Is Trump's campaign trying to make him lose?

I've never seen such a pathetic re-election campaign and leadership from a sitting president in my lifetime.

Seeing the email his campaign staff is sending out and the horrendous campaign commercials - it feels as though his campaign staff is sabotaging his re-election.

The complete disconnect from the pandemic, the need for rallies, the forcing of schools to open, calling Black Live Matter a "symbol of hate", bragging about acing a cognitive test and just plain lying every other minute.

It is truly more then a basket of deplorables that are defending this con man.

Folks are just waiting for a book deal or a prison sentence.

no they aren't sabotaging him.  He's still cruising along at a 40% approval rating, which is enough that he'll be competitive in the Electoral College.  If we start to see that number fall into the mid-30s, then maybe he won't have a chance.  But right now, it's by no means a certainty that Biden can win, particularly given the likelihood of GOP voter suppression come November.

In my completely non-professional opinion -

Trump is pursuing a two-pronged strategy.  The first is to motivate his die-hard base as much as possible.  That requires the "full Trump", preferably rallies but if not other sessions where he can rant and free associate in front of cameras and an audience.  He's started using his press conferences for that, and we may see the return of coronavirus briefings as well.

And he's motivating his base by pushing all the right-wing, ignorant, resentment-laden and racist buttons that he can.

But maximizing the turnout from his base doesn't work if it also increases turnout against him.  That's why he's working on the second key element of his plan - discourage anybody else.

He's demonizing mail-in voting.  He knows that his rabid base will go out to vote in person, and he's counting on discouraging others.  He's creating doubt so that local officials who WANT to avoid making it as easy as possible, CAN do so with less criticism.

He's also going to try to encourage the "both sides are just as bad" crowd.  His rants about "Russiagate" are picked up by allegedly "progressive" voices.  "Bernie was robbed again" will still be kept alive by Trump. Finally, by "James Comey Day" (October 28), Barr may come up with some cooked-up allegation about Biden and the Democrats using the "Deep State" FBI to persecute Trump.

If Paul Surovell was still posting here, he'd be ready to explain it all to us, just like last time.

With the 40% approval rating - the # of deplorables is much greater then a basket full - Hillary definitely underestimated this count.

The whole "Biden is senile" line kinda fails when Donny is bragging about acing this test. 

He said the last five questions were hard. I wonder which ones he was referring to.

I saw a bit of an interview, and Trump was leaning into his depiction of the liberal Dems running out of control cities filled with people who "hate America."

If he wants to increase GOP turnout he just has to keep asking them if they want to see the liberal Dems destroy the country. That should do the trick.

My theory has always been, they don't love him, they hate us.

Morganna said:

My theory has always been, they don't love him, they hate us.

Too bad for them, we are hilarious 

People are spooked because Trump pulled an upset in 2016.  But that was a "perfect storm".

His schtick is getting old with swing voters. Do they really want to have to listen to him for another four years?

Biden isn't Hillary. There are no "emails" and no Comey.The biggest danger to Biden is overconfidence.

STANV said:

People are spooked because Trump pulled an upset in 2016.  But that was a "perfect storm".

His schtick is getting old with swing voters. Do they really want to have to listen to him for another four years?

Biden isn't Hillary. There are no "emails" and no Comey.The biggest danger to Biden is overconfidence.

Don't jinx it

STANV said:

People are spooked because Trump pulled an upset in 2016.  But that was a "perfect storm".

His schtick is getting old with swing voters. Do they really want to have to listen to him for another four years?

Biden isn't Hillary. There are no "emails" and no Comey.The biggest danger to Biden is overconfidence.

 the biggest dangers are voter suppression, and the almost certainty of lawsuits from Trump all over the country if he loses.  Do we really think that GOP legislatures won't go ahead and certify Trump electors if their state results are in dispute?  And are we confident the SCOTUS won't allow it?

we need to beat Trump by such a wide margin in so many states that there can't be any doubt about who won.  

ml1 said:

we need to beat Trump by such a wide margin in so many states that there can't be any doubt about who won.  

 Trump said that if not for illegal votes he would have carried California. The bigger the margin of Biden's win the bigger the fraud.

Voter suppression must be fought tooth and nail with lawyers on standby in every voting district or County ready to go into Court. In NJ there is always a Judge assigned on Election Day to hear any challenges. I would think that other States have something similar.

I'd suggest that this: 

STANV said:

ml1 said:

we need to beat Trump by such a wide margin in so many states that there can't be any doubt about who won.  

 Trump said that if not for illegal votes he would have carried California. The bigger the margin of Biden's win the bigger the fraud.

Voter suppression must be fought tooth and nail with lawyers on standby in every voting district or County ready to go into Court. In NJ there is always a Judge assigned on Election Day to hear any challenges. I would think that other States have something similar.

 isn't entirely compatible with this:

STANV said:

The biggest danger to Biden is overconfidence. 

I think the dangers are Biden's potential overconfidence, as well as overconfidence among Democratic voters that the system will hold.  I still remember what happened in 2000 with a presidential candidate who was actually a pillar of the GOP establishment.  What will happen with Trump and the current Republican Party who really don't seem to care if they burn the whole thing to the ground?


ml1 said:

no they aren't sabotaging him.  He's still cruising along at a 40% approval rating, which is enough that he'll be competitive in the Electoral College.  If we start to see that number fall into the mid-30s, then maybe he won't have a chance.  But right now, it's by no means a certainty that Biden can win, particularly given the likelihood of GOP voter suppression come November.

 Then there's Vlad and his hackers. 

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