Would you recognize a MOLer in public?

I was coming down Burr rd towards Parker this morning, saw this cute couple holding hands, and I stopped for them to cross the street… I swear it was a couple who post on MOL… just a hunch. 
Sometimes I would see a grumpy old person and wonder…is that who I think it is? grin

Jaytee said:

Sometimes I would see a grumpy old person and wonder…is that who I think it is?

It’s not me. 

I once asked author, whose posts I enjoyed, if I could introduce myself and buy him a cup at Village Coffee. Didn’t need any help picking him out from the other customers.

Jaytee said:

I was coming down Burr rd towards Parker this morning, saw this cute couple holding hands, and I stopped for them to cross the street… I swear it was a couple who post on MOL… just a hunch. 
Sometimes I would see a grumpy old person and wonder…is that who I think it is?

grumpy old person. That' me.

The topic -- that's why the face-to-face events were fun.  

20 years ago, I would have said yes.  Between face to face gatherings and meeting each other casually in various settings, I got to know a lot of MOL posters.  I am not alone in this.  Today, we have a number of new posters who I would not be able to identify if I were to pass them on of one my walks or encounter them at an event.   ETA:  I knew Author from the senior bus and learned a great deal about him from his ex, who was a close friend.

DaveSchmidt said:

I once asked author, whose posts I enjoyed, if I could introduce myself and buy him a cup at Village Coffee. Didn’t need any help picking him out from the other customers.

I miss his posts. When he passed away I asked if I could adopt some of his parakeets, but they were spoken for. He was very special.

Oh, I miss author too!

Back to the recognition factor: I’ve posted a couple of pics of me, so it wouldn’t be too hard. I’ve more hair now. It’s mostly grey  smile  Also, @marksierra has posted recorded messages from us, so you’d recognise our voices. 

I’d recognise a handful of posters since we’re in touch off MOL.

joanne said:

Oh, I miss author too!

Back to the recognition factor: I’ve posted a couple of pics of me, so it wouldn’t be too hard. I’ve more hair now. It’s mostly grey 
 Also, @marksierra has posted recorded messages from us, so you’d recognise our voices. 

I’d recognise a handful of posters since we’re in touch off MOL.

Are you able to go on Facebook?

Probably not, I’m face blind…

Actually sound of your voice and such often does it for me, another plus of face to faces

Scully said:

Probably not, I’m face blind…

Interesting. I just learned about that, watching a new program called Brilliant Minds based on a famed neurologist Oliver Sacks. The main character is face blind and in the opener is working with a patient who has become face blind post-surgery. It was on NBC and the series will be based on actual cases. The show opened with 9 million viewers so it might be worth checking out.

I know a lot of people IRL, so they would of course recognize me. 

I truly don't think anyone who only knows me from political posts on MOL would ever connect to the real world me. 

I’m not on FB. Good thought, though, for people with accounts. 

Morganna said:

Are you able to go on Facebook?

The F2F events were lots of fun. I made a bunch of friends through those events. I guess the first ones were at Here's 2 the Arts. (Anyone know what year that was?) I also got into trouble around those meet ups. I'm more mature now. I think. 

The_Soulful_Mr_T said:

The F2F events were lots of fun. I made a bunch of friends through those events. I guess the first ones were at Here's 2 the Arts. (Anyone know what year that was?) I also got into trouble around those meet ups. I'm more mature now. I think. 

First F to F I attended was at Gaslight in the immediate aftermath of 9/11.  That definitely predates the F to F gatherings at Here's To The Arts  

I remember one at Cryan's and another at Chef Jesse's.

I would recognize certain people. Of course, Joan Crystal and Jamie... and certain other people that I have familial connections with--bets and fiche among them. 

Anecdotal story: A number of years ago, my stepdaughter and her husband and I were in Maplewood and we ran into Jamie. She said, "You really are a townie!" Her husband admonished her a little bit, but she wasn't wrong. Now, I am in West Orange--sort of an ex-pat. 

The_Soulful_Mr_T said:

The F2F events were lots of fun. I made a bunch of friends through those events. I guess the first ones were at Here's 2 the Arts. (Anyone know what year that was?) I also got into trouble around those meet ups. I'm more mature now. I think. 

you’re talking about 20 years ago Mr T. 

I did a small F2F last year. It was fun grin

PVW said:

I did a small F2F last year. It was fun

it was nice to meet you. 

And yes, it was very small grin

I went to several F2Fs years ago.  I did not know they were still going on.  I met a lot of nice people, including some that I argued with on the regular. It's good to remember sometimes that we are all, or were all neighbors. 

nan said:

I went to several F2Fs years ago. I did not know they were still going on. I met a lot of nice people, including some that I argued with on the regular. It's good to remember sometimes that we are all, or were all neighbors.

Hey, come to think of it: Was that you with another woman on the sidewalk at the Millburn Mall four years ago passing out Bernie Sanders pamphlets to people heading to dinner at Porto Falafel?

This is a pretty old pic, but it's close enough to recognize me.

Edited to add: I got to know Author very well because we got together a couple of times a week for many months to neaten up the bulletin board near the old Post Office, as the result of an executive decision by Vic to resolve a protest movement over the Town's plan to remove the board because it was so "unsightly".

I met STANV in person when he invited me to a Warren group of supporters. Wish I knew where he was now, I loved his posts. I believe I met Paul at a Seton Hall event. Lots of classes on political things and items for sale from different groups. I bought a few Be about Peace items, a bumpersticker with symbols of different religions. brought things in to show my students as I ran a Peace Jam club at the charter school that I worked for as an art teacher. My friend Nancy Heinz Glaser who was active in local politics knew and liked Paul He's probably one of the only MOLers to post on my vegan thread other than Joanne.

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