Invoking the 25th amendment

Yes, we actually need to figure this out.  The plain truth is that no one knows what Donny might try to do in the past 2 weeks.  January 6th always felt like his big moment. Now that it's past what will be his next move.

I also feel that there are enough people in place to help keep him in check, but with moves like this - we just don't know:

We all know striking Iran is pretty high on his bucket list.

I always thought my my Trump-xiety would subside after the election loss, then after the state certifications (December 9), then at the congress certification - now it's been extended until he actually is removed from DC.  I really hope it doesn't persist after that.  How soon will his next con job start after he leaves?

IMHO a delegation from Congress should go to see him and "make him an offer he cannot refuse".

To invoke the 25th Amendment, you need the Vice President and the Cabinet.  Instead of trying to get them to commit like that, I think that they, and anyone else around Trump, should just ignore his demands for the next two weeks.

On Inauguration Day, there shouldn't be any ceremonial meeting with the Bidens at the White House in the morning, or traveling together to the swearing in.  Trump should be told that there's a helicopter for him, between now and noon on the 20th, and he should get on and be brought to Andrews Air Force Base, where a plan will take him anywhere he thinks he can find some shelter.

To require the VP and a majority of the cabinet to invoke the 25th is too high a bar considering they are supporters and beholden to the president.

At the least, it should be the VP and 1/3 of the cabinet. A president getting his VP and 1/3 of his cabinet pissed enough to invoke removal is already high bar, enough so that he is most likely deserving of it. Besides, following removal, there is that final determination by congress.

When they leave office presidents get transported in style to their hearts desire. I guess with Trump it will Mar-a-Lago. What he deserves and needs is transportation to St Elizabeth's for analysis and treatment.

I'm sure Pence and the cabinet think they can keep him in line for 2 more weeks.  At least let's hope so.

If Schumer sets a deadline and Pence does nothing, he can just start the impeachment process then and there.

The 25th can also be invoked with Pence and a panel of congressmen.

jimmurphy said:

The 25th can also be invoked with Pence and a panel of congressmen.

 Might be the only way. Transport Secretary and Mitch McConnell's wife Elaine Chao just resigned. Can't use the cabinet if there is no cabinet.

"Speaker Nancy Pelosi has called on Vice President Mike Pence and the Cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to immediately remove President Donald Trump from office following the deadly riots at the U.S. Capitol."

"If the vice president and the Cabinet do not act, the Congress may be prepared to move forward with impeachment," Pelosi said.

Happy to see Adam Schiff on Rachel Maddow last night moving forward with Impeachment. It's the only way to try to shame the Senate into eventually voting to stop him from ever holding office again.

I liked the answer that if the vote comes to the Senate it only requires 2/3s of the Senators who show up to vote in favor of removal and then a simple majority to stop him for holding future office. That was clarified by Lawrence Tribe on The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell.

I really don't want to watch a 4 year campaign for the next election.

cramer said:

Wow, storming the seat of government, looking to hang the VP (second in line for Presidency), kill House Speaker (3rd in line), and generally threaten political opponents in Government.

If this is not sedition and treason, what ever will be? We should legally go after the people that enabled this, including Trump, Ted Cruz, Don Jr, Josh Hawley, Rudy, ...

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