The court question

Was wondering what people think of the media's increasing focus on getting Biden to answer the question about increasing the size of SCOTUS.

Personally I'm annoyed at them trying to gin up controversy where there is none. And I hope they stop soon.

The question is actually way too complicated to fit into a campaign soundbite. Biden is better served by explaining, when asked, how McConnell's main goal for the past 8 years has been to assert Republican control over the Federal courts.

Well he should respond that Trump has stacked the lower courts with more judges than Bush, more than Obama in Just 4 years. While everyone is focused on the SCOTUS, Trump has already won. How many cases will get to the Supreme Court? 

drummerboy said:

Was wondering what people think of the media's increasing focus on getting Biden to answer the question about increasing the size of SCOTUS.

Personally I'm annoyed at them trying to gin up controversy where there is none. And I hope they stop soon.

The question is actually way too complicated to fit into a campaign soundbite. Biden is better served by explaining, when asked, how McConnell's main goal for the past 8 years has been to assert Republican control over the Federal courts.

 there's also no reason to answer this question until the GOP jams through Barrett's confirmation.  Schumer's "all options are on the table" response is appropriate right now.  It's also asinine to hold Biden's feet to the fire on this when we all know that the chances of 51 Democratic senators having the spine to pass such a bill in 2021 are almost nil. Do we really think the likes of Joe Manchin are going to be on the side of the liberals on this issue?

With just days until the election, some Senate Republicans are suggesting that when it comes to the Supreme Court, eight is enough. Eight justices, that is. For the first time, some Senate Republicans are saying that if Hillary Clinton is elected, the GOP should prevent anyone she nominates from being confirmed to fill the current court vacancy, or any future vacancy.

It's bull caca, and Biden and Harris should just keep saying that.

Manchin has already said he's a no, but maybe they could beat some sense into him.

nohero said:

With just days until the election, some Senate Republicans are suggesting that when it comes to the Supreme Court, eight is enough. Eight justices, that is. For the first time, some Senate Republicans are saying that if Hillary Clinton is elected, the GOP should prevent anyone she nominates from being confirmed to fill the current court vacancy, or any future vacancy.

It's bull caca, and Biden and Harris should just keep saying that.

the thing is Biden/Harris and their spokespeople should be pushing this counter narrative constantly, and they're not.

Have you seen the recent clip of McConnell on Hannity's show?

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