Creating a Anti-Trump ad

ok, I would really love to put something together and make a 1 minute ad.  But what would be a top lines or actions that Trump has done that might actually make those on the edge of supporting him think twice?

A "drain the swamp" chant with the faces of everyone that had to leave his cabinet?

Would you bother to highlight one particular lie?  Show his narcissistic mental illness?  

Show that months prior to the last election he promised the middle class a 10% tax cut?  That never happened.

Highlight his lack of response and lack of empathy to anything race related.

His constant fear driven nation dividing rhetoric such as the dems want to remove the 2nd amendment.

Putting his family in charge of areas that people who actually know what they're doing should handle.  

How would you handle a 1 minute message?

I like your first example but if I really knew I'd be making lots of $. 

Seriously, if you were doing this professionally you would start with polling. 

Drain the swamp is a strong contender. Rachel Maddow had all of the names of departed members of the administration on her wall in the studio. They ran out of room. I kept collecting images from The Creature of the Black Lagoon, envisioning all of those faces in the swamp mists as Trump carried Melania off. Very pulp fiction. 

Drain the swamp is terrible, because there are different definitions of what that actually means.  What the left thinks it is is not what Trumpists think it is.

It would just preach to the choir.

Drain the swamp stuck out for me at first - but his crowd would like it too much.  

I have an idea - stay tuned.  Attempt #1 is close.


The Right will blame it on the masks.

Here's my mash-up:


"Trump is a TV president...." [text shown inside a TV graphic]

.... "He thinks America is 'The Apprentice' " [show "You're fired!" from the show, alternated  with images of the many people he fired from his administration and their title / date fired. (The "You're fired" clip could keep getting smaller with his voice getting higher pitched)]

...."He can't tell real life from a bad script"  [show him saying the coronavirus will disappear, against a graph of cases/deaths going up]

... "He watches TV instead of governing" [overlay his tweets containing inane comments on shows and actors/actresses]

...."And tries to be on TV as much as possible" [flash fast-forward showing the passing of the extended length of time he was talking on Fox news when calling in and making their morning crew uncomfortable as he wouldn't hang up, and admitted forgetting Melania's bday]

[conclusion something like:]

... "Donald Trump should get his wish. On November 3rd, we can let him become a TV President." [maybe show him making faces/gestures and acting goofy from his rallies]  "And vote for someone else to be the real one."

1. Show him talking about building the wall on day one and that Mexico would pay for it.  Then list how much has actually been done, and how much that has cost each taxpayer. Maybe show V. Fox saying we're not paying for your F'ing wall. 

2. Show him talking about overturning Obamacare and replacing it with something much better and cheaper.  Then the sentence "Here is Trump's healthcare plan to replace Obamacare:    

3. Show him talking about 'bringing back clean coal' then show the plight of the miners who are still waiting for jobs. 

4. Show him talking about supporting farmers, then show how many farms have gone bankrupt or food products went unsold / unused and list the cost of the bailouts to each taxpayer.  

These are all issues that are vital to middle class voters in swing or red states and are simple to understand and not subject to debate. 

Just a 30 second slow motion of Trump walking down that slightly inclined ramp at West Point with this playing.


dave said:

Just a 30 second slow motion of Trump walking down that slightly inclined ramp at West Point with this playing.

 I think you're on the right track. Ridicule is the way to go. It'll make him melt down.

Would you not have to poll all MOL members first?  To be fair? Unless you make it clear that the ad representEd  a majority opinion only. Everybody minus 1.

it's so hard to encapsulate Trump blunders into a 60 second commercial.

I also would like to highlight the false promise prior to the 2018 midterm election of the 10% middle class tax cut,

The better, cheaper healthcare promise should definitely be highlighted - maybe zoom in on McCain's thumbs down.

Maybe a running tally on the amount that Mexico has contributed to build the wall.

The best ad is one countering Trump's claims, especially about Biden. For example he is attacking Biden for not being sufficiently Anti-China, but Trump has praised the leader of China (not sure how to spell his name) and according to Bolton even agreed with his building concentration camps.

His and his supporters taunts of Biden claiming he is physically and mentally debilitated can be juxtaposed with the picture of Trump on the ramp and clips of him saying very odd things

To get really nasty they could show Trump yelling condemnation of "chain migration" juxtaposed with a clip of his wife's parents.

I'd have a clergy person saying, while they run a clip of Trump holding up a Bible in front of a Church, saying that instead of doing that "perhaps instead of holding up a Bible he should open it and read it and instead of standing in front of a Church he should go into one". 

mtierney said:

Would you not have to poll all MOL members first?  To be fair? Unless you make it clear that the ad representEd  a majority opinion only. Everybody minus 1.

 Please provide an example of what a pro-Trump ad could look like, which you think is effective.

mtierney said:

Would you not have to poll all MOL members first?  To be fair? Unless you make it clear that the ad representEd  a majority opinion only. Everybody minus 1.

 Your mother should have taught you that life is not fair.  Maybe one day when you grow up you will learn it on your own. 

The Polling I suggested was Polling uncommitted voters on what bothers them about Trump and using that to craft an anti-Trump ad.

Before you do an ad you have to decide your target audience.

To avoid going down a mtierney rabbit hole any further - I removed the MOL reference from the thread title.

In my ad - I also thought using someone like Elijah would really get under Trump's skin.

It would be great to have a montage of Trump stating all projects that Jared it heading up.  Then at the end - show the # of days he has spent on his properties - along with his statement of never leaving the White House.

This is pretty good on it's own:

jamie said:

In my ad - I also thought using someone like Elijah would really get under Trump's skin.

It would be great to have a montage of Trump stating all projects that Jared it heading up.  Then at the end - show the # of days he has spent on his properties - along with his statement of never leaving the White House.

This is pretty good on it's own:

He never expected to be elected, so in his mind he could just make all this stuff up. But even with that, it is amazing how he just blatantly repeats these lies (Obama plays more golf than a pro-PGA golfer), and in the end I think he starts believing it himself.

Let's just put him out of his misery and vote him out Nov 3, and give Biden a blue senate and house to work with.

nohero said:

mtierney said:

Would you not have to poll all MOL members first?  To be fair? Unless you make it clear that the ad representEd  a majority opinion only. Everybody minus 1.

 Please provide an example of what a pro-Trump ad could look like, which you think is effective.

 If it has to be fact-based, not racist, and not pandering to his base, it's an impossible task.

basil said:

Let's just put him out of his misery and vote him out Nov 3, and give Biden a blue senate and house to work with.

In that unlikely event, Who is going to be Biden’s mouthpiece come Nov. 3? His speech will have to have captions. Will he wear his mask hanging on one ear? He had better get his ducks in a row.

Steve said:

nohero said:

mtierney said:

Would you not have to poll all MOL members first?  To be fair? Unless you make it clear that the ad representEd  a majority opinion only. Everybody minus 1.

 Please provide an example of what a pro-Trump ad could look like, which you think is effective.

 If it has to be fact-based, not racist, and not pandering to his base, it's an impossible task.

We don't know that, yet.  Let's see what's submitted.

Here's a musical soundtrack to start it off - 

mtierney said:

In that unlikely event, Who is going to be Biden’s mouthpiece come Nov. 3? His speech will have to have captions. Will he wear his mask hanging on one ear? He had better get his ducks in a row.

 An honest question, was there a candidate that you liked among the Democrats? I watched all of the Republican debates and had picked a couple of candidates that I thought were the best options.  I had hoped the Republicans would have nominated Kasich or Rubio. So was there a Democrat that you thought would have made a good President if Trump lost.

Good question, Morgana, but the campaign seems like another world. But, I guess COVID-19 has given us a new reality. I had to google who all were running!I think there were stronger women candidates, but I don’t know one standout to put up against Trump. None of the male candidates appealed to me. Contrary to popular opinion, I have voted For democrats in the past.

Warren and Sanders were way too left for me. I think the overcrowded field hurt, and lost sight of perhaps a better choice. Biden was anointed by his party, which, I believe ran a poor campaign overall. Somehow, I think TPTB figure Biden’s one term would provide time for Democrats to decide how left they would have to go in the future.

When I think of an anti-Trump ad.. I mean the thing about Trump is that he's both so terrible and yet so inconsequential, as a person. He's not just bad at his job, he's even bad at being bad -- he's scary based purely on the powers available to his as president, but not on his own. An ad along those lines...

"Trump is... the smallest man in the world, doing his best to make America as small as he is."

Good clips available here -- his being laughed at in the UN. His drawing on weather map with a sharpie. etc.

And we say no. That's not who we are"

- stock American exceptionalism and swelling music, etc. Americans dream big, etc.

Anyway, more a sketch, but I think when we look back at this era it's the incredible smallness of Trump that will be most striking.

mtierney said:

Good question, Morgana, but the campaign seems like another world. But, I guess COVID-19 has given us a new reality. I had to google who all were running!I think there were stronger women candidates, but I don’t know one standout to put up against Trump. None of the male candidates appealed to me. Contrary to popular opinion, I have voted For democrats in the past.

Warren and Sanders were way too left for me. I think the overcrowded field hurt, and lost sight of perhaps a better choice. Biden was anointed by his party, which, I believe ran a poor campaign overall. Somehow, I think TPTB figure Biden’s one term would provide time for Democrats to decide how left they would have to go in the future.

Question: who would be a better President than Donald J Trump

Answer: anyone of these folks

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