The NEW Biden VP discussion thread

Here's the latest from StanV

From today's Political Playbook.

JOE BIDEN’S V.P. SELECTION COMMITTEE: former Sen. CHRIS DODD, L.A. Mayor ERIC GARCETTI, Rep. LISA BLUNT ROCHESTER of Delaware and former Biden counsel CYNTHIA HOGAN. BOB BAUER, LISA MONACO and DANA REMUS will also work on the vetting. At a fundraiser Wednesday, BIDEN said he hopes to be done with vetting by July, per WSJ’s KEN THOMAS.

Joe Biden.  I just love that guy! rolleyes

Klinker said:

Joe Biden.  I just love that guy!

 Yes - so does america- it was a pretty decisive win - but let's stay on topic please.  VP Pick!

jamie said:

Here's a VP selection committee article:

 So how come none of us are mentioned?

is there really a NEW Biden?  That's hopeful news.

STANV said:

Why does the VP pick have to be a politician.

 I'm afraid to go down that road. Last election someone said, "Why does the Presidential nominee have to be a politician?"

Polls are constructed for Presidential candidates, I'd be interested in a poll for VP pick. I get such requests on email or FB but as badly as I want to be the kid in the class with their hand up, frantically waiting to be called on,  those polls all end with a request for a donation and I've hit my quota. 

But I would ante up for a spot at a huge demo to support Warren.  Maybe an organized mail in to the DNC or Biden headquarters.

I have convinced myself that I'm a team player, as one by one of my favorite Presidential candidates have been eliminated, but I'm sensing that I am going to be pretty petulant if I don't get any of my VP picks. 

Morganna said:

 I'm afraid to go down that road. Last election someone said, "Why does the Presidential nominee have to be a politician?"

 Maybe we should caveat it with ", as long as they are a decent human being."

ml1 said:

is there really a NEW Biden?  That's hopeful news.

 oh oh

why are there two threads about such an unimportant topic?

drummerboy said:

why are there two threads about such an unimportant topic?

 Because the first one has become a one-person, anti-Biden screed. It should now be sunk, and the specific individual denied the right to hijack this one.

Dennis_Seelbach said:

 Because the first one has become a one-person, anti-Biden screed. It should now be sunk, and the specific individual denied the right to hijack this one.

 Dude, I have no intention of raining on this little love fest.

@Klinker, saw this and thought of you.

Morganna said:

@Klinker, saw this and thought of you.


Klinker said:

 Dude, I have no intention of raining on this little love fest.

 It's not a love fest. I decided to make an "out of the box" suggestion.

Morganna weighed in supporting Warren. Since you are convinced that Biden is a loser perhaps you don't care who his running mate is. However suppose for whatever reason Biden stops being the nominee after the Convention and before Election Day. It would be natural for the VP nominee to take over.

Do you have a preference?

STANV said:

 It's not a love fest. I decided to make an "out of the box" suggestion.

Morganna weighed in supporting Warren. Since you are convinced that Biden is a loser perhaps you don't care who his running mate is. However suppose for whatever reason Biden stops being the nominee after the Convention and before Election Day. It would be natural for the VP nominee to take over.

Do you have a preference?

 At this point my strong preference is Elizabeth Warren.  Barring Warren, I think Kamala Harris might be a strong choice.  If Biden hadn't already limited the field to women, I would also include Andrew Yang on the list.  He's got the brains to balance Biden's cognitive deficit and, if anything, this economic collapse has clearly demonstrated that some sort of Universal Basic Income has to be part of our future as a nation.

Elizabeth Warren joining a playdate with Bernie's crowd.  In case anyone was wondering what VP pick might be accepted by them.  

Klinker said:

 At this point my strong preference is Elizabeth Warren.  Barring Warren, I think Kamala Harris might be a strong choice.  If Biden hadn't already limited the field to women, I would also include Andrew Yang on the list.  He's got the brains to balance Biden's cognitive deficit and, if anything, this economic collapse has clearly demonstrated that some sort of Universal Basic Income has to be part of our future as a nation.

 I would have thought that Harris was too "conservative" for you.

Not to confuse two threads but I think Tammy Duckworth would be a strong candidate.

STANV said:

 I would have thought that Harris was too "conservative" for you.

Not to confuse two threads but I think Tammy Duckworth would be a strong candidate.

Any of these women would be a great VP, and a great President too. I like Stacey Abrams, but I agree that Tammy Duckworth would be a fantastic pick too.

Klinker said:

 At this point my strong preference is Elizabeth Warren.  Barring Warren, I think Kamala Harris might be a strong choice.  If Biden hadn't already limited the field to women, I would also include Andrew Yang on the list.  He's got the brains to balance Biden's cognitive deficit and, if anything, this economic collapse has clearly demonstrated that some sort of Universal Basic Income has to be part of our future as a nation.

Harris?  I'm surprised by this.  I think Harris (or just about any former prosecutor) would be a stick in the eye of progressives being that criminal justice reform is such a major issue.  I really like Abrams notwithstanding that she is not that progressive.  I'm confident that she would put us on the right progressive path.

generally the Democratic Party leaders consider a stick in the eye of progressives to be a feature, not a bug.

ml1 said:

generally the Democratic Party leaders consider a stick in the eye of progressives to be a feature, not a bug.

Ah, those darned 'Democratic Party leaders". Are those the same people that conned 10+ million Democratic primary voters into voting for Biden?

basil said:

Ah, those darned 'Democratic Party leaders". Are those the same people that conned 10+ million Democratic primary voters into voting for Biden?

 you can be sarcastic, but when is the last time that the party had an apparent strategy of reaching out to the progressive wing of the party?  

Mtierney - this thread was specifically created to separate the Reade allegation with the purpose of the thread - as explained on the other VP thread - please only post VP related info - thanks in advance!  All info not related will be removed.

ml1 said:

 you can be sarcastic, but when is the last time that the party had an apparent strategy of reaching out to the progressive wing of the party?  

I don't know what "the party" is in this context. I do know that democratic primary voters determine candidates and platforms. Because of strong popular support, Bernie will push the Democratic platform to the left, but more people voted for moderate candidates, let's not forget that also.

ml1 said:

 you can be sarcastic, but when is the last time that the party had an apparent strategy of reaching out to the progressive wing of the party?  

 The 2016 platform would qualify.

Who constitute the Progressive Wing?

There are 95 House Members not counting a non-voting delegate. that is almost half the Dem Members.  

Honestly, I think all this talk of "the Democratic Party leaders" and "the party" doing all these sinister things borders on conspiracy theory. And I also know who stands to benefit from all that talk. That's my conspiracy theory.

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