Holy sh!t! I did no better.
(Can't get results to paste here.)
I think they broke some sort of self-imposed rule here with the answer.
Bad puzzle.
drummerboy said:
I think they broke some sort of self-imposed rule here with the answer.
Bad puzzle.
Agree. For hard mode puzzlers, the solve rate is only 74%. I've never seen it that low. I got it in five but only because there were no other words left.
KarenMarlowe said:
I got it in five but only because there were no other words left.
According to WordleBot, I still had nine possibilities left!
The_Soulful_Mr_T said:
(Can't get results to paste here.)
I had to take, and crop, a screenshot.
Today was one of those days when it was better not to get the letters in the correct spots too early. Agree, a terrible word.
according to WordleBot, my Luck score was 61, compared to the average of 41. So yeah, today took some luck to solve.
DaveSchmidt said:
According to WordleBot, I still had nine possibilities left!
wow. Hard to believe after eliminating more than a dozen letters, there were that many possibilities left.
out of all words recently I thought cache and kiosk had the most potential to trip people up. Pygmy would be a hard one.
That was a hard one. But I'll save talking about it until tomorrow so as not to inadvertently give hints or spoilers.
When I was getting coffee the woman in front of me was playing. She was on guess 3 and had only two letters and neither in the right spot. That didn't bode well. DRIVE was her first word. That seems like an odd choice for a first word. V is rarely in the answers. They are fond of repeating letters so that's what I went with when making my guess today.
jfinnegan said:
When I was getting coffee the woman in front of me was playing. She was on guess 3 and had only two letters and neither in the right spot. That didn't bode well. DRIVE was her first word. That seems like an odd choice for a first word. V is rarely in the answers. They are fond of repeating letters so that's what I went with when making my guess today.
I like to choose some random word, the quirkier the better. WordleBot always docks my skill level for not starting with LEAST, but I can take it.
If I post my guesses later, a la PVW, my opener will show ml1 how at least one of those 12 wrong letters was a throwaway.
The last one I didn't get was FOYER. I had the O, E and R, but now I realize to try to do a word that eliminates a few letters instead of just guessing multiple words that have O, E and R.
Yeah, 6 (again) for Wordle today brought my 6's equal to my 3's, something i try to avoid.
The worst thing in the past 24 hours, though, is that i forgot to pause a crossword, so now 17+ hours is factored into my average for Sundays. : (
(Is there anything even lower on the problem scale than a "first world problem"?)
On the other hand, I've given up on Heardle. It's all songs and artists I've never heard of these days and it just makes me feel old.
jfinnegan said:
The last one I didn't get was FOYER. I had the O, E and R, but now I realize to try to do a word that eliminates a few letters instead of just guessing multiple words that have O, E and R.
Yes, I had the first, fourth and fifth letters; playing a non-winning word that used up a lot of the possible letters got me to the answer.
I just thought I was having a bad word-day: I got today's Wordle in 6 also.
And for the first time in forever, I failed to solve the Quordle!
Wordle 613 5/6
Wordle 614 3/6
Feature request: be able to post results here without need for screen cap.
dave said:
Wordle 613 5/6
Wordle 614 3/6
Feature request: be able to post results here without need for screen cap.
I did spend a while trying to make it work. No luck as of yet. I'll revisit one of these days.
First one direct paste, second pasted into HTML widget experiment.
Wordle 613 4/6
Yeah, obviously everyone's tried both of those...
jfinnegan said:
The last one I didn't get was FOYER. I had the O, E and R, but now I realize to try to do a word that eliminates a few letters instead of just guessing multiple words that have O, E and R.
The last one I didn't get ended with "atch" on October 15th. I know which ones I miss (or my sister does) because we share scores each morning, but apparently we don't share what the correct word is if we both miss... Not sure what the word was... catch? Probably.
There's a text to emoji function somewhere that translates text to related emoji, I think, so adding 3 colored squares [x],[y],[z] where
[x] = not in word (gray)
[y] = in word, out of place (yellow)
[z] = in word, in place (green)
might work...? But another function would be required to take the input and that's when I start clicking other tabs about burr coffee grinders and forget about my request.
ridski said:
First one direct paste, second pasted into HTML widget experiment.
Wordle 613 4/6
Yeah, obviously everyone's tried both of those...
Another request to keep Jamie busy: Preview Post. And don't outsource it!
jfinnegan said:
The last one I didn't get was FOYER. I had the O, E and R, but now I realize to try to do a word that eliminates a few letters instead of just guessing multiple words that have O, E and R.
Hard Mode ties this hand behind your back. You have to use all the revealed letters in subsequent guesses.
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