Getting a ticket stinks, but the law is to keep right, use the left to pass. If you are not actively passing another car you need to move out of the left lane. This is a huge pet peeve of mine and the law backs me up.
This has been going around every summer for ten full years now; there's no particular truth to it. And yes, get out of the passing lane if you're not passing.
I think your ticket blitz post is really old, like 2006. The post also says "Starting August 15, the price of a violation to show your driver's license, registration or insurance card at the time you are stopped, increased from $44.00 to $173.00."
I believe the 173 fine has been around for since August 15, 2006.
kenboy said:
And yes, get out of the passing lane if you're not passing.
That's all well and good, but when all four lanes are rolling at 6 mph I really don't need the guy behind me flashing his lights to pass (and no, it wasn't an ambulance...this time).
BG9: amazed the post was old. It certainly seemed true this morning
The part about each trooper supposed to issue a summons every ten minutes, would indicate a quota, which is illegal.
30 Brand new crown vics? They havent made that car in over a decade.
Amazed it took so long for this to be posted here.
ACS (Always Check Snopes):
Speeding Ticket Frenzy
Claim: Police in some U.S. state are about to launch a 30-day speeding ticket frenzy.
Example: [Collected via e-mail, May 2005]
New Jersey will launch a 30-day speeding ticket frenzy. The state estimates that 9 million dollars will be generated in speeding tickets. 1 million will go to pay state troopers overtime. There will be 50 state troopers on duty at all times patrolling the 9 main intersections and highways.
They are the following:
I-295 north and south
1-95 (Jersey Turnpike) north and south
1-80 east and west
I-287 north and south
I-78 east and west
I-195 east and west
1-280 east and west
Rt. 130 north and south
Garden State Parkway north and south
Now 5 mph above the limit can justify a ticket and every state trooper is supposed to pull a car over and write a ticket every 10 minutes. They have issued 30 brand
new unmarked Crown Victoria cruisers and they are bringing all their
part timers on full time. If you work in New Jersey, New York, or CT,
you must take one of there interstates, routes, or parkways. It's up to
you how fast you are doing when they do. I was told 101.5 FM confirmed all of this.
So be safe and don't forget speeding tickets are on you.
You've been warned.
Origins: We first encountered this warning about a supposed 30-day state police
"speeding ticket frenzy" employing unmarked patrol cars in mid-May 2005,
when it came to us as an e-mail purporting to detail
information gleaned from "a State trooper in south Jersey." At that time
the crackdown was said to be scheduled to begin throughout the state of
New Jersey on Monday, 2 May 2005.
For the rest, follow the link.
if you stop to think about what it would take for a trooper to write a speeding ticket every 10 minutes, you realize the post is not true.
ml1 - I have seen troopers pull over several cars in a row and then proceed to collect information and write the tickets in well under 1 hour. Of course I was 1 of the 6 pulled over.
All the unmarked NJ State Police vehicles I've seen for the last few months are Chevrolets.
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First Lady: The Untold Power of Edith Wilson, with author Rebecca Boggs Roberts
Mar 9, 2025 at 1:00pm
WARNING: NJ State Police ticket blitz. Had seen a post (don't think it was on MOL) about upcoming State Police ticket blitz, and someone I know got caught in it on Parkway this am. Pulled over for traveling at the speed limit with the flow of traffic but in left lane, NJ's so called passing lane! Here's the info I had previously copied (and I guess the date was wrong):
"Starting July 28, New Jersey will launch a 30-day speeding ticket frenzy.
The state estimates that 9 million dollars will be generated in speeding tickets. One million dollars will go to pay state troopers over-time.
There will be 50 state troopers on duty at all times patrolling the 9 main intersections and highways as follows:
I-295 North and South, I-95 Jersey Turnpike North and South, I-80 East and West, I-287 North and South, I-78 East and West, I-195 East and West, I-280 East and West, Route 130 - North and South, Garden State Parkway - North and South
5 MPH above the limit can justify a ticket and every state trooper is supposed to pull a car over and write a ticket every 10 to 20 minutes.
They have issued 30 brand new unmarked Crown Victoria cruisers.
If you work in NJ, NY, DE or CT, you will probably be on one of these highways.
Starting August 15, the price of a violation to show your driver's license, registration or insurance card at the time you are stopped, increased from $44.00 to $173.00. (Keep these documents in your car).
And the fine for not having all three documents is $519.00!
The fine for hand-held cell phone use while driving will be going up to $180.00"
I guess we can consider this "travel".