I would’ve thought recyclable glass would too and be more useful, rather than endless waste cardboard that drifts into sea, into gardens, takes ages to break down (because it’s treated and dyed). (Maybe you don’t have that kind of litter problem there)
Plus kids will ‘mistake’ it for milk or juice
I’ll be curious to see the classy Black Label designs and how they differ from the everyday Red Label cartons.
How much glass is actually recycled where you are? On the east coast of the US almost none is. It costs too much to transport the ground glass, and only clear glass has any value. Ground mixed glass costs money to dispose of. The actual reality about recycling is that an awful lot of the system is so broken that it's just like putting things in the garbage, except that people pat themselves on the back for it .
"Whiskey in Cartons" -sounds like a country song title.
PS: I once wrote a country song called; -"Shoot me now Lord".
Another issue with glass is that it's heavy and thus takes more carbon to transport. I don't know what the carbon tradeoff is between plastic (lighter but uses petrochemicals) vs. glass (more carbon to transport). But for paper, it seems like everything is on the good side of the equation.
With that said, I'm a fan of good whiskey and this would take some adjustment. It's sort of like drinking good wine out of a paper cup. But I can sacrifice my snobbery for the greater good ... I think.
Thinking about the transport angle, I guess home delivery by drone could lead to some pretty unpleasant accidents if bottles fall from drones, slightly less so if cartons fall (no smashed glass to contend with).
I’ll find out more details on glass recycling in the daytime (it’s after midnight here, I’m snug in my warm bed on a freezing night). Last I heard, our recyclers weren’t able to keep up with the glass being returned, leading to overflowing collection bins at official collection yards, and damage to good quality glass.
lits always possible @marksierra has access to more accurate info than me.
The unfilled cartons could be delivered flat, I imagine, requiring a lot less truck space as well.
I think everyone should just have tanks outside their houses, and the tanker should keep them refilled.
FilmCarp said:
I think everyone should just have tanks outside their houses, and the tanker should keep them refilled.
I think I'll keep the tank in my basement. I wouldn't want a leak to contaminate the groundwater.
mrincredible said:
FilmCarp said:
I think everyone should just have tanks outside their houses, and the tanker should keep them refilled.
I think I'll keep the tank in my basement. I wouldn't want a leak to contaminate the groundwater.
Not very neighborly of you.
They’re putting whisky in milk cartons???