Proud Boys Motto: Where goes one, go all.

I understand a couple of them are in jail and on their way to prison.

They'll get pardons from Trump. 

eta - Trump has a problem now:  he's probably inclined to pardon everybody who has been arrested in connection with the riots, but a police officer did die. 

cramer said:

They'll get pardons from Trump. 

eta - Trump has a problem now:  he's probably inclined to pardon everybody who has been arrested in connection with the riots, but a police officer did die. 

 His base will give that a pass.  They’re convinced it was Antifa despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.  

If you don’t believe me, look up trump’s current approval rating among registered Republicans.  If this didn’t drive them away, nothing will, not even giving a pardon to cop killers.  

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