The South Carolina Debate thread

In case anyone cares to comment. grin

Go Liz! Just thought I'd get the ball rolling.

Will anyone mention the 2000 point nosedive in the market?

Liz goes after Bernie - falling a bit flat though

ugh - why is Steyer still around.

The Brady Bill, Joe has been coached. 

And Bernie ignored it and goes after Pete.

Liz and Amy are going to have to interrupt or they are going to get swept away

The crowd is cheering for Joe.

Amy has not had one question and it is 15 minutes in.

I think Pete has a future in theater.

I'd say that the guy on Bloomberg's staff who coached him to open with that Putin line should be fired, but I doubt Bloomberg listens to his staff. He probably came up with it himself and thought it was clever.  

No one has tried to take down Bloomberg as hard as Warren.

Ouch, Liz did her homework. 

Bloomberg's response is pretty good.

Liz is wasting time going after Bloomberg and I don't think this is working.

Why go after Bloomberg when Bernie and Joe are the hot tickets in SC with Steyer behind them. 

Debate is a bit out of control - not sure if the moderators will be able to reel them in.  But I think they need to fight it out.

Morganna said:

Why go after Bloomberg when Bernie and Joe are the hot tickets in SC with Steyer behind them. 

 I think Warren feels the way that I do, which is that Bloomberg is by far the worst candidate on the stage. If she doesn't win, anyone on the stage other than Bloomberg would be the next best choice. 

To quote Joe, "here's the deaL" Go Joe. 

Hey, where's @Klinker?

I'm watching on a delay. Did some numbnut just ask Biden about his poll position?

god, we're in such trouble.

They might as well just ask: How come you're running if you're losing?

these questions are so bad...

What can anyone say that we didn't hear/know beforehand?

How about this question: "Do you think with the spread of the Coronavirus, Trump will simply cancel the elections, calling it a public health risk?

Just a look "through a glass darkly."

sheesh - Liz is after Bloomie's gonads. She's being brutal.

Pete clearly gaining on Sanders in Sanders' internal polling.

Bernie booed with stupid remark against guy who helped Dems take control of the House.

Steyer trampled a bit.  Someone got into deep research on the guy.

Biden had one breakthrough answer, but it's about something I've already forgot.

Getting ready for Bernie to take another paddlin' on gun control.

The Equal Rights Amendment will close the boyfriend loophole. Of course Mitch has to let it come to the floor.

I'm really tired about hearing Amy's winning record in Republican area.

Yes term limits, but how do you get that through Congress?

I like the way Steyer always goes meta. He's a moron otherwise though.

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