GOP2020: What Becomes Of The Collaborators Post-Trump?

Onward, Christian soldiers,
Marching as to war.
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before!
Christ, the royal Master,
Leads against the foe;
Forward into battle,
See His banner go!
Onward, Christian soldiers,
Marching as to war.
With the cross of Jesus
Going on before!
In 2009, radical "Christian" jihadists drew blood in NY23. The rotting corpses of both Hoffman and Scozzafava testify to a "kill and/or be killed" religious fervor. But their reign of terror has just begun. Armed with Bible quotes and folk wisdom, they threaten several Republicans in 2010 primaries. Hopefully, this thread will trace the bloody path of entrails and other yucky innards left by the wayside on the road to rapture. It won't be pretty, but someone must take up the cause and document - through stunning copy & paste artistry - the saga of this troubling time; if not for the good of MOL, then certainly for that child, many years hence, who will sit on Granddad's knee and ask, "Poppy, what were Republicans like before they surrendered their party to the crazies?" - GL2

The most deserving of challenge, of course, is Mr. Maverick, the hip-shootin' cowpoke who was irresponsible enough to try putting Sarah second-in-command to an aging president with a history of major health challenges.
PHOENIX, AZ -- Rasmussen announced a new poll on Friday showing Senator John McCain may be in trouble at home where a polarized electorate has him facing constant criticism from both the left and the right.
The poll shows McCain tied with former Congressman and current talk radio host J.D. Hayworth in a hypothetical Republican primary. Hayworth, who has become an outspoken local hero among immigration-control activists, lost his House seat to Rep. Harry Mitchell (D) in 2006. Since then, Hayworth has promoted the Tea Parties on his radio show and has spoken at Tea Party events, including the April 15 rally in Phoenix. Hayworth has expressed interest in running but has been tight-lipped on whether or not he intends to actually file as a candidate against McCain.
(CNN) -- The Republican fratricide in the November 3 special election in upstate New York may prove just an opening round of an even more spectacular bloodbath in Florida in 2010.
In New York, Republican feuding lost the party a seat in the House of Representatives. At stake in Florida is not only a senatorship -- but very possibly Republican hopes for 2012 as well.
The battle in Florida pits Gov. Charlie Crist against former Speaker of the Florida House Marco Rubio. Both men claim to be conservative, pro-life, tax cutters. On the issues, they would seem to agree far more than they disagree.
But on one issue they have disagreed passionately: President Obama's fiscal stimulus. Squeezed by his state's desperate fiscal condition, Crist endorsed and campaigned for the Obama stimulus. Inspired by his conservative ideology, Rubio opposed stimulus.
Now Rubio is the darling of conservatives nationwide. Just this week it was announced that he would give the keynote address at next year's annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington. He has been profiled on the cover of National Review, endorsed by the Club for Growth, and feted by radio talk show hosts.

The renewed potency of populist conservatism has been on display since the summer, when health care town hall meetings became a forum for frustrated voters, angry at President Obama and Congressional Democrats over the issue of government expansion, and also at Republicans suspected of not fighting aggressively enough.
But even as conservatives exult in Mr. Obama’s declining job approval ratings, the drive for ideological purity inspired by the populists of the right has left many elected Republicans nervous and concerned.
Just ask Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina or Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida, rock-solid Republicans who now are accused of being insufficiently ideological. Consider too the recent election in upstate New York, in which a dispute between conservatives and moderates cost Republicans a House seat they had held for generations.

If this thread doesn't have the legs to make it to fall, 2010 - as measured by continuing mainstream news stories about Republican primary challenges - it will die a premature death and disprove the OP's thesis - that the real story of 2010 will not be the obvious one, a pickup of opposition party seats, but the bloodbath within the Republican Party.


Meanwhile, in Little Rhody, Grand Ayatollah Thomas Tobin of the tax-exempt Catholic Church, has decided that Patrick Kennedy cannot receive communion. I wonder how many pro-choice Catholics and women who've had abortions received communion today in America. "Onward Christian Soldiers,/Marching as to war."

Congressman Patrick Kennedy, Democrat of Rhode Island, has been denied communion by the Catholic Church because of his pro choice views on abortion. Patrick Kennedy's fight with his own church illustrates the intersection of politics and religion.

Patrick Kennedy, the son of the late Senator Teddy Kennedy, is now in a public spat with Roman Catholic Bishop Thomas Tobin, who instructed Patrick Kennedy not to receive communion and ordered priests in the diocese of Providence, Rhode Island to deny Kennedy the holy rite.


Let his days be few; and let another take his office. Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow.

The newest far-right craze is an anti-Obama slogan that is making its way onto t-shirts, bumper stickers, mugs, and even teddy bears: “Pray for Obama: Psalm 109:8,” which reads, “Let his days be few; and let another take his office.” The meme is also taking off on Twitter, with conservatives calling it “hilarious.” Commentators have noted that it’s unclear whether the intent is to hope for an end to Obama’s time in office — or an end to his life. But a look at the lines in the rest of the psalm hint at the latter:
Let his days be few; and let another take his office. Let his children be fatherless, and his wife a widow. Let his children be continually vagabonds, and beg: let them seek their bread also out of their desolate places. Let the extortioner catch all that he hath; and let the strangers spoil his labor. Let there be none to extend mercy unto him: neither let there be any to favor his fatherless children. Let his posterity be cut off; and in the generation following let their name be blotted out. Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered with the LORD; and let not the sin of his mother be blotted out. Let them be before the LORD continually, that he may cut off the memory of them from the earth.’s_'days_be_few'/

Did you purposely pick November 22nd a little past 3:00 PM EST to post the foregoing?

I'm scared to come in...

will just listen for the time being...

I'm glad to see the thread. Scary stuff, though.

A worthwhile read linking the Kennedy assasination with the type of violent hate-speech noted in GL2's post.

Posted By: LOSTDid you purposely pick November 22nd a little past 3:00 PM EST to post the foregoing?

If I were less honest, I'd say "Yes."

I'm starting to sense the irony of all this paranoia about Muslim extremists while we watch this "Christian" fundamentalist jihad grow in our midst. Clearly, I'm just picking up the theme from published people who began to write about the theme recently. So I'm not claiming some great revelation here. Just trying to start an MOL conversation about it.

But it occurs to me: we yell at moderate Muslims for not speaking out against extremists in their ranks while Christians watch this movement grow and sully the name of christianity. Where's the outrage among Catholics as Bishop Tommy Tobin publicly rebukes a Catholic and tells priests not to give him communion? Because, in his day job, Kennedy supports healthcare? Nice christian values.

Posted By: mjh

A worthwhile read linking the Kennedy assasination with the type of violent hate-speech noted in GL2's post.

Thanks for this link. More evidence that we've seen this movie before.

I'm trying to consciously use the capital C for christian organizations and their followers and the small c for people who follow Christ's teachings without necessarily subscribing to the tenets of an established organization. For the record, I live with a small-c christian. She believes that the overriding theme of Christ's teachings is taking care of the poor.

I have left Catholicism behind for numerous reasons. But one reason was not their disapproval of abortion. While I agree that abortion should remain legal, that is a secular and political opinion, not a religious one. To me, it is at best a necessary evil. But I can understand why Catholicism might disapprove of abortion.

And, I would expect priests to talk directly to Catholic politicians who actively support abortion and remind them of their religious beliefs as Catholics. I am only surprised and disappointed that it was made public - and used as a political tool.

So I do not see this example as being as wacky as some of your other examples.

And as a reminder, if only Catholics voted in the US, George W Bush would have never been President (according to exit poles). Catholics are largely liberal.

Posted By: WootAnd as a reminder, if only Catholics voted in the US, George W Bush would have never been President (according to exit poles). Catholics are largely liberal.

And this is why I asked rhetorically (and perhaps unclearly), how many pro-choice Catholics received communion yesterday. I'm hoping they're appalled by this public rebuke. I was raised Catholic and we often used terms like Casual Catholic and others I can't remember to indicate that, while we loved the Church, we couldn't adhere to its most severe teachings. And certainly, if a priest is to be trusted with our darkest notions, he might consider not declaring jihad against a public figure.

Or like me, they are able to separate their religious beliefs and their political beliefs. Perhaps Catholics are not sheep, blindly following all teachings of their church/religion. Plus, Catholics interpret the Bible, avoiding fundamentalist interpretations. That is why I do not equate Catholicism to fundamentalist Christian religions and find it out of place in this thread with your other "Christian Jihad" references.

Gl2, only one of your examples touches on Christianity and that tangentially and that is the Obama T-shirt. The dispute between Kennedy and the Bishop is purely private religion and if Patrick wants to get his holies in all he has to do is slip across the border to New Bedford.

Are you Christian? Were you raised a Christian? If not, you speech is not only incorrect but hate filled. As I have said about a hundred times here in order to receive tolerance, you have to be tolerant of others.

Wow. The thread's first personal attack.

bobk, I've posted copy & paste chunks from publications: post #1 sets the theme: the perversion of christian values in the service of purging impure Republicans. Sometimes this is done in the guise of "conservative values," which I read as code. You may dispute that, I suppose, but I believe that it's there and I think you'll see ample support for this position.

The Kennedy spat is "purely private" if you assume that airing a Catholic's transgressions publicly and ordering other priests to deny communion are private matters. In fact, I guess I'm embarrassed at having eavesdropped on the private matter by reading national media reports.

I believe I am tolerant of others on this board. I've been talking about national political people and events. I'm also making a conscious effort to compare different religions' intolerance in an effort to show similarities between religions, their adherents, and their leaders.

As for your questions, I said I live with a small-c christian and I was raised Catholic. But enough about me, bobk. Why don't we talk politics instead.:bigsmile:

I now understand.
Everything is illuminated.



Who decided what political positions Jesus espouses?

“It was a good example of how we, as a conference, can work together to have a positive influence on legislation,” Bishop William Murphy, head of the domestic justice and human development committee of the U.S. Conference of Bishops, told the Catholic News Service last week.
Success in the House came after the church ran a classic lobbying operation: deploying paid staff to Capitol Hill, tapping influential bishops to make private appeals to key congressional leaders and distributing bulletin inserts to 19,000 parishes with easy instructions — and sample wording — for sending a message to local representatives.


Catholicism may not be the best of allies for the extreme right because they support many causes associated with Democrats. I'm certainly with the Catholics on immigration, gun control, and capital punishment. But I'm not sure I want my poor box pennies going to lobbying for legislation.

It's been appalling enough to know that there are Protestant preachers attacking BHO, telling congregations they risk going to Hell for voting certain ways, and still maintaining their tax-exempt status.

Posted By: WootThat is why I do not equate Catholicism to fundamentalist Christian religions and find it out of place in this thread with your other "Christian Jihad" references.

I think you're right in that I can't imagine that Catholic positions beyond healthcare debate/Kennedy have any place in a thread about "Christian" jihad against moderate Republicans. As we've both said, most Catholic positions are closer to Dem positions. But this singleton really sticks out, IMHO, because it publicly airs a Catholic's struggle with his religion, lobbies against healthcare, and picks up the same persecution against the Kennedys that Ted endured all his adult life.

In fact, out of respect for both christians and Christians, I'm going to put quotes around the word "Christian" when I use it to refer to jihadists. I'm hoping that will temper the thesis of the thread.

As of 11:00am today, the Army is doing all it can to prevent jihadists from embarrassing the military and its commander-in-chief by limiting Sarah Palin's activities at Fort Hood. Sarah, who prays for people who oppose her, continues to say that the commander-in-chief of the armed forces associates with radicals. To oppose her is to be in need of her prayers. This posture is not unlike the letter from "God" ("He" actually signed it) she wrote to announce her child's birth.

Onward "Christian" soldiers,
Marching as to war.

Yo Charlie Crist! You Can Run But You Can't Hide!

Crist is also disavowing his literal and political embrace of Obama and his recovery plan last winter when the national economy was on the brink of collapse. He told Rolling Stone last spring that he "absolutely" would have supported that plan if he were a senator. But this month he told CNN that "I didn't endorse it. I didn't even have a vote on the darn thing."

So far the Club For Growth's formal endorsements in Senate races are limited to Florida and Pennsylvania, while Palin has weighed in for Texas Gov. Rick Perry in his re-election fight against moderate GOP senator Kay Bailey Hutchison. But the indirect impact of conservative pressure is much broader, affecting Senate races in places like Connecticut, Illinois, Arizona, Kentucky, New Hampshire, and Delaware. GOP hopefuls are mostly toeing the line, even if it means doing 180-degree turnarounds.

Jim DeMint - Tea Party Rock Star! Why Does SC Get So Many Crazies? Can't They Share!

But while DeMint enjoys his growing influence in the conservative movement and is treated like a rock star at tea party rallies, he’s causing problems within the Republican establishment. GOP critics accuse him of unnecessarily hurting the party’s prospects in next year’s midterms by fueling contentious primaries and pushing candidates who may be loved by the base but struggle in the general election.
“He’s certainly speaking for an intense point of view in the party, but the ultimate test is whether or not the Republican nominee wins the general elections. If they lose, it strengthens the liberal Democrats,” said Republican pollster Whit Ayres. “Adding more Democrats to [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi’s team does not advance the Republican cause.”
DeMint says primaries are a helpful part of the process and that candidates are increasingly reaching out to him instead of the NRSC because “anything associated with the establishment now is not considered an asset in a Republican race.”


Meanwhile, in Little Rhody, Grand Ayatollah Thomas Tobin of the tax-exempt Catholic Church, has decided that Patrick Kennedy cannot receive communion. I wonder how many pro-choice Catholics and women who've had abortions received communion today in America. "Onward Christian Soldiers,/Marching as to war."

Congressman Patrick Kennedy, Democrat of Rhode Island, has been denied communion by the Catholic Church because of his pro choice views on abortion. Patrick Kennedy's fight with his own church illustrates the intersection of politics and religion.

Patrick Kennedy, the son of the late Senator Teddy Kennedy, is now in a public spat with Roman Catholic Bishop Thomas Tobin, who instructed Patrick Kennedy not to receive communion and ordered priests in the diocese of Providence, Rhode Island to deny Kennedy the holy rite.


fair enough, the bishop is exercising his authority, as is his right. when is he going to start denying communion to pro-death penalty politicians?

It's an insignificant thread, posted on an insignificant message board, started by an insignificant board member who has nothing better to do with his "life". Just ignore it.

Posted By: ml1air enough, the bishop is exercising his authority, as is his right. when is he going to start denying communion to pro-death penalty politicians?

I agree with you to an extent. I'm not sure these guys should be trying to influence legislation or publicly flogging Catholic members, as they did endlessly with Ted. But I also agree that this is a dangerous path for them to go down, because Catholics come in many stripes and are notorious for choosing which of the Church's tenets they will follow. Generally speaking, they are on the Dem side of most issues. At least they don't hide their affiliation with secular-sounding names like "Club for Growth."

hoops, I'm guessing that you didn't come to this conclusion after killing a king, his attendants, your best friend, etc. Big Mac better hope there's nothing in the afterlife!:wink:

Posted By: SMCIt's an insignificant thread, posted on an insignificant message board, started by an insignificant board member who has nothing better to do with his "life". Just ignore it.

And this is but a reply to an insignificant post on an insignificant thread posted on an insignificant message board.

But really, I should have just ignored it.

Gl2, sorry about the comment earlier. However, so many of the threads that equate Christianity with the social conservatives are started by people who have absolutely no familiarity with the whole of Christianity.

Probably the best term is "social conservative"

For the record, I think less of fundamentalist Christianity than you do. I just don't think it is correct to tar all Christians with the same brush.

Posted By: WootGL2,
But I can understand why Catholicism might disapprove of abortion.

So do I. What I fail to understand is why the Catholic Clergy is concerned with the activities of non-Catholics.

And, I would expect priests to talk directly to Catholic politicians who actively support abortion and remind them of their religious beliefs as Catholics.

Of course they should at least talk to those Catholics who "actively support abortion" by performing abortions, counsel woman to have abortions, undergo abortions, or drive woman to abortion clinics. What right have they to tell those politicians to use their power to have the government send non-Catholics to prison for engaging in those activities?

bobk, I started the thread with the idea of tracing the well-deserved battle that mainstream Republicans are now engaged in with people who call themselves Christians. Early on, based on Woot's comment, I decided to add quote marks where I meant people doing jihad in the name of christianity to both critique them and to ask why real christians aren't coming out in force to denounce their radicalism in the same way we expect Muslims to do with their extremists. I'm also using small c for non-denominational christians and capital C for those in organized sects. I'm aware of the potential for this topic to be heated, but reasonable folks should be able to talk about it, I think.

I also somewhat regret adding Bishop Tobin because his Kennedy case is atypical of the Catholic stances on social issues. Those familiar with RI politics know that this guy has been after Sen. Jack Reed and Rep. James Langevin as well for their support of choice and stem cell research. Of course, Catholic officials' harassing Kennedys is old news. And the Kennedy thing became national news yesterday. But it tends to cloud the focus, which should be "Christian" jihadists both out to the public and hiding in ostensibly secular groups like Club for Growth.

Posted By: SMCIt's an insignificant thread, posted on an insignificant message board, started by an insignificant board member who has nothing better to do with his "life". Just ignore it.
And yet, you took the time needed to review the comments on this message board, then compose, type and post your own comment.

I sense some self-esteem issues, here, if you must know ...

Meanwhile, Cigna has covered the RNC's abortions since 1991. How do these hypocrites sleep at night?

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