This Pumpkin thing is out of control...

Just pitched the Trader Joe's Fearless flyer, which includes (among other things)

Pumpkin Tortilla Chips (17% pumpkin)

Pumpkin Bagels

Pumpkin Yogurt

Pumpkin Herbal Tea

Pumpkin Seed Brittle

Pumpkin Flavored Dog Treats

...and at least a couple of dozen others.

I'm thinking I may have to stay out of TJ's until after the pumpkin-mania ends.

Yep, pitched mine out yestday, too much pumkin news!

Yeah, they moved the frozen breakfast items to accommodate "pumpkin stuff" in the Millburn store.


You'll have to replace the asterisks...worth it though

I've only had pumpkin spice in two things, pumpkin pie and baked acorn squash.

I never got the pumpkin spice craze, or the pumpkin craze. I love autumn (I love all the seasons actually) but having it jammed down my throat this way just cheapens it.

deborahg said:
You'll have to replace the asterisks...worth it though

Beware the "gourd" of Damocles......

This may not be pumpkin spice scented, but it still shows how insane marketing, and consumers, have become.

What does Fall Frolic smell like anyway?

And on a side note, your cat doesn't want Fall Frolic scented litter. They don't want any scent for that matter

We weren't brought up with the Halloween traditions, even though there's an argument it's an old Mother England custom rather than a US one. Since the advent of US tv and film dominance over British tv, however, slowly it's become an urbanly-adopted street holiday. In other words, especially over the last 20years, we've gone from watching depictions of dressing-up and knocking on neighbours' doors, to enduring random 'sprite' attacks including in areas with no children... It's quite alarming.

I mention this because even here the marketing folks have inundated us. We don't decorate our homes inside let alone outside for Halloween, yet we are a nation of pumpkin eaters. I can't describe to you the horror of barrows of gigantic best-fleshed pumpkins, jauntily tagged 'carve your own!' in supermarkets mainly populated by frail older shoppers. And already filled with Christmas music.

Yes, Christmas music.

annielou said:
Pumpkin latte?

I've been known to put a splash of Kahlua in my coffee on occasion. If I'm feeling really frisky I might order a mocha caramel latte. But that is about it for me in terms of adulterating my coffee

Someone has an amazing sense of humor at this garage:


annielou said:
Pumpkin latte?

...will never cross my lips

(Although I like both pumpkin pie and flavored coffees)

There are even pumpkin-spice Oreos! The abomination!!!!! tongue rolleye

Flavored coffee should be illegal

I admit to buying pumpkin spice Siggisyogurt today.

Um, I like pumpkin, and pumpkin spice. Should I go into hiding until the holidays are over?

google "white girls pumpkin spice". I find it hilarious. The wife not so much.

Jimmurphy, no, Trader Joe's cornered the market on all things pumpkin (lol). I thought their circular was pretty over-the-top in the pumpkin department, too.

Though I will admit I look forward to the Tastykake pumpkin pies when they are available for a limited time this time of year.

jimmurphy said:

I decided to try the TJs "Pumpkin waffles". I was disappointed that they seem flavored with the nutmeg/allspice, etc flavors, and not actually a pumpkin flavor.

If you look in the mirror and say "pumpkin spice" three times a white girl will appear and tellyou all her favorite things about fall.


I like TJ's pumpkin toaster pastries, although I try to neaver eat toaster pastries.

Must admit, I bought these and it lasted a less than 2 days. oh oh

Best thing about pumpkin spice everything is that it only lasts a month. Wait until October 25. That's when cinnamon everything season starts and that doesn't end until we hit 55 degrees again.

My dog eats those tj pumpkin flavored biscuits like they're going out of style. We're on the second box. Oh wait. She'll eat anything.

About every craft brewer has a pumpkin beer out these days. I wonder if TJs has it in the stores where they sell beer and wine.

Seems like a horrible thing to do to good beer.

I have never liked pumpkin in any form.

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