Trump's health care & immigration plan to be signed by August 2nd - I mean health care plan by end of August!

The actual verbiage calls for 2 weeks at the latest- so it can be any day now.  This will be a handy countdown thread until we get this signed, it's very exciting.  (Plus an immigration plan!)

TRUMP: Well, we haven’t had. Excuse me. You heard me yesterday.  We’re signing a health care plan within two weeks, a full and complete health care plan that the Supreme Court decision on DACA gave me the right to do. So we’re going to solve — we’re going to sign an immigration plan, a health care plan, and various other plans. And nobody will have done what I’m doing in the next four weeks. The Supreme Court gave the President of the United States powers that nobody  thought the President had, by approving, by doing what they did — their decision on DACA. And DACA’s going to be taken care of also. But we’re getting rid of it because we’re going to replace it with something much better. What we got rid of already, which was most of Obamacare, the individual mandate. And that I’ve already won on. And we won also on the Supreme Court. But the decision by the Supreme Court on DACA allows me to do things on  immigration, on health care, on other things that we’ve never done before. And you’re going to find it to be a very exciting two weeks.

G-d help us.  Seriously.

jamie said:

The actual verbiage calls for 2 weeks at the latest- so it can be any day now.  This will be a handy countdown thread until we get this signed, it's very exciting.  (Plus an immigration plan!)

TRUMP: Well, we haven’t had. Excuse me. You heard me yesterday.  We’re signing a health care plan within two weeks, a full and complete health care plan that the Supreme Court decision on DACA gave me the right to do. So we’re going to solve — we’re going to sign an immigration plan, a health care plan, and various other plans. And nobody will have done what I’m doing in the next four weeks. The Supreme Court gave the President of the United States powers that nobody  thought the President had, by approving, by doing what they did — their decision on DACA. And DACA’s going to be taken care of also. But we’re getting rid of it because we’re going to replace it with something much better. What we got rid of already, which was most of Obamacare, the individual mandate. And that I’ve already won on. And we won also on the Supreme Court. But the decision by the Supreme Court on DACA allows me to do things on  immigration, on health care, on other things that we’ve never done before. And you’re going to find it to be a very exciting two weeks.

When was this?

jamie said:

basil said:

When was this?

 It was part of the Wallace interview.

Wow. I think he is just so used to lying, that he cannot not lie. Even when it serves no purpose, or nobody is paying attention.

John Yoo has done so much damage to this country.

It's a weird interpretation of the Supreme Court's decision. The Trump Administration, as I understand, issued an Order that did away with Obama's DACA Order. The Court side-stepped the issue of whether Obama's Order was Constitutional by saying the Trump Order was not adopted properly.

The argument is that if Obama had the right to enact DACA without an Act of Congress then Trump can enact whatever he wants. It misses a number of points, mainly that what Obama actually  did was to suspend enforcement of certain laws which the Executive has the power to do.

I guess Herbert Hoover could have said he was not going to have Federal Agents spend any time or money enforcing Prohibition. Trump could say that he was not going to have the Government spend any time or money enforcing certain gun control laws.

Bu the major flaw is in the fact that the DACA decision was 5-4 and CJ Roberts is, to be charitable, flexible, which means that any Federal District Court could issue an immediate stay of anything Trump tried to do.

Should be released in the next 5 days!!!!


ok, health plan will come out this month and the immigration plan with come out next month.  

Does anyone know who is writing the health plan?

(And everything will be incredible next year)

jamie said:

ok, health plan will come out this month and the immigration plan with come out next month.  

Does anyone know who is writing the health plan?

(And everything will be incredible next year)

Only if we keep the House, and win the WH and the Senate. And then we can start building this country back up. Please vote, donate, volunteer, ...

And if you are lazy like me, at least drop some money:

On June 12, 2019

"If we win back the House, we're going to produce phenomenal health care. And we already have the concept of the plan, but it'll be less expensive than Obamacare by a lot."

The president has long promised to cut health care costs and cover more Americans, while still preserving core Obamacare expansions like guaranteeing coverage for those with pre-existing conditions.

When Trump was pressed for more details about his new health care plan, Trump said his administration would be announcing changes “in about two months. Maybe less.

If you go to his website's health care reform page from 2016, it's got a Biden joke on it.

That is literally his position on health care reform right there.

ridski said:

If you go to his website's health care reform page from 2016, it's got a Biden joke on it.

That is literally his position on health care reform right there.

Another sad Trump tactic.  Fortunately, his tactics have been falling flat.  

Trump said he'd have his health care plan in place by the end of the month - I guess he'll be telling us about it today? 

jamie said:

Trump said he'd have his health care plan in place by the end of the month - I guess he'll be telling us about it today? 

 I hear Mexico is going to pay for it

Has anyone heard anything - perhaps a new delivery date?  I'm guessing details will be released sometime after November 3rd.

Does anyone know who the key people are in developing the Trump Health Care plan?

jamie said:

Has anyone heard anything - perhaps a new delivery date?  I'm guessing details will be released sometime after November 3rd.

Does anyone know who the key people are in developing the Trump Health Care plan?

Many people say that the health plan will be unveiled a week after he releases his tax returns

I am happy for every day and week that passes without a "health plan" from this person.  Can you imagine?

mjc said:

I am happy for every day and week that passes without a "health plan" from this person.  Can you imagine?

 A fried chicken in every bucket!

Any updates?  I'm sure they're putting the finishing touches on it so that it will be the greatest healthcare plan in the history of mankind.

Funny - I wrote the last few words as a joke - then I found this:

The "World's Greatest Healthcare Plan of 2017", is the title[1] for a United States of America legislative bill proposed on March 7, 2017, by Republican Party legislator Pete Sessions to repeal and replace the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("ACA" or "Obamacare"). The bill's current format removes the ACA's individual mandate, which taxed individuals without health insurance. Moreover, it maintains some aspects of the ACA including ensuring insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions, allowing children to stay on their parents' health care until they are 26 years old, and banning the use of lifetime spending limits by insurance companies.[2] This is not to be confused with the American Health Care Act, which was the bill backed by President Trump and most Republicans.[3]

Let's be honest, because the President apparently cannot. There is no Trump health care plan. And even if they try to desperately patch something together before the election, something both the President and his chief of staff Mark Meadows alluded to this week ("It's more of an executive action with a legislative component that is more visionary," Meadows said), it will have all the weight of a campaign bumper sticker. Several of Trump's top health care officials testified to a Senate Appropriations subcommittee Wednesday that they were unaware of any plan.

And connected to the other thread talking about FB - this is exactly where the algorithm division happens.  All republicans will see on their feed is McEnany handing a huge health care book to Leslie.  All democrats will focus on the contents.

This is the social media conundrum in one picture!  We're doomed.  

(Hopefully more people will see the benefit of our platform down the road.)

I would say a lot of democrats will only see the one picture that makes it look like the book is blank.

And based on the contents from what it sounds like - it may as well be blank.

Unless the quote from 60 minutes is misrepresenting the contents:

"filled with executive orders and congressional initiatives, but no comprehensive healthcare plan."

Which would be another divisive talking point for each side.  The only solution here would be for the WH to fully release what was handed to Leslie, and I'm guessing this will never happen.

leaving all that aside for a moment, when it was Obamacare, it was ridiculed endlessly in the right wingosphere because of its length (over 2,000 pages!).

Now when it's Trump, its seriousness is conveyed by its sheer heft.

These people are so transparent it's absurd.

jamie said:

And based on the contents from what it sounds like - it may as well be blank.

Unless the quote from 60 minutes is misrepresenting the contents:

"filled with executive orders and congressional initiatives, but no comprehensive healthcare plan."

Which would be another divisive talking point for each side.  The only solution here would be for the WH to fully release what was handed to Leslie, and I'm guessing this will never happen.

 Since it was transmitted directly, what prevents 60 minutes from releasing it?

May take some time to scan it all.  Too bad Trump couldn't send a PDF instead of printing up a trees worth of paper.

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