Suggestions for post funeral repast in Long Branch

My sister-in-law passed away yesterday and BIL is having a hard time focusing. Thought we could make arrangements for the repast for him - but don't really know the area.

No clue about your practical question, soorlady, but condolences, and just to note how very fortunate your whole family is to have your care.

There is a McLoons Pier House on Ocean Ave. View of the Ocean is wonderful and food gets good reviews.

Keep in mind it is a very pricey place

My condolences.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

I lived in Northeast Monmouth county for 10 years before moving to South Orange in 2008. My go-to place in Long Branch has always been Rooney's

I know they host private events. You can see that on their web site.

The Molly Pitcher Inn in Red Bank does these sort of lunches regularly. I have gone to a few there it seems. Its about five miles from Long Branch. Very sorry for your loss.

I was just at a conference at the oyster point hotel. I believe it's the sister hotel to the Molly pitcher inn. It was very nice and they had many rooms that could be used for your repast and they have lovely views on the river. Sorry for your loss

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