Should filibuster repeal be an issue in 2020?

On the off chance the Dems control all 3 branches after 2020, should they vote to get rid of the filibuster?

I think they should. The minority already has too much power, especially as it's in the hands of the most ruthless, amoral political party in my  lifetime.

The 2020 candidates so far are not on board with a repeal. Warren, I think, is the closest, as I think her position is "let's look at it".

Get rid of the damn thing.

In what might be a first for him, Obama said the filibuster should be repealed , during his eulogy of John Lewis.

A mighty good speech , by the way.

He's spoken out against the filibuster before, but I think this is the first time he said to just get rid of it.

Might be a turning point.

Hope so. And I hope Congressional Dems are listening.

Absolutely.  We can never again count on the R's to 'play by the rules' so the minute they have the authority to appeal it, and it serves their cause, they will repeal it.  Might as well get something while we can.  

If not repeal they ought to go back to the original Rule, If someone wants to filibuster he or she has to stand there and talk until they drop. And then the Rule should say that the filibuster applies to any attempt to change the Rule.

While I'm a big Mr. Smith Goes to Washington fan, I say just get rid of it.

That's job number 1.

Job number 2 is pack the courts.

Job number 3 is statehood for D.C. (and maybe Puerto Rico?)

Job number 4 is a new Voting Rights Act.

A man can dream.....

Looks like Bernie's on board.

Warren has been for repeal for a long time.

Repealing the filibuster is a tool to reach a goal, not a goal itself.  I think election issues should be substantive goals.

Well, yeah, but the goal is to be able to legislate, which is pretty damn fundamental. The Dems will get nothing done if the filibuster remains. Nothing.

Not sure of your point.

Chris Coons last year: “President Trump thinks it’s a great idea to get rid of it. Perhaps progressives should think that over.”

But seriously: What do you supporters of ending the filibuster think are the strongest arguments for keeping it?

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