Grab them by the p*ssy

So, here's a link to the video recording of Trump's latest:

Thoughts? Campaign over? Or sadly expected?

Trump too vulgar for MOL, trash talk comes out as bleeps.

Typical bullsh#t from Trump. Everyone knows he's a pig, some care and some don't.

I think Billy Bush is going down. NBC will have to fire him or else they will get torched for having no standards.

And Trump supporters will yawn , say "so what" and then say they will pray for him

Governor Pence, after all that prayer, you must know you're going straight to hell now, right?

They'll spin it and say he's changed, asked for forgiveness from God, and was granted it. It's over for Trump. The guy is a creep, a con-man, sexist, greedy, xenophobic, a poor businessman, thin skinned, sociopathic, a liar, a poor father who has raised obnoxious and clueless children, and he is not terribly bright. He is the worst America has to offer in a business person and a person. He is an embarrassment to this nation and an insult to the world.

But other than that he would make a great President.

Seems to me that, from this point forward, there is only one basket.

I would label him a predator.

The coverage on doesn't censor the x-rated words (f-ck, pu--y). I don't think they've ever done that before. It was shocking to see, even though I've always thought the censoring was dumb. It really brings home the tawdriness of this story.

blianderson said:

I would label him a predator.

I would label him a pervert.

bettyd said:

They'll spin it and say he's changed, asked for forgiveness from God, and was granted it.

That's already been done. Trump the born again Christian.

They can spin it on how wonderful the Lord is in having changed the foul mouthed Trump into God's lamb.

The backpedaling is somewhat.

So when is Rodney Frelinghuysen going to break w/Trump, along with Chevitz.

Top Republicans are churning out statements of disgust, meeting to discuss what should be done if Trump should resign, in panic mode. The seriousness of this moment is starting to finally be felt as perhaps the death knell of Trump's campaign.

BG9 said:

bettyd said:

They'll spin it and say he's changed, asked for forgiveness from God, and was granted it.

That's already been done. Trump the born again Christian.

I don't believe it for a minute. How can all of those evangelicals???

Looks like there is only one basket left.

yahooyahoo said:

Typical bullsh#t from Trump. Everyone knows he's a pig, some care and some don't.

I think Billy Bush is going down. NBC will have to fire him or else they will get torched for having no standards.

It's worse than vulgar BS. He's describing - with great pride - his habit of committing sexual assault.

Republicans should be punished in all congressional races for foisting this disgrace of a human being on this nation.

bettyd said:

Republicans should be punished in all congressional races for foisting this disgrace of a human being on this nation.


mjh said:

bettyd said:

Republicans should be punished in all congressional races for foisting this disgrace of a human being on this nation.


But many of those republicans were specifically elected to bring this about. The tea party is what led to this, as standard conservatives were driven out of leadership positions. What voters are going to drive them out? It's what they asked for, even if they don't want it.

Has Guiliani explained it away yet?

fairplay said:

blianderson said:

I would label him a predator.

I would label him a pervert.

I would label him the republican candidate for president of the United States; the most irresponsible thing a party could do.

If he withdraws, is there still time for a replacement to get on all the states' ballots?

lots of friends of friends on FB who are supporters defending/ dismissing with the following:

It was 15 years ago, he's a different man now. Um, he was a 55 year old man 15 years ago. He wasn't some silly teen or clueless college frat boy. And he has proven himself to be exactly this man his entire campaign. Sorry, no.

Every guy talks like this, probably even worse. Now, I am not naive. I understand even married men or men we love and respect may say something crass about a woman now and again especially in the company of his boys. But I would say that most do not venture into the territory of sexual assault or ever even think that way. Most would never uttered some of the sh$& that's part of this video. Better yet, most have never even THOUGHT about a woman this way. Further, most wouldn't be stupid enough to make even a slightly crass comment to an interviewer in this setting (even if the recording were private, it's still a "professional" setting where he's being interviewed or featured on a tv show). I think that's important too- it's not like Billy Bush is his buddy or long- time confidante. He's an interviewer on a tv show and Donald thinks it's okay ( even seems braggy) to say this kind of thing to him.

On top of that, he didn't know how to get out of a bus.

I believe it was in 2005, Trump was 59, when he made these comments. Almost a senior.

I'm wouldn't be surprised that those who said "every guy talks like this" believe it. They are Trump supporters and in their swinish culture, they and the people who they hang with, most likely do talk like that.

Morganna said:

Michelle Bachmann is no match for Joy-Ann Reid.

Joy Reid has supplanted Rachel Maddow in my book for favorite woman journalist! What a smart, competent professional. She stands her ground and shoots down all of the Trumpists who come on her show and won't answer her questions.

And as for Chris Matthews........won't waste my time and breath.

jeffl said:

If he withdraws, is there still time for a replacement to get on all the states' ballots?

I doubt it. People have already voted in a number of States. Barack Obama voted in Chicago yesterday.

mumstheword said:

Morganna said:

Michelle Bachmann is no match for Joy-Ann Reid.

Joy Reid has supplanted Rachel Maddow in my book for favorite woman journalist! What a smart, competent professional. She stands her ground and shoots down all of the Trumpists who come on her show and won't answer her questions.

And as for Chris Matthews........won't waste my time and breath.

Rachel and Joy were great together on the Maddow show the other night. One of the things that I like about Rachel is the enthusiasm she has for the other players on the team. Joy is a great addition to the MSNBC crew.

I'm sipping a glorious Napa Chardonnay at the moment. Feeling good.

Robert_Casotto said:
I'm sipping a glorious Napa Chardonnay at the moment. Feeling good.

Sonoma makes wonderful wines. Napa parts. Thank you Smothers Brothers!

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