Undecided Voter

Frank Lutz held one of his "focus groups" during the Debate with a bunch of voters who claim to be undecided. At the end they said they were angry and annoyed by the Debate and particularly by Trump but they were still "undecided". This morning on MSNBC Lutz said he didn't necessarily believe that all of them were undecided. (He also said that after he had a stroke some months ago the firts politician to reach out to him was Joe Biden).

Now I understand that the next debate will be a Town Hall with "undecided" voters.

How can anyone who has paid any attention at all still be undecided? Are they completely uninformed? Are they just very stupid? Are they lying?

If they are just completely uninterested in Politics why would they join a focus group or attend a debate and ask questions. 

It would be like me participating in a conversation about which team should win the Super Bowl, or which Opera Singer is the best.

This gentleman probably speaks for you, and for most of us I think.  

nohero said:

This gentleman probably speaks for you, and for most of us I think.  

The other thing I cannot stand are Trump enablers (like our own mtierney) complaining about the tone of the debate, as if this is somehow equally Biden's fault. Guess what guys, you enabled this man, so you own the monster that you created now. And by the way, if there is going to be violence around polling places or elsewhere election related: you own that too, it is you who will have that blood on your hands.

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