Trump banned from Twitter permanently

Apple also considering removing Parler app, which his hoard seems to be migrating to.

dave said:

Apple also considering removing Parler app, which his hoard seems to be migrating to.


Can't wait for the flood of MAGA victimhood tears. 

ml1 said:

Can't wait for the flood of MAGA victimhood tears. 


Theres no such thing as cancel culture.  Theres no such thing as cancel culture.  Theres no such thing as cancel culture...

terp said:

Theres no such thing as cancel culture.  Theres no such thing as cancel culture.  Theres no such thing as cancel culture...

 first correct thing you've said in a long time.

terp said:

Theres no such thing as cancel culture.  Theres no such thing as cancel culture.  Theres no such thing as cancel culture...

so you're on the record as in favor of inciting to riot?

those folks who died in DC yesterday thank you.

terp said:

Theres no such thing as cancel culture.  Theres no such thing as cancel culture.  Theres no such thing as cancel culture...

Isn't this just merely the free market at work?  If Twitter, Google, Apple, etc., want to deny people the right to play in their respective sandboxes, why shouldn't they be allowed to do so.  I'm sure that another entity will come right in and scoop up those profits.  Isn't that what you say you want?

Steve said:

terp said:

Theres no such thing as cancel culture.  Theres no such thing as cancel culture.  Theres no such thing as cancel culture...

Isn't this just merely the free market at work?  If Twitter, Google, Apple, etc., want to deny people the right to play in their respective sandboxes, why shouldn't they be allowed to do so.  I'm sure that another entity will come right in and scoop up those profits.  Isn't that what you say you want?

no, that can't be right. That would mean terp is being inconsistent with his libertarian/free market world view.

And we know that can't happen.


Do you think Josh Hawley is being cancelled too, since his publisher put the kibosh on his crappy book?

He certainly thinks so. But then, he's an a$$.

ml1 said:

terp said:

Theres no such thing as cancel culture.  Theres no such thing as cancel culture.  Theres no such thing as cancel culture...

so you're on the record as in favor of inciting to riot?

those folks who died in DC yesterday thank you.

 What are you 12?

Steve said:

terp said:

Theres no such thing as cancel culture.  Theres no such thing as cancel culture.  Theres no such thing as cancel culture...

Isn't this just merely the free market at work?  If Twitter, Google, Apple, etc., want to deny people the right to play in their respective sandboxes, why shouldn't they be allowed to do so.  I'm sure that another entity will come right in and scoop up those profits.  Isn't that what you say you want?

 It's not really.  These large tech companies have deep ties with the state and specifically its security apparatus. 

Want a side of Freedom Fries with that cancel culture burger? How about some Heinz ketchup to go along with them, and a nice glass of French wine? 

My scorecard shows Republicans inventing cancel culture in 2002. 

drummerboy said:


Do you think Josh Hawley is being cancelled too, since his publisher put the kibosh on his crappy book?

He certainly thinks so. But then, he's an a$$.

 No.  A publisher deciding that they don't want to publish someone's book is different than silencing people.   Trump is not the first.  People are banned all the time.  I've seen hundreds of posts today of accounts losing thousands of followers each.

And these things are often coordinated.  Google and apple are removing Parler from their app stores. 

Even the ACLU agrees that this is wrong...

mrincredible said:

Want a side of Freedom Fries with that cancel culture burger? How about some Heinz ketchup to go along with them, and a nice glass of French wine? 

My scorecard shows Republicans inventing cancel culture in 2002. 

 This is not an instinct of the right or of the left.  This is an authoritarian instinct.

mrincredible said:

Want a side of Freedom Fries with that cancel culture burger? How about some Heinz ketchup to go along with them, and a nice glass of French wine? 

My scorecard shows Republicans inventing cancel culture in 2002. 

 BTW:  I love the posts on the other thread protesting that I said the group here is tribal. 

If it makes anyone feel better, I did LOL at this.

Sample post from Parler

terp said:

 What are you 12?

Your comments from the last few days aren't going to age well. 

Free speech fetishism is not a good thing.

terp said:

 It's not really.  These large tech companies have deep ties with the state and specifically its security apparatus. 

Please.  First, who needs spies when people freely share all of their information?  I mean, one guy even wore his work ID badge to the insurrection.  

Second, you realized that Twitter shut down his account after he tweeted to his minions that they should have at it again at Biden’s inauguration as he won’t be there.  He essentially told them it was okay to try to assassinate the next POTUS.  

And on the point of new platforms.  I do think that's where this ultimately goes.  But is that really what we want?  We want even more separate tribal echo chambers?

Steve said:

terp said:

 It's not really.  These large tech companies have deep ties with the state and specifically its security apparatus. 

Please.  First, who needs spies when people freely share all of their information?  I mean, one guy even wore his work ID badge to the insurrection.  

Second, you realized that Twitter shut down his account after he tweeted to his minions that they should have at it again at Biden’s inauguration as he won’t be there.  He essentially told them it was okay to try to assassinate the next POTUS.  

 People also read on these platforms.

No ****.  But the GOP, led by the POTUS with FoxNews and the other right-wing echo chambers have done so much more damage through disinformation campaigns then the government ever did. Government disinformation campaigns ultimately get revealed and acknowledged; those idiots still believe that there was fraud, etc. 

Steve said:

No ****.  But the GOP, led by the POTUS with FoxNews and the other right-wing echo chambers have done so much more damage through disinformation campaigns then the government ever did. Government disinformation campaigns ultimately get revealed and acknowledged; those idiots still believe that there was fraud, etc. 

 This ^^^^^

Steve said:

No ****.  But the GOP, led by the POTUS with FoxNews and the other right-wing echo chambers have done so much more damage through disinformation campaigns then the government ever did. Government disinformation campaigns ultimately get revealed and acknowledged; those idiots still believe that there was fraud, etc. 

 You don't think there was any fraud?  Zero? No irregularities?

You didn't buy into the Russia nonsense?

BTW: I can't find reference to Trump directing his minions to have at it at the inauguration.  Do you have a source for that?

drummerboy said:

Free speech fetishism is not a good thing.


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