Vegan - Recipes, Restaurants and Products - Switch Avocados for the Endangered Monarchs

With discussions on climate change, healthcare and animal rights effecting even our Presidential candidate debates why not take a look at a few changes you might make that taste good.

I'm no Chef of the Future but I can share a few new products, recipes and websites that might help you to either supplement your diet, help you to transition to some non-meat or non-diary choices and if it works for you, give full tilt boogie veganism a try. 

Starting with a dessert, doesn't everybody have a sweet tooth? I'm currently hooked on the vegan ice cream cones. Skip the dairy and no need to cook.

Valsoia has an host of other products listed below

Since I'm talking ice cream, shoutout to Trader Joe's non dairy favorite.

Breakfast, no cooking needed.

Silk makes an assortment of milk replacements from soy to nut based. My current favorite for its high protein count and creamy texture is Silk Protein with cashew and almonds. In a blender toss in a vegan protein powder, I use a soy version from Trader Joe's. Add cinnamon which might help lower blood sugar, if you crave sweeteners, add agave. Whip, pour over coffee if you need the jolt and you are 30 grams of protein in to you day. Good news on a vegan diet.

Of course if you are bottle feeding kittens, skip the above recipe and give them KMR. (Kitten Milk Replacement.

ETA That nicely manicured hand does not belong to me. Mine are usually covered in oil paint or dirt from the garden. The hand and the nurturing are courtesy of my friend bigben.

Thanks for starting this, Morganna. I became a vegan 13 years ago when I was diagnosed with 2 blocked arteries and I decided to opt for Dr.Fuhrman's Nutritarian program instead of having the bypass operation recommended by cardiologists. My arteries were cleared out in about 18 months without medical intervention or drugs. To make a long story short, on Saturday at the Newstead 5K, at the age of 73, I ran at an 8:42 pace, came in first among runners over 60 and placed 103rd in a field of 412 runners of all ages.

I'll share some of my favorite recipes later.

paulsurovell said:

Thanks for starting this, Morganna. I became a vegan 13 years ago when I was diagnosed with 2 blocked arteries and I decided to opt for Dr.Fuhrman's Nutritarian program instead of having the bypass operation recommended by cardiologists. My arteries were cleared out in about 18 months without medical intervention or drugs. To make a long story short, on Saturday at the Newstead 5K, at the age of 73, I ran at an 8:42 pace, came in first among runners over 60 and placed 103rd in a field of 412 runners of all ages.

I'll share some of my favorite recipes later.

 Inspiring story Paul. 2 things to share.

1. We have a mutual friend, Nancy, who moved to California and asked me to say hello.

2. I remember an event a SHU that I went to. It was an assortment of seminars and I was going to one called MOGO, more good. At the time I was teaching and running a Peace Jam club and bought a few bumper stickers I believe from you and showed them to my students. I think this was one of them.

Morganna said:

Starting with a dessert, doesn't everybody have a sweet tooth? I'm currently hooked on the vegan ice cream cones. Skip the dairy and no need to cook.

Valsoia has an host of other products listed below

 Do you know where to get this locally??

Morganna said:

paulsurovell said:

Thanks for starting this, Morganna. I became a vegan 13 years ago when I was diagnosed with 2 blocked arteries and I decided to opt for Dr.Fuhrman's Nutritarian program instead of having the bypass operation recommended by cardiologists. My arteries were cleared out in about 18 months without medical intervention or drugs. To make a long story short, on Saturday at the Newstead 5K, at the age of 73, I ran at an 8:42 pace, came in first among runners over 60 and placed 103rd in a field of 412 runners of all ages.

I'll share some of my favorite recipes later.

 Inspiring story Paul. 2 things to share.

1. We have a mutual friend, Nancy, who moved to California and asked me to say hello.

2. I remember an event a SHU that I went to. It was an assortment of seminars and I was going to one called MOGO, more good. At the time I was teaching and running a Peace Jam club and bought a few bumper stickers I believe from you and showed them to my students. I think this was one of them.

 Thanks, please send Nancy my regards. It's possible that was me at SHU, we participated in several events there.

Here's a Dr. Fuhrman recipe:

Thanks Paul, I love eggplant so I'll check it out. It will be helpful if others share recipes. I have a few elaborate ones that I'll try to cut and paste from an awesome cookbook from the California vegan restaurant Millennium. For those who love great cookbooks and want to try their hand at the cuisine of this 4 star restaurant here is a link.

jfburch said:

 Do you know where to get this locally??

 Yes! right in the frozen dessert aisle at Shoprite in West Orange. They carry another vegan ice cream Marry Me. Chocolate covered pops.. Also in pints, So Delicious, another brand.

OK so you want something more than a protein shake on Saturday morning. Yes I make vegan pancakes. Just replace the milk with a soy or nut milk. For the egg I use an egg replacement like the one below. I recently heard on a cable show called the Jazzy Vegetarian that if a recipe calls for one egg you can skip it. I haven't tried that but she's on TV and I'm  just tinkering in my kitchen in South Orange, but my pancakes turn out cool. I add fresh blueberries for both the taste and health benefits.  Lots of vegan buttery spreads like Smart Balance and then there's the maple syrup and isn't that what we really like about pancakes?

And fresh ground coffee. If you crave cream, Silk has a cream substitute. Indulge in the little luxuries. You won't buy in if its all sackcloth and ashes.

Morganna said:

 Yes! right in the frozen dessert aisle at Shoprite in West Orange. They carry another vegan ice cream Marry Me. Chocolate covered pops.. Also in pints, So Delicious, another brand.


I've got a yummy quinoa and buckwheat pancake mix I picked from Aldi a couple of months ago (it was our winter, so I'm thinking you might get it in the winter specials mid-week cycles?).  In one version, you can mix it with milk and eggs. In another, water and egg; or milk and egg replacer; or you can use substitutes like juice or water or 'milk replacements' and forget about the egg/ squish in a little mashed banana... 

I just use water or rice milk or black coffee (whatever's to hand), and drizzle honey over the hot pancakes. I haven't found a way to make them thin like crepes, but that's ok.

joanne said:

I've got a yummy quinoa and buckwheat pancake mix I picked from Aldi a couple of months ago (it was our winter, so I'm thinking you might get it in the winter specials mid-week cycles?).  In one version, you can mix it with milk and eggs. In another, water and egg; or milk and egg replacer; or you can use substitutes like juice or water or 'milk replacements' and forget about the egg/ squish in a little mashed banana... 

I just use water or rice milk or black coffee (whatever's to hand), and drizzle honey over the hot pancakes. I haven't found a way to make them thin like crepes, but that's ok.

 OK, I am using buckwheat pancake mix. Have you tried the banana substitute? I've heard it works. 

Thanks and please share as many recipes that will work. I used to put more effort into cooking until my father chided me and said, why put so much energy into these elaborate meals. You're a painter, you should be painting. I'll forever love my Dad for supplying me with that excuse!

A little self deprecating vegan humor.

Allergic to bananas LOL, my tongue swells nearly instantly these days. (Apparently that's related to a latex allergy, people, so worth watching out for even if you think you're just 'sensitive' or 'mildly intolerant'). 

Love the joke, sorry to move the pic from front page.

Sign outside a Melbourne (Australia) wine seller's Dan Murphy: 

Addicted to shopping?

FREE Counselling in-store!

joanne said:

Allergic to bananas
, my tongue swells nearly instantly these days. (Apparently that's related to a latex allergy, people, so worth watching out for even if you think you're just 'sensitive' or 'mildly intolerant'). 

Love the joke, sorry to move the pic from front page.

 Does a vegan diet work for you sans bananas? Maybe your tongue is political. It thinks you are introducing it to a Banana Republic! OK, that one was pretty bad.

I saw you looking for suggestions for Sunday night. Looked at the posted recipe and tried to think of a way to veganize it but ran into the fact that Challah is made with eggs. I'm sure I could attempt a vegan version but not ready for braiding bread. I'm lucky I run a comb through my hair. OK another bad one.

I rest my case. Where Disney goes, so goes the world.

CNN) — In a sign that veganism is making its way into the American mainstream, Disney announced Tuesday that plant-based food options will be added to every dining location in their US theme parks.
More than 400 vegan dishes will be available at quick-service and table-service restaurants in Orlando, Florida's Walt Disney World in early October, followed by Anaheim, California's Disneyland in spring 2020.
It's a major undertaking: There are more than 602 places to eat at The Walt Disney World in Orlando and Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, California, most of them uniquely themed to a theme park land or hotel.
Soon each one will have a themed vegan option to match, such as the Star Wars-inspired "Tatooine Two Suns Hummus" in Disney's Hollywood Studios in Orlando, or "Le Fou Festin" at the Be Our Guest Restaurant at Disney's Magic Kingdom, also in Orlando.

(I have to avoid challah, especially the special challah for new year - the GF versions don’t agree with me and I can’t have the fruit added for the ‘sweet fruitful year’. I’ll be eating round rice cakes dipped in honey while the family has challah question

My New Year honey is a gift from the bees. I’m truly blessed! 

My colleague is an apiarist who follows ancient, natural husbandry practices as much as possible (while using modern science to understand illness, weather etc). So the bees mostly do the natural things they love doing, and the honey & comb he harvests is excess to their needs. In fact, he’s helping them out by harvesting, especially in drought conditions and times of stress because they can’t do enough maintenance in hives full of nectar and honey. There’s a special process for choosing which portions of comb to take, I believe they’re abandoned/disused comb.

We’re free of varroa mite here. We lost millions of bees in the fires and smoke recently, and will more with this summer’s heat and drought. Our ‘backyard beekeepers’ are critical. 

paulsurovell said:

Not vegan, but a step in the right direction by McDonald's:

 Great step in the right direction. I've been watching these stocks hoping that the conversations on CNBC would bring it into the spotlight. There is an articled linked to that page that talks about the stock soaring. 

Beyond Meat shares are skyrocketing after McDonald's announces tie-up to trial a plant-based burger

joanne said:

My New Year honey is a gift from the bees. I’m truly blessed! 

My colleague is an apiarist who follows ancient, natural husbandry practices as much as possible (while using modern science to understand illness, weather etc). So the bees mostly do the natural things they love doing, and the honey & comb he harvests is excess to their needs. In fact, he’s helping them out by harvesting, especially in drought conditions and times of stress because they can’t do enough maintenance in hives full of nectar and honey. There’s a special process for choosing which portions of comb to take, I believe they’re abandoned/disused comb.

We’re free of varroa mite here. We lost millions of bees in the fires and smoke recently, and will more with this summer’s heat and drought. Our ‘backyard beekeepers’ are critical. 

 That's wonderful. I loved honey as a child. Currently my sweetner of choice is Agave. Have you tried it?

A plant too rich in salicylates and amines, sadly. Even the honey is strictly limited due to the amines. I’m constantly on alert, and new things have to be cross-checked carefully for their effects on ‘safe’ foods for days. 

(A few supposedly safe dark choc almonds had me on the loo 12 times yesterday, way more than what I thought I ate all day) 

OK found a video for Vegan Challah Bread. 


Ok, it's from the Guardian but hey - it's easy and yummy!

And I can vouch for the chickpea brine:meringue magic; tried a few years back for a party, and it really works. (Online vegan recipe)

Thanks @joanne, learned 2 new words, aquafaba and zaatar oil and I love the Guardian. Sometimes taking something out is as effective as putting something in. Wow, I can see that phrase popping up on another thread.

. This sounds tasty and I hate cleaning my Cuisinart when there has been oil in the mix.

Since I posted the Challah bread recipe, a word about bread for those who rarely think about it. Most breads do no contain anything that isn't vegan. Rarely eggs or milk but if you want to make sure read the ingredients. Usually things like eggs or milk are listed at the end under : may contain. I don't go nuts if it says made in a facility that may have those products but that is personal choice.

By the way Trader Joe's has a Cranberry Raisin Pecan Batard, (no I didn't misspell that) and it is delicious. 

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