The Bernie VS Biden Debate thread

As usual - no videos please.  Debate starts in 11 minutes.

Or you can watch "The Walking Dead", which is starting at the same time.  

Just thought I'd mention that.

I'm watching the pre-debate on CNN.  Nothing buy pro-Biden.  Total propaganda. 

Why are they making them stand?  

Do they have buzzers on those podiums to answer, or will they take turns?

Bernis is alive.  Biden is canned. 

If you had the "over" on Bernie mentioning M4A within the first five minutes, you lost. 

nan said:

Bernis is alive.  Biden is canned. 

 lol - umm ok

Biden is not acting senile at all - how is this possible?

They must have him drugged up with adderall.

Bernie's asked what should be done now, and he goes into his standard rhetorical questions on why don't we have better health care. 

He's on script, even if not answering the questions. 

Biden crushes Bernie's M4A with the Italy comparison.

The building's on fire, and Bernie wants to talk about why don't we have better construction standards. 

Bernie completely avoided the national quarantine question.

Can someone point out a Bernie response where he isn't angry?

Yay, Bernie.  He called out Biden's donors!!!!!  

I want them to answer the question, Where do we put the temporary hospitals and how do we get more equipment.

We need this done in the next few weeks.

3 minutes ago, Bernie claimed 60,000 folks died from lack of health insurance. Now he says it is 30,000. Did the system get that much better in 3 minutes, or is Bernie talking through his "hat"?

jamie said:

Biden crushes Bernie's M4A with the Italy comparison.

No, the people in Italy are not ending up with big bills.  The people here are. 

Bernie pointing out loopholes in a bill passed to resolve a national emergency.  Bernie talking hypotheticals during a crisis.   

Biden should just look at him and ask "are you nuts?  Which is the part of crisis that you don't understand?"

Bernie is unhinged.  Biden looking great here.

Dennis_Seelbach said:

3 minutes ago, Bernie claimed 60,000 folks died from lack of health insurance. Now he says it is 30,000. Did the system get that much better in 3 minutes, or is Bernie talking through his "hat"?

 he's clearly suffering from dementia.

Biden talking practical stuff when it comes to the crisis.  Bernie is a mess.

Jesus, Bernie appears to be senile.   

Biden is destroying him

"take care of the immediate needs we have right now"

Thank you President Biden

Biden just wants to respond to emergencies, not fix the system so he is not investing in real change.  He just says that when we have an emergency we will pay for everything.  Who believes that would happen?  Look what we have now?  We might have another Trump in the future. 

Bernie is canned malarkey...and loaded with msg

nan said:

Biden just wants to respond to emergencies, not fix the system so he is not investing in real change.  He just says that when we have an emergency we will pay for everything.  Who believes that would happen?  Look what we have now?  We might have another Trump in the future. 

I believe the topic was how to respond to the current emergency. M4A is, in no way, germane to that topic.

nan said:

Biden just wants to respond to emergencies, not fix the system so he is not investing in real change.  He just says that when we have an emergency we will pay for everything.  Who believes that would happen?  Look what we have now?  We might have another Trump in the future. 

 The question is about THE EMERGENCY.   

Another difficult night for Bernie the Former Candidate and his BOTS.

nan said:

jamie said:

Biden crushes Bernie's M4A with the Italy comparison.

No, the people in Italy are not ending up with big bills.  The people here are. 

 Biden was talking about medical intervention, Bernie's talking financial intervention. 

The people in Italy without big bills are still dead. 

Biden is Presidential.

Bernie is a raving lunatic.   

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