Laser blinded officers

Just trying to follow up on this - have any names been produced or interviews with the officers?

This has been one of the biggest right wing talking points lately - and I've seen the verbiage that they "may" be blinded.  But nothing definitive.  For the most part, I've seen that the image used by the right is from Chile.

Just checking language use: is ‘shined’ now acceptable past tense? I was taught ‘shone’; we have a new national Style Guide that would go with ‘shone’, so in case I get paid international work I’d like to be sure.


Just by ear, with no actual facts, i would say the light shone, but maybe the holder of the flashlight shined it on something?  (we always shined our shoes, also transitive....  probably means nothing, it's late and English isn't particularly consistent, as you of all people knew already)

This is from the American Heritage dictionary, joanne, but it’s an explanation I’ve come across elsewhere, too:

Usage Note: The verb shine has two different past tenses, shined and shone, and these forms also function as past participles. By tradition, the past tense and past participle shone is used when the verb is intransitive and means “to emit light, be luminous”: “The full moon shone over the field.” The form shined, on the other hand, is normally used when the verb is transitive and means “to direct (a beam of light)” or “to polish,” as in “He shined his flashlight down the dark staircase” or “The butler shined the silver.” In our 2008 survey, the Usage Panel found both forms acceptable in transitive literal use ( shone/shined the light ) and in figurative intransitive use ( Carolyn always shined/shone at ribbon-cutting ceremonies ), but a larger majority preferred the traditional usages ( shined the light; shone at ceremonies ) over the nontraditional ones, so maintaining the traditional distinction remains a sensible practice.

Thanks, both. I know that I’ve (very infrequently) seen ‘shined’ but just couldn’t get my brain around it today.

It has been two weeks since the incident.  Any word on the names of the blinded officers?  Any update on their condition?

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