How are campaigns matching 500% donations? (And Trump campaign emails)

Trump is doing this - not sure if Biden is - I found this online:

Sounds like there's a few loopholes in the campaign donation process somehow.

Eric Trump sent this to me today

jamie said:

Eric Trump sent this to me today

 That is one of the worst fundraising appeals I have ever seen. It attacks the recipient and says they are "disappointed" in him but that Eric has convinced his father to "give the person a second chance". Like they're doing you a favor taking your money.

That's the way these people think. Do their small donors think that way as well? 

jamie said:

Eric Trump sent this to me today

How did you get on Eric Trumps email list?

basil said:

jamie said:

Eric Trump sent this to me today

How did you get on Eric Trumps email list?

 Signed up.  grin

I didn't use my main email - created a forwarder that would only be connected to trump specific things.

jamie said:

Eric Trump sent this to me today

 Oh please invite him to join MOL.  I mean now that you two are on a first name basis. Poor guy. Everyone is being mean to his Dad.

I can't believe I've been selected!

In recognition of your commitment and unwavering support for President Donald J. Trump, you have been formally selected to join the Presidential Honor Roll.


I have exciting news to share with you.

You’ve always been a top supporter of mine, and to thank you, I want to offer you a spot on my Trump Presidential Honor Roll.

Members of my Honor Roll have shown true dedication to our America First agenda, and have made it clear they will continue fighting to Keep America Great no matter what LIES the Left throws our way.

The Democrats’ despicable strategies are not going to work. Not on my watch. But, I can’t do it alone. When I need advice, I’ll turn to YOU. When I need to make a statement to the Fake News media, I’ll turn to YOU.

Joining my Honor Roll is absolutely paramount, and that’s why I’m calling on YOU to step up and accept my offer so that we can FIGHT BACK against their constant attacks.

I’m only extending this offer to my most loyal supporters. The Presidential Honor Roll is a select group and I can only guarantee your spot for the next 3 hours. I hope you can accept your invitation to this distinguished group of Trump supporters.

Please contribute ANY AMOUNT to join my prestigious Trump Presidential Honor Roll. >>

Wow !!!

Impressive, impressive, impressive. A great honor. To be personally honored by our president into the  Presidential Honor Roll. To be a member of such a distinguished group. To be yourself distinguished.

Can we get any more presidential than that? I don't think so. Some deride our great president, but say what you will, this is what Making America Great Again all about. You are part of a great movement.

Other may gnash their teeth in jealous rage, but, I'm not. I am overwhelmed that I know someone on a forum who has been so honored.

I'm sure you will be keeping your cell phone anchored, awaiting that certainty of our president calling you for advice.

jamie said:

basil said:

jamie said:

Eric Trump sent this to me today

How did you get on Eric Trumps email list?

 Signed up. 

I didn't use my main email - created a forwarder that would only be connected to trump specific things.

 This is brilliant.  Strangely, I'd like to be on the list of people in whom the campaign is disappointed.  

Now Don Junior wants me onboard also!


Why haven’t you accepted my Father’s invitation to join the Official Trump VIP Club?

The Trump VIP Club is a highly exclusive, invite-only group of my father’s most trusted supporters. So, when he asked me who I thought we should invite to join, I immediately thought of Jamie from New Jersey.

You’ve always been one of the President’s most loyal allies, which is why, for a short time, when you make your next contribution, you’ll automatically reach VIP Status and cement your name in history as a member of the Trump VIP Club.

This offer is only valid until 11:59 PM TONIGHT. If you fail to join, you might not get another chance.

To answer the title question:

Matching donations one-to-one would require a coordinated network of wealthy donors who had not yet given to the campaign. Triple- or quadruple-matching would require such an effort to be that much larger.

jamie said:

Now Don Junior wants me onboard also!


Why haven’t you accepted my Father’s invitation to join the Official Trump VIP Club?

The Trump VIP Club is a highly exclusive, invite-only group of my father’s most trusted supporters. So, when he asked me who I thought we should invite to join, I immediately thought of Jamie from New Jersey.

You’ve always been one of the President’s most loyal allies, which is why, for a short time, when you make your next contribution, you’ll automatically reach VIP Status and cement your name in history as a member of the Trump VIP Club.

This offer is only valid until 11:59 PM TONIGHT. If you fail to join, you might not get another chance.

I hear Ivanka & Jared will show up at your house tomorrow morning if you don't join.

You’ve always been one of the President’s most loyal allies, which is why, for a short time, when you make your next contribution, you’ll automatically reach VIP Status and cement your name in history as a member of the Trump VIP Club.

 Yikes -- you don't want your name on that. It might be admissible as evidence.

basil said:

jamie said:

Now Don Junior wants me onboard also!


Why haven’t you accepted my Father’s invitation to join the Official Trump VIP Club?

The Trump VIP Club is a highly exclusive, invite-only group of my father’s most trusted supporters. So, when he asked me who I thought we should invite to join, I immediately thought of Jamie from New Jersey.

You’ve always been one of the President’s most loyal allies, which is why, for a short time, when you make your next contribution, you’ll automatically reach VIP Status and cement your name in history as a member of the Trump VIP Club.

This offer is only valid until 11:59 PM TONIGHT. If you fail to join, you might not get another chance.

I hear Ivanka & Jared will show up at your house tomorrow morning if you don't join.

 Jamie please post your address.  I think the whole community should be there to "welcome" Thing 1 and Thing 2.

PVW said:

 Yikes -- you don't want your name on that. It might be admissible as evidence.

 Sign it "Unindicted Co-conspirator 2"

Overall - I got 8 email in one day to my Trump account.  The branding he's trying to give his supporters is that they're American Defenders and Patriots.

What's odd is stuff like - if you download the Trump app in the next hour - we're going to send Trump a list with your name on it.  Will he see your name on it?

It was hard not buying this welcome mat - I had to alter a couple words on it:

This is just so bizarre - please tell me Biden isn't doing anything like I've posted on here.

Here's the latest:


Did you see the President’s email?

You’ve been identified as one of his strongest supporters, and he wants to do something special for YOU.

He’s requested to have the Official Donor List printed and framed to hang in his office, but he wants to make sure YOUR NAME is on it first.

I'm a winner - I guess like Trump - it's critical that his supporters feel like winners - they're conditioned through his emails:

CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve won the Weekly Trump Patriot 500%-MATCH!

Every week President Trump selects one of his BEST supporters to receive an exclusive 500%-MATCH, and this week, it’s YOU.

This offer is only available to you for the NEXT 2 HOURS, Jamie. After that, it will expire and your matching offer will be invalid. 


I also got a platinum card offer again:

I need to set the record straight.

In 2016, I was simply your voice, but YOU were the one who took our Country BACK.

Time and time again, you’ve stood by my side and shown the Left that this is YOUR Country, not theirs. You have been a fierce and loyal defender of our mission to Make America Great Again, which is why I now want to present you with a special offer to make an even BIGGER impact.

Since you’ve been such an important part of our movement, I wanted to give you this exclusive opportunity to become an Official 2020 Trump Platinum Member. When you become a member, you’ll even get your very own PERSONALIZED Membership Card.

This is the FIRST time I’ve ever opened this exclusive membership group to my online supporters. Normally, this group is reserved for just my top 500 supporters. This could be your one and only chance to join, Jamie.

Aren’t you thinking one of trump’s supporters on this site might report you to the Gropenfuhrer as a spy? Treason is high on trump’s list of pet peeves.

jamie said:

This is just so bizarre - please tell me Biden isn't doing anything like I've posted on here.

Here's the latest:


Did you see the President’s email?

You’ve been identified as one of his strongest supporters, and he wants to do something special for YOU.

He’s requested to have the Official Donor List printed and framed to hang in his office, but he wants to make sure YOUR NAME is on it first.

 Biden's campaign sends me endless FB and email bait to pick the VP.(they must have read some of my MOL posts.) Most of the FB crowd simply post comments because if you pick your favorite on the link by the end of the survey you have to click on a donation. I know I keep trying.

In the comments on FB there is always a lively debate. I post my favorites knowing that it has no chance of being reviewed by anyone remotely close to Biden.

Nevertheless she persisted.

Lara Trump is soooooooooooooo disappointed in me.

Subject line of this email was: You haven’t used your offer

Why didn’t you use your 500%-MATCH?

President Trump specifically selected YOU for this exclusive opportunity, and he was disappointed that you failed to use your offer.

But, since you've always been such a loyal supporter, I pulled some strings and have been authorized to EXTEND your 500%-MATCH.

Your 500%-MATCH extension is ONLY valid for 2 MORE HOURS, Jamie. After that, it will permanently expire.

jamie said:

Lara Trump is soooooooooooooo disappointed in me.

cramer said:

 Is Kimberly still in kwarantine because of the Kovid-19?

nohero said:

cramer said:

 Is Kimberly still in kwarantine because of the Kovid-19?

 You mean, speaking of Botox?  (Although I should be glad that the Trump females are such good Botox users since I own stock in Abbvie,  which acquired Allergan, the maker of Botox.) 

I assume that Kimberly is still in quarantine. 

Here's one of the latest:

What I’m about to tell you is NOT public knowledge.

I am hosting a very important event soon and I’ve requested that YOU be my VIP guest. You’ve always been one of our TOP supporters, so I’ve decided to do something extra special…

I’ve unlocked an exclusive DOUBLE-ENTRY for YOU and YOU ONLY!

All you have to do is contribute ANY AMOUNT and you’ll automatically be entered TWICE to win a trip to meet your favorite President at my upcoming event.

This offer is ONLY for you, Jamie, so please DO NOT share this.


(If he only knew I was sharing it) 

A few hours later:

Didn’t you see President Trump’s email? He really wants to meet you.

He’s activated a DOUBLE-ENTRY for his TOP supporters ONLY to win a chance to meet him at an upcoming event, but we noticed you haven’t used your offer yet...

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, Jamie, and the President REALLY wants to meet you, so for ONE DAY ONLY, he has decided to EXTEND your DOUBLE-ENTRY offer.

That’s right, just contribute ANY AMOUNT by 11:59 PM TONIGHT, and you’ll automatically be entered TWICE to win the trip of a lifetime.

I'd expect better strategy from a Middle School student helping his friend run for class president.

Yes you will be invited to join the President at a campaign rally during a pandemic. You only have until 11: 59 PM tonight to send a donation!

They must be getting advice from the televangelists.

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