third world weather reporting

Weather Underground's "Northwest Maplewood" (KNJMAPLE5) weather station reported it was almost 96 degrees (in the shade) today (95F at 1:08 PM). A full 12 degrees hotter than the Tmax today at any nearby weather station - Millburn/SO/Union/WO. Northwest Maplewood is regularly a regional hot spot, according to Weather Underground. Only when sunny conditions prevail.

Thanks for the third world weather report, dickf3, now it's over to flubbernuts55 for the third world sports report brought to you by Dysentery: "Dysentery, it's totally preventable and you really don't want it". What's the big news in the east-by-north-eastern East Orange East conference, flubbs?

Weather undergroud's weather stations are run by unsupervised untrained public volunteers, so quality may vary.    

This is to differentiate them from very lightly trained unsupervised volunteers like me who know enough not to put the sensor in the sun. Eastern Maplewood high yesterday was 79.

Drove through Maplewood yesterday on my way to Target and the gauge in my truck said it was 78 so everyone else is wrong. 

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