Trump calling on Barr to indict Biden, Clinton and Obama

I just listened to some of his delusional ranting on Hannity call-in from last night including saying that Biden wants to tear down buildings and build new ones with "tiny little windows", -Also that California will need to ration water because it sends millions of gallons of water into the Pacific to save "tiny little fish that don't due well without water" (all while having to pause and clear his throat).

As I read remarked elsewhere, -"Everyday is a new frontier of crazy." 

How long before this man is holed up Howard Hughes style?

steel said:

California will need to ration water because it sends millions of gallons of water into the Pacific to save "tiny little fish that don't due well without water" .

 Are you certain that Californians aren't sending out million gallons of water to the ocean to save tiny little fish?   cool cheese  ohh

steel said:

I just listened to some of his delusional ranting on Hannity call-in from last night including saying that Biden wants to tear down buildings and build new ones with "tiny little windows", -

 Thank you.  I read a reference to "tiny windows" in a comment about whether Biden should take a position on "court packing", and didn't know what the reference was.

Clearly, I either have to increase my consumption of crazy or resign myself to being out of some loops.

On the fish question, yes, there is an agreement as to how much Sacramento Delta water goes to municipalities, to agriculture and out to San Francisco Bay and the Pacific. It's based upon the percentage of the flow which in droughts is obviously reduced.  

ok, here's more info on it:

How Trump frames things is fascinating.  

steel said:

I just listened to some of his delusional ranting on Hannity call-in from last night including saying that Biden wants to tear down buildings and build new ones with "tiny little windows"

Already been there under Nixon, when campus buildings were designed to prevent rioting students from throwing furniture out windows or breaking in through them en masse.

So you're are actually discussing this.

jimmurphy said:

On the fish question, yes, there is an agreement as to how much Sacramento Delta water goes to municipalities, to agriculture and out to San Francisco Bay and the Pacific. It's based upon the percentage of the flow which in droughts is obviously reduced.  

 To be clear, the percentage of water that goes to municipalities is tiny compared to the amount that goes to agriculture on land that would otherwise be unusable and which eventually becomes so contaminated with heavy metals that it has to be abandoned entirely.

This is all projection. He realizes that as soon as he leaves the WH, there is a decent chance he will go to jail

Preparing his insanity defense...

Isn't this dangerous? You have a President who is on drugs and is facing defeat and he hates losing above all else. 

What if he launches a War?

STANV said:

Isn't this dangerous? You have a President who is on drugs and is facing defeat and he hates losing above all else. 

What if he launches a War?

Everyday more and more fascist talk.  I said it in 2016 Trump is a fascist and nothing he’s done in 4 years has proven me wrong

hoops said:

Everyday more and more fascist talk.  I said it in 2016 Trump is a fascist and nothing he’s done in 4 years has proven me wrong

 I may have said the same thing and I was attacked for it and, as I remember, called delusional. 

Trump does not believe in Democracy or the Constitution or the Rule of Law. If allowed to he would destroy those pillars of our society and create a family dynasty similar to his BFF in North Korea. 

If Trump wants them indicted, he should hire them to work in his administration.  

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