It's pardon time!

Any bets on who the top pardon will be?  Assange?  Will he free the Tiger King?  Will he pardon himself?  Jared - Ivanka - Junior - what will the verbiage be for them?

Will he be profiting off of the pardons?   Sounds like they'll happen tomorrow.  I feel bad for the people who deserved a pardon but where unable to payoff the Drumpft regime.

I would think family would be first.

Maybe Rudy.

If he pardons any rioters it may cause enough Republicans to vote YES to convict.

don't pardonees need to be charged or indicted?

oots said:

don't pardonees need to be charged or indicted?

I don't think so. Nixon was neither charged or indicted.

I don't think the founders spent a lot of time working out the kinks on the whole pardon thing.

jamie said:

Any bets on who the top pardon will be?  Assange?  Will he free the Tiger King?  Will he pardon himself?  Jared - Ivanka - Junior - what will the verbiage be for them?

Will he be profiting off of the pardons?   Sounds like they'll happen tomorrow.  I feel bad for the people who deserved a pardon but where unable to payoff the Drumpft regime.

 I don't know the answers to your questions but one: yes, he will profit off of the pardons somehow

Pardon without charges: Ford/Nixon

Pardons without even names, leave alone charges: Carter/Vietnam (non)vets, Washington/Whiskey Rebellion

(subject to correction)

Pardons can only be for crimes committed BEFORE the pardon was issued. Never for "future" crimes.

The pardon power will certainly be tested in the coming months.  If he pardons himself for the crime of incitement to riot, as one possible charge, we'll have to wait and see what the courts would do if the FBI came a-knockin'.

Maybe that's something Rudy's being working on.  As a disgraced former US Attorney he would have insight into what charges could be pursued against Trump and his family and closest minions. It could help explain why he was at the White House yesterday for three hours.

I fully expect to see pardons for his kids, probably with florid language about protecting them from a vindictive witch hunt by The Left.

mrincredible said:

I fully expect to see pardons for his kids, probably with florid language about protecting them from a vindictive witch hunt by The Left.

Don't worry, they won't stop breaking the law on Jan 20, I guarantee it

mrincredible said:

The pardon power will certainly be tested in the coming months.  If he pardons himself for the crime of incitement to riot, as one possible charge, we'll have to wait and see what the courts would do if the FBI came a-knockin'.

Maybe that's something Rudy's being working on.  As a disgraced former US Attorney he would have insight into what charges could be pursued against Trump and his family and closest minions. It could help explain why he was at the White House yesterday for three hours.

I fully expect to see pardons for his kids, probably with florid language about protecting them from a vindictive witch hunt by The Left.

 But the Donald still has to be concerned about New York and Georgia. 

ml1 said:

 But the Donald still has to be concerned about New York and Georgia. 

Stop it.  I haven't smiled this hard in four years and it kinda hurts.

If they lock him up, I hope Hillary Clinton gets a copy of the key.

Maybe that's something Rudy's being working on. As a disgraced former US Attorney he would have insight into what charges could be pursued against Trump and his family and closest minions. It could help explain why he was at the White House yesterday for three hours.

maybe Trump is telling Ghouliani to collect money for pardons, and keep it as payment for his services....because Trump is not paying him for all his sweat and tears.

mrincredible said:

ml1 said:

 But the Donald still has to be concerned about New York and Georgia. 

Stop it.  I haven't smiled this hard in four years and it kinda hurts.

If they lock him up, I hope Hillary Clinton gets a copy of the key.

 I think Georgia is the place he really needs to be concerned.  The crime is recorded, and it was committed against a Republican Secretary of State.  It's kind of a no-brainer.

Joe Exotic was pardoned.

jamie said:

Joe Exotic was pardoned.

 Where did you see this?

He’s got a limousine outside the prison waiting, and praying Trump pardons him before dawn...

jamie said:

Joe Exotic was pardoned.


So, not pardoned yet.

Thanks.  That's what I thought as I haven't seen any information about any pardons being issued today.  I'm guessing that he thinks that this will play to Trump's "sensibilities."

It's like he wanted to be Oprah giving away cars. 

Over the past weeks, Trump has discussed pardons incessantly with associates, often asking if people who had not been accused of any crime wanted one before he left office. The discussions unnerved some aides, who did not believe they were in line for prosecution.

Trump talked out of pardoning kids and Republican lawmakers

Bannon pardoned.  

From the former head of HSUS

Wayne P. Pacelle

5m · "Joe Exotic" Maldanado, serving a 22-year sentence for killing tigers and for a murder plot targeting Carole Baskin, is NOT on Trump's pardon list. Sources say it's unlikely that the self-proclaimed Tiger King will get a last-minute pardon. The more pressing question is -- and I am sure Carole Baskin agrees -- will Congress pass the Big Cat Public Safety Act to halt the trade in tiger and lion cubs for the pet trade and cub petting? There's no question about their innocence. The animals don't need a pardon, just some sound policy-making.

No soup for Trump, his family or Giuliani. 

The Bannon pardon is a big FU to Trump's own cultists. 

ml1 said:

The Bannon pardon is a big FU to Trump's own cultists. 

 I wonder if that means Bannon gets to keep their yacht money?

Signature act of Trump's presidency, may be the pardon of this con man, who was convicted of a SECOND con that he was carrying out while out on bail before trial for the FIRST con, for which he was also in prison.

This N.J. con man duped investors out of millions, feds say. Trump just released him from prison. -

And, he revoked his EO restricting lobbying activities of former executive agency employees.

jamie said:

Bannon pardoned.  

 no real surprise here

nohero said:

Signature act of Trump's presidency, may be the pardon of this con man, who was convicted of a SECOND con that he was carrying out while out on bail before trial for the FIRST con, for which he was also in prison.

This N.J. con man duped investors out of millions, feds say. Trump just released him from prison. -

Not surprising.

The Lakewood orthodox community voted 90% for Trump. They strongly believe that secular justice systems should not be used against them. Instead, all disputes are to be resolved by rabbinical courts. To settle internally is a religious mandate, to never bring an accusation outside of the community. Even though some admit he did wrong they strongly feel he be settled internally.

Orthodox that go to secular authority are shunned. Which is a real challenge to the Ocean county prosecutors office when dealing with pedophilia. Very few complain to secular authority. Complaints that do get there are often dropped due to lack of evidence. Pressure is applied with everyone quickly forgetting anything happened or saying that they were mistaken.

So far no pardons for Jared, Ivanka, Don Jr or the organ donor.

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