Let's see what Fox News is reporting:

I do believe it's very important that we follow what the other side is seeing in terms of coverage. As of this minute - CNN and the opposition media is covering the travel ban and talk with Putin - Fox on the other hand: A 'GREAT IDEA': Netanyahu backs Trump's wall on US-Mexico border. ohh

Again - very important to note what Fox News is reporting - who Trump is praising. Shadowy Iranian - In Un-American - Flynn first victim of liberal, anti-Trump witch hunt - Gorilla or Guerilla.

Even for Fox News, I would have thought blaming the whistleblower and not the perp in this case might be a bit much.

You are so right. I was thinking about this earlier today, hoping the whole Russia collusion issue (which we now see began months ago, not just with Flynn) might be the Jenga piece to begin to bring down the whole structure, and wondering if/how it registered with hard-line Trumpists. But as tjohn points out, Fox finds more fault with the leaks rather than the actions themselves.

Tricky Dick was worried about leaks, so he formed a group that he called "the Plumbers".

How'd that work out?

tjohn said:

Even for Fox News, I would have thought blaming the whistleblower and not the perp in this case might be a bit much.

MSM: The Russians helped Trump in the election.

Trump/Fox: You have no proof.

MSM: Here's proof.

Trump/Fox: It's illegal and un-American to use leaked information.

These aren't leaks that are done purely for embarrassment or political gain. Citizens have a right to know if the election process was tampered with and if their leaders are working solely in the best interests of the U.S.

In the best-case scenario, the executive branch would handle is own affairs and authorize an independent review. No chance of that here. The Republican-controlled Congress has also refused to probe this matter (Rand Paul expressed this honestly though not wisely). After that, the last firewall is using the media to make the information public.

If the intel agencies leaked this sort of material under Obama - Fox would call them patriots for defending our freedoms.

They were all very happy with leaks about Hillary

Must be nice to have a cable news network all to yourself that praises you, never questions you and bends to your will. Every other cable network, sans Fox, is labeled as "fake news." DJT always gives Fox and Fox and Friends major shout outs because like a team, they assist.

re the leaks - it seems clear to me that the leakers are taking a cautionary approach. First they told Trump about Flynn - hoping/assuming that Trump would do the right thing regarding such an obvious breach of nat'l security.

Trump does nothing.

The leakers have to step up up their game to force action, hence the latest more detailed leaks.

Is Flynn's departure enough to stop the leaking?

I doubt it. Because the leakers probably know what was said during these conversations. If the conversations were innocuous, there was at least a reasonable chance that it wouldn't have been leaked. What would be the point? The fact that they did leak about the campaign's contacts leads me to believe that the conversations constituted some serious breach.

This is not done by a long shot.

not for nothing, but if you google "stupidest man on television" two of the top 6 results are Fox & Friends hosts -- Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade.

kibbegirl said:

Must be nice to have a cable news network all to yourself that praises you, never questions you and bends to your will. Every other cable network, sans Fox, is labeled as "fake news." DJT always gives Fox and Fox and Friends major shout outs because like a team, they assist.

Conservatives - FIGHTING BACK! EMAIL PROBE NOT OVER - Chaffetz to charge Clinton aide - Billionaire buys 26M garage.

I thought it would be a good time to revisit this thread - it help to put things in perspective a little - or at least shows what the other side is focused on.

While the main focus has been Macron denouncing Nationalism - here it looks like Trump is schooling Macron on it.  There's some worry about subpoenas - but comforts the crowd with unlikely chance of impeachment.  Focus on wildfire is pure speculation on the cause.

I think it's important to revive this thread - I meant to post the other day when the were elated over the Rose Garden rally.

Today - it's doom and gloom in liberal America.  The only mention about the pandemic is that a new study finds that there is a very low infection rates in schools.

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