On a scale of 1 to 10...

How confident are you today that Joe Biden will be the next POTUS?

Numbers only, please. No screeds...

My #: 6


ml1 said:


 Don't be so irrational.

nohero said:

ml1 said:


 Don't be so irrational.

 2 + √-2 = ... oh, nevermind, wrong thread

nohero said:

 Don't be so irrational.

 come on, who doesn't like pi?

I don't like pi if that's really your confidence level. I'm at 7, but it goes up whenever I look atfivethirtyeight.com

jfinnegan said:

I don't like pi if that's really your confidence level. I'm at 7, but it goes up whenever I look atfivethirtyeight.com

Yes, but he still has 1 in 4 odds of being re-elected. Those odds are way too high for me to start feeling comfortable.

basil said:

Yes, but he still has 1 in 4 odds of being re-elected. Those odds are way too high for me to start feeling comfortable.

 I'm pretty sure that was where he was sitting in October 2016.

jfinnegan said:

I don't like pi if that's really your confidence level. I'm at 7, but it goes up whenever I look atfivethirtyeight.com

 It's kind of a silly question, so I provided a silly answer.

Sounds like you're employing Trump's debate strategy. 

jfinnegan said:

Sounds like you're employing Trump's debate strategy. 

 Nah, if I was, I would have given you the strongest, most beautiful number you've ever seen.  People are saying it's the greatest number.  Nobody knows more about numbers, believe me.


Can I still get in on this?


basil said:


I am raising to 8


I have not seen a single Trump sign this year.

Not one.

I am afraid to answer.

drummerboy said:


I have not seen a single Trump sign this year.

Not one.

You need to get out more. He still has solid 45% support. Unbelievable but true.

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