Travel Planning App for iOS - Tripcase, Tripit, etc....?

Hi gang,

My wife and I are planning a trip to Paris. I would like to have an app that would allow us to pull together a phone-based collection that not only allows us to see how our planning is progressing (i.e., what days we have open, what days are full) as well as being useful during the trip itself.

I have used a couple of apps like this for work trips, mainly TripCase and Tripit, but I don't know if there's a better app for casual tourists. Any opinions or POVs would be welcome.


I use Tripit more for personal trips than for business. It has some clunkiness but it's good for sharing details and organizing all the little bits.

I tried tripit but bailed on it. maybe I did not know how to use it properly. I set up a a separate file in gmail for each vac and store all air/hotel confirms, articles etc. not really a calendar-but everything in one file.

enjoy Paris!


tripomatic and worldmate

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