DNI Warns Congress About Russian Meddling in 2020 Election

And then gets fired for it.

Okay it was senior election security personnel from the office of the Director of National Intelligence. Last week they gave a briefing to the House Intelligence Committee about suspected efforts by Russia to interfere in our election to both bolster the reelection chances of DJT but also spread distrust in the electoral system.

Now you know why Trump demanded the resignation of his acting DNI Joseph Maguire. He flipped out because Adam Schiff was at the briefing. A briefing to the committee which Schiff chairs. 

I look at this and am amazed when I see the bickering in the threads about the primary races. Somehow we have to pull together a get Trump out of office.

Here's non-paywall coverage. There are plenty more stories about it.


Oh here's another piece of joyful news about the replacement of the DNI. One of the new DNI's top advisors will be Kash Patel who was a key player in discrediting the Russia probe for the Trump administration.


Political cronies of Trump are taking over more and more key positions which are supposed to have some veneer of non-partisanship. 

Have we come full circle from the McCarthy anti-communist hysteria of the early 50s to where the Russians are actually taking over the government?

STANV said:

Have we come full circle from the McCarthy anti-communist hysteria of the early 50s to where the Russians are actually taking over the government?

I think they're happy to undermine the United States. I don't at this point think DJT is working for the Russians. But I think his ego won't let him see what's happening and/or act on it. He's too fragile a psyche to accept that his victory in 2016 might have been influenced by Russians.

Either that or he just doesn't care how he wins as long as he wins.

mrincredible said:

I think they're happy to undermine the United States. I don't at this point think DJT is working for the Russians. But I think his ego won't let him see what's happening and/or act on it. He's too fragile a psyche to accept that his victory in 2016 might have been influenced by Russians.

Either that or he just doesn't care how he wins as long as he wins.

 I pick option 2.

Well, for all those folks who said "Why impeach? Wait for the election," here's your answer.

Supposedly DJT is mad because Devin Nunes came running to him to tell him about the briefing. So he found out that way instead of through his administration officials. Which to me opens a dizzying panoply of questions:

  1. Is it possible these officials in the ODNI actually chose to go straight to the Intelligence Committee first before sending it to the Oval Office?
  2. If 1 is true, WTF? The professionals at the intelligence agencies seem to have been following the chain of command on this stuff. What does it mean if they chose to take it to the House Intelligence Committee without the knowledge of the president?
  3. Did someone attempt to brief DJT on this and he waved it off because he famously loses interest in this sort of thing?
  4. Did he know about the information, is just mad that it was shared with Democrats, and now he's trying to b.s. about it?

To my unprofessional eye this seems a little hinky.

mrincredible said:

Supposedly DJT is mad because Devin Nunes came running to him to tell him about the briefing. So he found out that way instead of through his administration officials. Which to me opens a dizzying panoply of questions:

  1. Is it possible these officials in the ODNI actually chose to go straight to the Intelligence Committee first before sending it to the Oval Office?
  2. If 1 is true, WTF? The professionals at the intelligence agencies seem to have been following the chain of command on this stuff. What does it mean if they chose to take it to the House Intelligence Committee without the knowledge of the president?
  3. Did someone attempt to brief DJT on this and he waved it off because he famously loses interest in this sort of thing?
  4. Did he know about the information, is just mad that it was shared with Democrats, and now he's trying to b.s. about it?

To my unprofessional eye this seems a little hinky.

You're making this way too complicated.

They told Schiff. So he got pissed.  Because he's a baby.

That's all.

drummerboy said:

You're making this way too complicated.

They told Schiff. So he got pissed.  Because he's a baby.

That's all.

 I agree maybe I made it too complicated, but I'll counter that you might be over simplifying. He has a motive for keeping a lid on this kind of information. I don't think he cares at all what damage is done to our democracy as long as he wins reelection. I think if Satan came and told him he'd ensure Trump's reelection in exchange for a million babies' souls he'd do it.

mrincredible said:

 I agree maybe I made it too complicated, but I'll counter that you might be over simplifying. He has a motive for keeping a lid on this kind of information. I don't think he cares at all what damage is done to our democracy as long as he wins reelection. I think if Satan came and told him he'd ensure Trump's reelection in exchange for a million babies' souls he'd do it.

 He did. But not baby souls. The souls of those he corrupted at his rallies.

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