Why bother using turn signals

I don't know how many times I have put my signal on to change lanes and instead of letting me in, the person in the next lane purposely speeds/moves up to block me. This just happened when I was at that turn where Meisel splits before crossing Morris heading toward Maplewood. I had my signal on, was partially in the next lane with the front driver side corner of my car, stopped waiting for the car in front to move up so I can pull in (even though there was a full car length in front of him he was oblivious to traffic around him)...the car behind me had been fully stopped (there was a red light), but as soon as the car in front moved a few inches, the car behind pulled next to me so I couldn't move over...

And numerous times I have signaled sufficiently in advance to make a left, yet the person behind me stays right behind me and then starts beeping at me to proceed while there is on coming traffic-while there is plenty of room to pass on the right-had they noticed my turn signal and left room pull around me.

Maybe the people that don't use the signal are the smart ones as it seems useless!

(note: this is meant to be sarcastic-not actually advocate not signaling).

New Jersey drivers. Can't live with them, can't throw live grenades through their windows.

Long ago it got to the point with me where I actually expect this kind of behavior, and take it into account when I change lanes. At least when you're both traveling at speed you know they're bluffing -- obviously they see you, obviously they see your signal, and presumably they don't want to wreck their car. But in cases like you outline above, I just hit the gas and go.

Sad that we all have to behave like this.

More people would use turn signals, but then they'd have to put their cell phones down.

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