Harris v Pence debate

Has anyone seen the piddly plexiglass dividers they installed for the debate?

What do they expect those things to do?


oy, the CNN pre-coverage is too dumb to watch.

I can't stand David Gregory.  He's the epitome of the conventional wisdom DC insider. blech

And Van Jones.

And Rick Santorum.


About the debate:

The debate between Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Kamala Harris will begin at 9 p.m. Eastern on Wednesday and run for 90 minutes without commercial interruptions. This will be their only debate.

The Times will livestream the event, accompanied by analysis and fact-checking from our reporters. The debate will also be carried on networks including ABC, CBS, CNN, C-SPAN, Fox News, MSNBC, NBC and PBS.

Susan Page, the Washington bureau chief for USA Today, will moderate the debate, which will be held at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City.

Mr. Pence, Ms. Harris and Ms. Page will not wear masks onstage, but everyone else in the audience will be required to do so.

“If anyone does not wear a mask, they will be escorted out,” read the protocols released this week by the debate commission.

There will be nine segments of 10 minutes each, with topics chosen by Ms. Page. She has not disclosed those topics publicly or to the campaigns.

What is the facial expression on Pence?

Go get him Kamala!


Oh I love the look she is giving him.

The average Trumper will love Pence's delivery and will buy it.

Pence can't answer anything directly.

Kamala has to hit harder on the anti-masker in chief.

jamie said:

Pence can't answer anything directly.

 He’s just parroting Trump’s bovine scatology 

Pence totally dodges the plan if Trump gets sick.

I do think this is a lame question - Harris walking around it also.

Pence is low energy - even lower then Jeb.

He looks upset and rattled. She looks like she is toying with her prey and enjoying it.

Anyone buying what Mikey is saying?  Can't wait for the post debate fact check.

Is the moderator watching the same debate I am?  Or is she in the bag for the VP?

Pence will keep listening to the "science" when it comes to climate change.

Pence is going for Trump's Lies Per Day record. 

She's walking all over him.

She is mopping the floor with him.

Pence is dodging again.

Pence is slime, but he's more than holding his own here.

She got him on the packing question though.

jamie said:

the fly has landed

 Flies are attracted to bull siht 

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