The McRib is returning

Well, apparently the elusive sandwich is returning to McDonald's for a limited time starting Monday.

I don't think I've had one for at least 15 years, but I know it's become something of a sensation when it makes an appearance. I may have to sneak one into my diet next week, although I'll probably regret it shortly thereafter.

This is great:

And a map:

Not sure how accurate the map is - doesn't look like the McD's closest to us have it yet.

" And on the third day God created the McRib sandwich and nothing else mattered"

What do you think the actual meat content of the "pork patty" is? 80%?

Too bad hankzona is no longer a regular, we could have a discussion about wine pairings. 

According to, the perfect wine pairing for a McRib is a nice Barolo.

grease + salt :: wine pairing = champagne

While I love a Big Mac now and again, and the Egg McMuffin is a work of genius, the McRib is a truly vile concoction.

I've always passed on McRibs. Always will. My favorite item on Northfield Ave., however, is this genius (cheapo) reconstruction of a Big Mac...


soda said:

I've always passed on McRibs. Always will. My favorite item on Northfield Ave., however, is this genius (cheapo) reconstruction of a Big Mac...


 hmmm - clever diner working the system! kudos!

eta: plus it looks like it's more manageable to eat. the Big Mac can get unwieldy.

mrincredible said:

What do you think the actual meat content of the "pork patty" is?

> scrapple

< Taylor ham

The pickles and onions make it. Give me McRib sauce on a shoe with pickles and onions and I’ll eat it.

Hm. Taylor ham with onions and pickles and McRib sauce...

DaveSchmidt said:

> scrapple

< Taylor ham

The pickles and onions make it. Give me McRib sauce on a shoe with pickles and onions and I’ll eat it.

sounds like you should just order the McRib, hold the rib.

That's how I feel about a sausage and pepper sandwich.  Every time I go to the shore, I am drawn by the smell of the sausage and pepper sandwiches.  And when I order them, I'm disappointed.  I really just want the onions and the peppers on a really good roll.

And regarding the McRib, I'm pretty sure I've never eaten one.  The notion of a "pork patty" is just off-putting.  And I'm not a food snob.  Every so often I'll have a Big Mac or a Quarter Pounder, and when I'm traveling, if there's a McD's in the airport, it's a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit for breakfast.  I love diners and dives, and even White Castle.  But a McRib?  No thanks, the idea gives me the willies.

mrincredible said:

Hm. Taylor ham with onions and pickles and McRib sauce...


ml1 said:

sounds like you should just order the McRib, hold the rib.

It needs something chewy. Either a “pork patty” or the tongue of a size 6 Oxford will do.

I worked at McDonald's for a few months when I was 17, during which the McRib was first introduced. It was a freaking sensation. And I can say, having handled the underlying "meat," that I had no idea from what it was/is made. We had great laughs, though, even back then, at how it was molded to look like rib bones jutting out.

DaveSchmidt said:

It needs something chewy. Either a “pork patty” or the tongue of a size 6 Oxford will do.

 or scrapple 

Trust me on this. Scrapple is not chewy.

I just made scrapple for the first time this week, and I was surprised that my carefully cut slices just disintegrated into a hash-like substance when I cooked it. And definitely not chewy.

I agree about the peppers and onions though. The sausages are almost always a disappointment.

drummerboy said:

I just made scrapple for the first time this week, and I was surprised that my carefully cut slices just disintegrated into a hash-like substance when I cooked it.

I cut the slices between a quarter-inch and a half-inch thick and fry them on a griddle or in a pan till the bottom is deep brown and crisp, so that flipping them is easy. Then I fry the other side crisp. 

Diners I’ve been to tend to slice scrapple thicker and brown it less than I do, for a mushier texture but still intact. I enjoy it that way, too, for a change of pace.

mrincredible said:

Hm. Taylor ham with onions and pickles and McRib sauce...

 I'm thinking taylor ham with peppers and onions

When the onions are nice and crisp, and the Taylor ham is nice and lean. They're so perky. I love that.

Mr. Incredible with the food porn! ;-)

Now pity me because I hate that abomination. 

Was that all out of your medicine chest?

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