Reporting from my basement: Politics and pandemic, a deadly duo

Anyone looking for garden tips or D.C. doings, just seek and ye shall find.

I may have been premature! I think I am on the rise!

This video is an excellent example of how to get your point across. No gross characatures of a grossly fat and orange man who, however ill equipped for the job going in, has stayed true to form: a businessman who works deals, has a casino style  sense of humor, and liked the ladies along the way.

What he was not prepared for was a concerted effort throughout his first term to dishonor him with a politically motivated and unsuccessful impeachment process. It was a distraction for our government and ill advised. Nobody was minding the store.

Now a global pandemic of a new coronavirus made its appearance. Did the buffoonery folks give it a rest so that, even in a matter of random deaths worldwide, a supportive, collective “army” of citizens could marshal  their science, ingenuity, materials, money and talents to support our President?

The businessman/president, under laser focus, had to coordinate a fight against a deadly unseen and unknown enemy. If anyone had the guts to admit it, they would recognize the corporate mobilization launched at the start. Was he equipped for this job? No, no one is — how someone rises to the challenge makes the difference.

All the while, the media pummeled him relentlessly.

What my point of view of this unpresidential, no Lincoln, man is that, as President of the United States, right now, today, he needs to receive all the moral support he can to do the job he must. All our lives depend on his success against the plague.

Let’s allow him to do the job; to hope he fails, is treasonous.

Come on MOL lemmings, the troll has spoken, waiting for your counter-arguments that she won't address in any way, shape or form.

The chum is in the water.  

Address this complete idiocy like you always do...

jimmurphy said:

Come on MOL lemmings, the troll has spoken, waiting for your counter-arguments that she won't address in any way, shape or form.

The chum is in the water.  

Address this complete idiocy like you always do...


mtierney said:

What my point of view of this unpresidential, no Lincoln, man is that, as President of the United States, right now, today, he needs to receive all the moral support he can to do the job he must. All our lives depend on his success against the plague.

 Speaking of Lincoln -- well, actually his predecessor -- I used to agree that Trump couldn't possibly be the worst president because, after all, how do you compare him to Buchanan failing to avert the civil war? But lately I've thought that's not really a good way to think about this, as presidents don't get to choose the conditions they are faced with. So with that in mind, how do I imagine Buchanan would have fared, had he been time-transported to today, given a basic crash-course on the history he'd missed, and tasked with leading the nation during this pandemic? Probably not great, but honestly, I think he'd do a better job than Trump is doing.

How about the reverse? Probably there would be no Lincoln, as the civil war would have started, and the country lost, before Lincoln ever had a chance to run for election.

mtierney said:

This video is an excellent example of how to get your point across. No gross characatures of a grossly fat and orange man who, however ill equipped for the job going in, has stayed true to form: a businessman who works deals, has a casino style  sense of humor, and liked the ladies along the way.

What he was not prepared for was a concerted effort throughout his first term to dishonor him with a politically motivated and unsuccessful impeachment process. It was a distraction for our government and ill advised. Nobody was minding the store.

Now a global pandemic of a new coronavirus made its appearance. Did the buffoonery folks give it a rest so that, even in a matter of random deaths worldwide, a supportive, collective “army” of citizens could marshal  their science, ingenuity, materials, money and talents to support our President?

The businessman/president, under laser focus, had to coordinate a fight against a deadly unseen and unknown enemy. If anyone had the guts to admit it, they would recognize the corporate mobilization launched at the start. Was he equipped for this job? No, no one is — how someone rises to the challenge makes the difference.

All the while, the media pummeled him relentlessly.

What my point of view of this unpresidential, no Lincoln, man is that, as President of the United States, right now, today, he needs to receive all the moral support he can to do the job he must. All our lives depend on his success against the plague.

Let’s allow him to do the job; to hope he fails, is treasonous.

 lol. "laser focus".

I can't even.

Which hour of the day when he's not watching TV is the "focus" hour?

mtierney said:

This video is an excellent example of how to get your point across. No gross characatures of a grossly fat and orange man who, however ill equipped for the job going in, has stayed true to form: a businessman who works deals, has a casino style  sense of humor, and liked the ladies along the way.

What he was not prepared for was a concerted effort throughout his first term to dishonor him with a politically motivated and unsuccessful impeachment process. It was a distraction for our government and ill advised. Nobody was minding the store.

Now a global pandemic of a new coronavirus made its appearance. Did the buffoonery folks give it a rest so that, even in a matter of random deaths worldwide, a supportive, collective “army” of citizens could marshal  their science, ingenuity, materials, money and talents to support our President?

The businessman/president, under laser focus, had to coordinate a fight against a deadly unseen and unknown enemy. If anyone had the guts to admit it, they would recognize the corporate mobilization launched at the start. Was he equipped for this job? No, no one is — how someone rises to the challenge makes the difference.

All the while, the media pummeled him relentlessly.

What my point of view of this unpresidential, no Lincoln, man is that, as President of the United States, right now, today, he needs to receive all the moral support he can to do the job he must. All our lives depend on his success against the plague.

Let’s allow him to do the job; to hope he fails, is treasonous.

 oh dear. 

mtierney said:

Now a global pandemic of a new coronavirus made its appearance. Did the buffoonery folks give it a rest so that, even in a matter of random deaths worldwide, a supportive, collective “army” of citizens could marshal  their science, ingenuity, materials, money and talents to support our President?

The businessman/president, under laser focus, had to coordinate a fight against a deadly unseen and unknown enemy. If anyone had the guts to admit it, they would recognize the corporate mobilization launched at the start. Was he equipped for this job? No, no one is — how someone rises to the challenge makes the difference.

The Trump supporters are really trying to rewrite history now.  No, Trump did not coordinate or mobilize anything.  He was in the way, at every step.  His failure to act caused confusion, and when he did act he caused more confusion and delay.

The attempted rewriting of history will continue.  I hope that by November, the spread of Covid-19 will have been halted for some time, and that we're able to get back to most activities in a normal way.

And when that happens, the Trump supporters will start repeating the lies that the danger of the disease was exaggerated, and that the governors panicked because of their own failings.  We'll be told that it's not true that 50,000+ people died from Covid-19.  Instead, we'll be told, they had underlying conditions, which would have caused their deaths from even just a bad case of flu.  We'll be told that the media is lying about the "businessman president", and fought against his efforts (aided by the "Deep Medical State" exemplified by "Faker Fauci").

And it will be an insult to the memories of all those, including those who some of us knew, who did die because of it.

cramer said:

"The Cornavirus response: Why wasn't America ready? "

You can post this all you want. But in Trumpkin world this is useless.

The cult response from Trumpkin land is we trust our president, not this fake news stuff. They'll be posting on their Twitter's of this being another case of the fake news media trying to destroy our great laser focused president.

Eric Boehlert posted this a couple of weeks ago, and he lays out a pretty disturbing premise that Trump isn't merely incompetently addressing the pandemic, but that for reasons that are unclear he is actively trying to make it worse.

Maybe Trump’s vengeful. Maybe he wants to wreck the economy to create investment opportunities? He's under the thumb of a foreign entity? He wants to cause panic and cancel the November elections? He’s a fatalist? Who knows. And honestly, the specific "why" isn't what matters now. What matters is asking the difficult questions and pondering what the Trump presidency is truly about, no matter what lurks in the shadows.

Memo to media: We still don’t know why Trump is doing this 

Press needs to tackle troubling questions

It's possible that Trump is simply that stupid and inept.  But more recent developments suggest malice in the federal interference in states' attempts to obtain what they need to fight the pandemic.

Laser focused indeed.  Laser focused on sticking it to the citizens of many of our states.

BG9 said:

You can post this all you want. But in Trumpkin world this is useless.

The cult response from Trumpkin land is we trust our president, not this fake news stuff. They'll be posting on their Twitter's of this being another case of the fake news media trying to destroy our great laser focused president.

 I have to ask what flavor Koolaide Bidenites cultists drink? 
No one asked me — and I don’t think he wants the job — but I think Cuomo’s personna has become far more familiar to voters than Joe’s — and is far more knowledgeable and articulate!

I think designing the perfect candidate, tailored to appease various Imagined voter blocs, is so not our new normal behavior going into the unknown future.

Pick who brings the most important strengths and smarts.

Disregarding the advice above:

The best ventriloquist/running mate for Joe is, hands down, Warren. Or should the expression in her case be “hands up?

mtierney said:

The best ventriloquist/running mate for Joe is, hands down, Warren. Or should the expression in her case be “hands up?

At long last, mtierney finds common ground with Klinker.

I am confused as to the purpose of this thread.

Seems to me it’s mostly a conveyance for getting a yellow-lilied avatar back to the top of the Politics section.

DaveSchmidt said:

Seems to me it’s mostly a conveyance for getting a yellow-lilied avatar back to the top of the Politics section.

 Not true. It was to convince folks that reports of my giving in to bullying, picking up all my crayons, and slinking away were false! I have to say, sinking a thread is intimidating to freedom of speech — does nothing to deter hate speech, however.

DaveSchmidt said:

mtierney said:

The best ventriloquist/running mate for Joe is, hands down, Warren. Or should the expression in her case be “hands up?

At long last, mtierney finds common ground with Klinker.

If you believe that, you haven’t been reading the in house stalker regurgitations here. I’ll await an apology. You of all people should spot clever word play when you read it.

I guess I missed it. Has the rose garden thread been sunk?

mtierney said:

You of all people should spot clever word play when you read it.

I spotted it. Biden with his hands up Warren. Very clever and, as I said, right out of Klinker’s playbook.

Now, there’s a chance that wasn’t what you meant. If it wasn’t, I can only advise that you reconsider playing with the fire of clever wordplay.

drummerboy said:

I guess I missed it. Has the rose garden thread been sunk?


ridski said:

drummerboy said:

I guess I missed it. Has the rose garden thread been sunk?


 Like a denser matzoh ball.

mtierney said:

BG9 said:

You can post this all you want. But in Trumpkin world this is useless.

The cult response from Trumpkin land is we trust our president, not this fake news stuff. They'll be posting on their Twitter's of this being another case of the fake news media trying to destroy our great laser focused president.

 I have to ask what flavor Koolaide Bidenites cultists drink? 

You are really living in a very special world. Its obvious there there are no Biden cultists. Everyone here and elsewhere has posted reservations about Biden. Its just we realize he is head and shoulders above Trump.

Unlike you Trump acolytes. The non-stop fawning, the screaming rallies, the adoration over his every word. The over the top defense of his every action. Is he so perfect that nothing he does can ever be wrong? You people act as if he is. You're a cult.

mtierney said:

DaveSchmidt said:

mtierney said:

The best ventriloquist/running mate for Joe is, hands down, Warren. Or should the expression in her case be “hands up?

At long last, mtierney finds common ground with Klinker.

If you believe that, you haven’t been reading the in house stalker regurgitations here. I’ll await an apology. You of all people should spot clever word play when you read it.

 I absolutely think Warren would be Biden's best choice as a running mate. I believe I have said as much on more than one occasion.

drummerboy said:

I guess I missed it. Has the rose garden thread been sunk?

 But what about Benghazi????

ridski said:

drummerboy said:

I guess I missed it. Has the rose garden thread been sunk?


 I do not agree with that action. It's a venerable and active thread. Why sink it?

Klinker said:

 But what about Benghazi????

 There will soon be 60,000 dead on Trump's watch, or 15,000 Benghazis. 

DaveSchmidt said:

I spotted it. Biden with his hands up Warren. Very clever and, as I said, right out of Klinker’s playbook.

Now, there’s a chance that wasn’t what you meant. If it wasn’t, I can only advise that you reconsider playing with the fire of clever wordplay.

 Good grief!? Are you seriously suggesting that was my point? Not my style.

Remember back a day or two (hard to keep track of time these days) when we had a Charlie McCarthy/ Edgar Bergen thing going? I was thinking hand-waving, glib Warren could help cover Biden’s random thoughts.

No, I don’t think my “playing with the fire of clever wordplay” needs reconsidering here. You, however, getting it all wrong must be embarrassing. A skilled wordsmith such as yourself.

The very thought of a stalker’s “playbook” as a source is disgusting, frankly. 

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