The Anti-Masker in Chief

So I went through Trump rally transcripts (19) the past few months and you can see my detailed findings below.  

Transcript site:

11 of these - the word "mask" was never mentioned. Out of the 19 transcripts - the word mask was used 31 times.

Only a few times did he refer to masks in a positive way - and this was only in saying that they're making masks and another time in passing he mentioned: "wear your mask when you’re close together in particular" - but this was right before and after joking about how Biden liked to wear a mask.

In July, CDC Director Dr. Robert R. Redfield said the following:

“We are not defenseless against COVID-19. Cloth face coverings are one of the most powerful weapons we have to slow and stop the spread of the virus – particularly when used universally within a community setting. All Americans have a responsibility to protect themselves, their families, and their communities.”

The question is - why can't Trump protect his followers or give them a clue as to what his experts are saying?  I know he's smarter then the experts, so here we are.  So depressing.


October 10th - White House



October 9th - Rush Limbaugh interview



September 30th - Duluth

Donald Trump: (05:14)
These are the same media outlets cheering violent demonstrations in the streets, CNN, the New York Times. They think rioting is just, “Okay, just do whatever you want.” You can do whatever you want. You don’t have to wear a mask. You just riot, 25,000 people standing on each other’s face. Do whatever you want. Can you go to church? No.


September 26th - Middletown PA



September 25th - Newsport News Virginia



September 24th - Jacksonville, FL



September 22nd:

President Donald Trump: (12:08)
You ever see Sleepy Joe with the little circles? Oh, you can. He puts them very far away, so far away. Then he comes up with the mask. He’s like a hundred yards from the nearest human being. He’s got a … He feels good about the mask. I wonder in the debate it’ll be him and I or the stage. Is he going to walk in with a mask?

Crowd: (13:20)

President Donald Trump: (13:21)
I’ll be honest, he feels good about the mask and that’s okay. You know what, whatever makes you feel good. He feels good. He feels, I mean, honestly, what the hell did he spend all that money on the plastic surgery if he’s going to cover it up with a mask. Seriously. The whole [inaudible 00:13:41] No, I think he’ll come in with a mask. I don’t know. I have no idea. Well, the question is, will he leave it on during the debate? Because it’s a little hard and I’m all for mask when you need them, I’m up, but when you’re making a speech and the nearest person’s like where you are and you’re in a stage all by yourself and then he had a habit of taking it off and it hangs down on his ear as he’s speaking, it makes him feel comfortable.

Agitators. And then they say, “Oh no, no, this was a peaceful protest. This is a peaceful protest.” They know what I’m talking about. They know our great uniform. Brilliant. We love them, but you know what? We call it a peaceful protest now, because the only thing you’re allowed to do in Pennsylvania, can’t go to church, right? You can’t meet, you can’t congregate. You can’t look at each other. You can’t give your wife a kiss goodnight. You’ve got to wear a mask. You can’t do anything.


September 21 - Swanton, OH

Donald J. Trump: (27:24)
A lot of these Democrats states, you see it, the churches are closed. They don’t want our churches to open. You can have a riot where you kill people in the streets. 25,000 people don’t have to wear a mask, nothing. They can march down the streets, step on each other’s face, they can do whatever the hell they want, that’s okay. But you can’t go to church. They have ideas, they have plans, and it’s never happening with me as your President. That I can tell you. And you see it, they want to tear down crosses from public spaces.


September 19 - Fayetteville, NC



September 18 - Bemidji, MN

Donald Trump: (15:39)
Please remember this is not a rally. You’re not allowed to have political rallies of any kind. You’re not allowed to go to church. You’re not allowed to do anything. The only thing you’re allowed to do is run wild through the streets, burn down storefronts, blow up stores, and kill people, because that’s considered a protest, and that, they allow you to have. You don’t have to wear masks at protests. So I said, “We can’t have a rally. The most we can have is ten people. But why don’t we just call it a protest?”, because this is a protest. It’s a protest against stupidity.


September 17 - Mosinee, WI

Donald Trump: (36:01)
You’re allowed to protest, so you can’t go to church but you can rip the hell out of the streets, of Main Street, of 5th Avenue, break up the stores. Burn down the buildings. Climb over each other’s face, you can climb right over their face. You don’t have to wear masks, you don’t have to do anything. 25,000 people walking down the street, looters, anarchists, agitators, burning down stores, throwing things at police. They’ve taken the authority away from our police, our great police. They’ve taken their authority and their dignity away. We’re giving it back, we have to, we have to.


September 13 - Henderson, NV



September 12 - Minden, NV



September 10, Freeland, MI



September 8 - Winston-Salem, NC

Donald Trump: (52:11)
The time that we spent on this impeachment hoax, Nancy Pelosi with her hairdryer and the whole thing. “Everybody has to wear a mask. You must keep all beauty parlors closed.” Then she’s in a beauty parlor with no mask on. And then she said the biggest, the biggest [inaudible 00:10:31]. She could have said, “Okay.” She could have said, “You got me.” But she said, “I got set up by the beauty parlor owner,” who happens to be a Trump person by the way. I like the beauty parlor owner. She said, “I got set up by the owner of the beauty parlor. She set me up.” I said, “How are you going to deal with Putin, Kim Jong-un, and President Xi of China?” No, it’s terrible, she’s always preaching about the mask. “You got to wear the mask at all times, indoor, outdoor. When you go to bed at night, put the mask on.”


September 3 - Latrobe, PA

President Donald J. Trump: (34:28)
When asked whether he would be willing to destroy the jobs of hundreds of thousands of blue collar workers to push his anti-energy agenda, you know what the answer is, right? It’s the Green New Deal, right? This Green New Deal. This was made up by people that don’t get it. Either that or people that just don’t like our country very much. But Biden replied yes, he’ll get rid of those jobs. And he famously told a voter, “I want you to look in my eyes,” when he’s not wearing the mask because I’ve never seen a man that liked their mask. Look, I’m all for it, we have a big weekend, distance on the weekend, and all of that stuff, and wear your mask when you’re close together in particular, and wash your hands, all those things. We have Labor Day Weekend coming up. But did you ever see a man that likes a mask as much as him? And then he makes a speech and he always has it, not always, but a lot of times he has it hanging down. Because you know what? It gives him a feeling of security.

President Donald J. Trump: (36:59)
If I were a psychiatrist, right? I’d say, “This guy’s got some big issues.” Hanging down. Hanging down. Congressman, give me your mask. I want to have it hanging from my ear. I don’t want to touch your damn mask. Mike I’ll never touch your mask.

President Donald J. Trump: (49:29)
Romney couldn’t be elected dog catcher in Utah, right. Although he gave me a half a vote. It was 52 and a half to a half. That was Romney, what a [inaudible 00:49:41]. Remember he was walking with the Black Lives Matter saying, “Yes, I’m a member of Black Lives Matter.” Everyone said, “That’s nice. Wonderful.” He had a lot of mask on, I’ll tell you that. But we did a great job, it was an amazing thing.

President Donald J. Trump: (01:25:25)
Under Operation Warp Speed, we remain on track to produce a safe and effective vaccine, in that record time that we talked about. This would have been years later. It’ll be delivered before, in my opinion, before the end of the year, but it really might even be delivered before the end of October. How do you like that? Wouldn’t that be nice? That would be nice. You know why? Not because of the electric. It’ll be nice because we want to save people. That’s why it’ll be nice. That’s the important thing. Together, we will defeat the virus. The job we’re doing is, the job that all of the people working on it, our generals, our admirals, the distribution, we bought billions and billions of dollars of things, and now we make gowns and we make masks and we make shields and we make ventilators.

President Donald J. Trump: (01:27:05)
It would have all been done. Yet, with all of this stuff, the fake Russia witch hunt, the fake Ukraine. How about that? Did anybody read the transcript of that call? It was a perfect call. “Hey, congratulations. Good luck.” It was like a perfect call. Now they’ll take it back and they’ll say, “Well, I don’t know.” This was a per … In history, there’s never been anything like this. It was a totally lopsided, 100% political witch hunt, and it goes on and on. These are bad people. I really believe they don’t love our country. I watched Nancy Pelosi. “You must wear your mask. You have to wear your mask, and we’re going to keep every beauty salon closed in California and all over the country.”

President Donald J. Trump: (01:27:55)
Then I see a picture. I say, “Nancy Pelosi. Well, where’s the mask?” I’ll tell you what. She must have treated that beauty salon owner pretty badly. She uses the salon and the salon turned her in? The salon turned her in. I don’t think I would have turned her in. I would’ve said, “Well, you know, she’s a customer. I got to take care of my customers, right?” But she made them open, and the salon turned her in and the salon did business with her. How much do they hate Nancy Pelosi? Then she made a terrible mistake because you want people that can’t be set up. She said, “I was set up. I was set up by the salon owner. I was set up.”


August 28 - New Hampshire



August 18th - Yuma, AZ



June 20 - Tulsa

Donald Trump: (14:28)
They don’t talk about, when you see 25,000 people walking down Fifth Avenue or walking down a street of a Democrat run city, you never hear them saying, they’re not wearing their mask. You don’t hear their say, as they’re breaking windows and running in. And then when I say the looters, the anarchists, the agitators, they say, “What a terrible thing for our president to say, what a terrible thing.”

You ask:

The question is - why can't Trump protect his followers or give them a clue as to what his experts are saying? I know he's smarter then the experts, so here we are. So depressing.

Have you not learned that he cares about no one except himself.

But do his followers know that?   Or do they even care?  Obviously know.

It's also amazing that their prior savior is no where to be found . . Sarah Palin.

Wow - I get Trumps emails as some of you know.  The Trumps folder has 937 messages.  Doing a search through the body of these for the word "mask" - 3 had a mentions of the word mask!  WOW!

One is an approval poll email (7/23) where he lists his accomplishments and one is how he's encouraging patriots to wear a mask!

Just take a look at everything OUR President has accomplished:
  • The CARES Act was signed into law to provide immediate relief for Americans.
  • The President is prioritizing our Nation’s children by encouraging schools to safely reopen in the Fall.
  • He is encouraging every Patriot to wear a face mask.
  • President Trump is committed to holding China accountable.
  • The United States has terminated its relationship with the corrupt World Health Organization.
  • And, in June alone, 4.8 MILLION jobs were added and the unemployment rate DROPPED by 2.2%.

One message(8/3) is actually one wear he encourages mask wearing - I guess it didn't go over too well.  I had posted this before - but it's worth a repost:

We are all in this together, and while I know there has been some confusion surrounding the usage of face masks, I think it’s something we should all try to do when we are not able to be socially distanced from others.

I don’t love wearing them either. Masks may be good, they may be just okay, or they may be great. They can possibly help us get back to our American way of life that so many of us rightfully cherished before we were so terribly impacted by the China Virus.

My feeling is, we have nothing to lose, and possibly everything to gain, including the next chapter to our country, and to keep things open whether it be schools or businesses.
I recently tweeted that many view wearing a mask as a patriotic act, and there is no one more patriotic than me and you. Why not give it a shot!

And the other was all about Pelosi hair appointment (9/4).

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