Dr. Fauci watch - How long will he last?

Does anyone think this guy is gonna last through the whole pandemic? Seems to me everyday he goes to that podium to essentially say "don't listen to Trump - this is the deal".

I'm surprised he's lasted this long.

Fauci has a secure job.

I'm not saying he would necessarily be fired - I don't think even Trump could get away with that.

But not being as visible a part of the task force? Forced into the background, disappearing from news shows?

I'm sure Trump is fuming after every press conference. How long will he put up with that?

Nobody is secure in their position under Trump.

He knows that he's only answerable to his most loyal (as in, gullible) supporters.

If he wants to get rid of Fauci, or ease him away, he'll tweet about how he's learned that Fauci did a terrible job in past disease outbreaks.  

MAGAs will be convinced that Fauci is another Deep State operative, who was probably waiting for the Soros Pandemic Plot to take place in order to make Trump look bad, or something like that.

[Edited to add]  Fauci didn't do a terrible job, ever, but that doesn't mean Trump wouldn't say otherwise, and the MAGAs would side with Trump.

As an administrator he's replaceable. But, they need him to front their public info meetings. To reassure, and present stability. Trump may not think so, but Pence and the rest of the admin do.

I think its at the point now that if Trump really screws up, if he generates general panic by getting rid of Fauci and other stupidities, they will 25th Amendment him out. He may even have been told that. Trump's a coward. He always backs down when resolutely opposed.

Fauci is safe, for now.

If you read about Fauci you will learn he has a brilliant past and has received many awards. Nothing negative. I was surprised to read that he's turning 80 in December. Certainly doesn't look it. Also his wife is a medical doctor.

galileo said:

If you read about Fauci you will learn he has a brilliant past and has received many awards. Nothing negative. I was surprised to read that he's turning 80 in December. Certainly doesn't look it. Also his wife is a medical doctor.

 He's a runner. 

He was noticeably missing at last press conference. 

Jaytee said:

He was noticeably missing at last press conference. 

So far, the president appears to be making the same calculation with Dr. Fauci, who was not on the briefing room podium on Monday evening. When asked why, Mr. Trump said he had just been with Dr. Fauci for “a long time” at a task force meeting. Officials, asked about the doctor’s absence, repeated that they were rotating officials who appear at the briefings.

Trump Has Given Unusual Leeway to Fauci, but Aides Say He’s Losing His Patience (NYT)

In this version of "The Emperor's New Clothes", the other sycophants praise Emperor Trump for the magnificence of his outfit and presentation, while Dr. Fauci is the one who points out the obvious truth.

It usually takes a little child or an elderly man to say the truth. 

My wife said that Trump will take credit for the market being up today because of his not having Dr. Fauci at the press conference last night. 

I guess I was wrong in my belief they needed Fauci as a rational front. He may not be too upset if he's pushed out. A relief to not be present while Dear Leader dribbles his insanity. I'm surprised his sycophants don't have little notebooks open to immortalize Dear Leader.

drummerboy said:

I'm not saying he would necessarily be fired - I don't think even Trump could get away with that.

 I know you're cooped up at home, but you're hitting the pipe too hard. 

Red_Barchetta said:

drummerboy said:

I'm not saying he would necessarily be fired - I don't think even Trump could get away with that.

 I know you're cooped up at home, but you're hitting the pipe too hard. 

 say what?

STANV said:

It usually takes a little child or an elderly man to say the truth. 

Yes, the Emperor has no clothes, or Dr Fauci.

Sadly, history would suggest that trump will do a lot more damage before people come to their senses.

STANV said:

It usually takes a little child or an elderly man to say the truth. 


More like a Black woman of any age who will not put up with that bullshyte 

Trump retweeted a tweet yesterday that had a hashtag of #fireFauci

for what that's worth.

drummerboy said:

Trump retweeted a tweet yesterday that had a hashtag of #fireFauci

for what that's worth.

 I was thinking Good Friday he was going to be fired. Maybe this Friday.

I read on another thread that Scott Baio is ready to step in for Fauci. 

Red_Barchetta said:

I read on another thread that Scott Baio is ready to step in for Fauci. 

drummerboy said:

Trump retweeted a tweet yesterday that had a hashtag of #fireFauci

for what that's worth.


Apparently Fauci finds the daily pressers draining.

Well, he's held on longer than I expected, but Trump is starting to push back now.

I wonder if he would be more effective resigning and then working for Biden, as head of a sort of "shadow government" pandemic team?

I think Dr. Fauci should stay right where he is.  He can keep doing his job and effectively communicating.

The flop sweat from the Trumpists is really obvious.  

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