The Democratic debate #3 discussion (Without videos)

This thread is solely for our personal opinions pertaining to tonight's debate - any thread with a video will be removed.

Feel free to post your personal thoughts prior to the debate or respond live here during the debate.  Afterwards we will allow video outtakes (From the debate) once it is over.

When is the debate? Thursday from 8-11 p.m. ET

What channel is it on? ABC and Univision (with Spanish translation)

Who are the moderators? ABC's George Stephanopoulos, David Muir, Linsey Davis and Univision's Jorge Ramos

Who's on the stage? 

Joe Biden -

Cory Booker -

Pete Buttigieg -

Julián Castro -

Kamala Harris -

Amy Klobuchar -

Beto O'Rourke -

Bernie Sanders -

Elizabeth Warren -

Andrew Yang -

One thing to watch - from his  campaign manager - Yang will be doing "something no presidential candidate has ever done before in history.”

Any guesses?

I'm looking forward to Gabbard's debate performance.

I will not be near a TV. So I am relying on this thread to tell me how it went.

I am very grateful to be attending book group meeting tonight. 

I'm really seeing very little value in the debates this time around (anybody else feeling that way?).  I really prefer longish interviews (talking about you, NPR) by people with valuable questions.  imo the debates (what I've read about them) seem to have deteriorated into sound bites and gotchas, possibly because of the format with so many onstage, also the general gutterization of discourse, as modeled by current president.

edited to add:  But yeah, no doubt i will read this thread at some point.

edited again: Cross-posted in the other debate thread (sue me  grin).

I agree - overall, these debates may throw a punch here and there, other then that only people who follow politics will be watching - 95% of the country won't care.

Drinking Game Ideas

Here are some ideas you could include in a drinking game during the Democratic debates.

  • Take a shot the first time someone says “Trump” and then take sips after that. He will likely come up a lot, so don’t take shots after the first mention or you’ll be passed out within 15 minutes.
  • Take a shot if someone takes a jab at another candidate who isn’t here tonight.
  • Take a sip any time someone talks about Russia or Mueller.
  • Take a sip if someone is cut off by a moderator or if a candidate interrupts another candidate.
  • Take a shot if it looks like someone’s mic is turned off. Take two shots if Andrew Yang’s mic is turned off.
  • Take a shot if someone talks in Spanish.
  • Take a shot if someone talks about Hillary Clinton.
  • Take a sip if anyone finds a way to plug their campaign website during the debate.

For specific candidates:

  • Take a sip when Andrew Yang talks about UBI, $1,000, or automation.
  • Take a shot if Andrew Yang talks about crowd surfing.
  • Take a sip if Biden steps away from his podium and leans close to another candidate. Take a shot if he actually touches another candidate.
  • Take a sip if Biden talks about Obama.
  • Take a shot if Biden and Harris get in another argument.
  • Take a sip if Harris talks about being a prosecutor.
  • Take a sip if Bernie Sanders talks about traveling to Canada to buy insulin.
  • Take a sip if Bernie Sanders talks about a “radical” idea (and uses the word “radical.”)
  • Take a sip if O’Rourke is asked about his past, including his DUI or being in a band.
  • Take a sip if Buttigieg talks about being in the military.
  • Take a sip if Warren says “I have a plan.”
  • Take a shot if Warren and Sanders hug.
  • Take a sip if Klobuchar talks about fundraising.
  • Take a shot if Buttigieg talks about Mike Pence.
  • Take a sip if Julian Castro talks about his twin brother.
  • Take a sip if Cory Booker talks about being vegan.
  • Take a sip if Biden misspeaks.

Here's a debate bingo card:

jamie said:

One thing to watch - from his  campaign manager - Yang will be doing "something no presidential candidate has ever done before in history.”

Any guesses?

 I actually thought he was going to bow out but Stephanie Ruhle on MSNBC said she heard it had something to do with a gold chain.

I don't know. For me he seems to be turning into either a motivational speaker or a game show host. Feeling too, dare I say, reality show,

Looking forward to whatever Yang has to say. 

Who will be yelling the loudest?  Warren or Sanders?

jamie said:

Who will be yelling the loudest?  Warren or Sanders?

 They’re not yelling, they are just speaking up so Biden can hear them.  It’s looks bad for the Party if he nods off in the middle of the debate. They have to try to keep him involved. 

ok - 10 families get $1,000 per month for a year from Yang - guess it's safe to say he has their vote - wonder how they were chosen.

Kamala's message to Trump was well said.

thanks to Warren for acknowledging Obamacare.

Warren can't admit private insurance will be eliminated - why? 

jamie said:

Warren can't admit private insurance will be eliminated - why? 

 She did a poor job answering how it will be paid for as she didn't directly use the term taxes. Biden's doing a more convincing job He's making Warren and Sanders look unrealistic.

eeeeesh Bernie is in extreme angry mode.  Can someone get him some water?

Klobuchar sounded convincing as well. Now Buttigieg is adding to it.  Makes me think of the old phrase voodoo economics. Maybe voodoo health care.

Kamala is going after Trump again - smart move.  

But Kamala is dodging the health care question. 

According to your drinking game this could be Cory's chance to say health care costs will go down when we all adopt a vegan diet!

Bernie is a disaster.   Angry, mansplaining boob.

jamie said:

Kamala is going after Trump again - smart move.  

 I find her so smug and annoying.

Castro trying to take down Biden to be relevant.  

What just happened. I missed something.

jamie said:

Castro trying to take down Biden to be relevant.  

 What did he say exactly? I can’t rewind

Castro is a dick.  Just lost my respect.

jamie said:

Castro trying to take down Biden to be relevant.  

 Did it in a nasty way. Very disappointing. Better response from Cory.

conandrob240 said:

 What did he say exactly? I can’t rewind

 Tried to insinuate that Biden contradicted himself but in a way that kept asking if Biden was being forgetful.

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