beautiful. Love the duck photos.

Absolutely lovely! 

Quite envious of your detail! 

joanne said:

Quite envious of your detail! 

Both birds, Pintail and Wood ducks, were quite close and not very mobile.

That is unusual for Wood Ducks. They are usually skittish.

I know - we’re surrounded by waterfowl. Even if I move around inside my house, it’s enough to set them a-flutter and  a-squawking cheese I’m usually trying to use my phone camera from a fair distance away, and facing into the sun, so can’t get much detail at all; even if I see it, the photos are too dark to show it. 

They seem quite sun-stunned and content. 

You have such a good eye. Every photo you post is more beautiful than the next. And I am fascinated by a bird native to the Caribbean spotted hanging out in Hunterdon County. Thank you for sharing!

Not long ago there was a brief article that said some species have been migrating further north, by 00’s of miles, because of global warming.

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