Who does 3-D Printing for repair?

I have a sewing machine with a small plastic part that is broken.  I am thinking that it might be a candidate for 3-D printing a replacement part.  I have the original, so it could be scanned in (or whatever needs to be done).  I have no idea about the process, and no idea of where I should go.  Any suggestions?

hmm, not sure if they can easily scan and replicate it.  I believe the printer would need a program with the specs to generate it. 

Yes, I think that's my main problem -- how do I replicate a physical object?  

RichardR said:

Yes, I think that's my main problem -- how do I replicate a physical object?  

there are ways

Maplewood library has a 3D printer and offers tech help.  Try contacting them and see what they say.

Unfortunately, the library has packed up their 3-D printer and stored it during their renovation move/reconfiguring of the Hilton Branch. Does the high school have any sort of club that would be interested in doing this as a project? 

I think Millburn Library has a 3D printer.  Might be worth a call to confirm:

973 376-1006

Look up 3d scanning and printing services.  I see one that *starts* at $150.  Doesn't seem cost effective.  

Is there some reason the new replacement part cannot be ordered from the manufacturer?

Can’t you get the part to buy online? Might be way cheaper than getting a 3d printer. Which part is it?

The part is no longer available from the manufacturer, which is why I am going this route.  (The sewing machine is older, and they don't offer parts after about 10 years.)  I will keep looking on Ebay and such, and perhaps get lucky with someone parting out a machine, but thought 3-D printing might also be a possibility.  Seems not.

RichardR said:

The part is no longer available from the manufacturer, which is why I am going this route.  (The sewing machine is older, and they don't offer parts after about 10 years.)  I will keep looking on Ebay and such, and perhaps get lucky with someone parting out a machine, but thought 3-D printing might also be a possibility.  Seems not.

please check your  messages. We can try to help, have a crafty designer and 3-D printer. 

Thanks for your help!  Message sent  

zet said:

please check your  messages. We can try to help, have a crafty designer and 3-D printer. 

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