Discussion Thread For Tonight's Trump Town Hall On NBC Tonight

I'm torn.

Biden's will be boring. Trump might dance.


drummerboy said:

I'm torn.

Biden's will be boring. Trump might dance.


If you're not going to watch Biden, there are other ways to spend your time for that hour.

Mystery Road on Amazon Prime. 

nohero said:

If you're not going to watch Biden, there are other ways to spend your time for that hour.

 if anyone hasn't yet seen Schitt's Creek, you could watch almost half of season one in the time Joe will be on stage.

I will DVR both.  It would be great if Biden just watched along and commented on everything - like Mystery Science Theater.

jamie said:

I will DVR both.  It would be great if Biden just watched along and commented on everything - like Mystery Science Theater.

If at the Trump town hall, NBC had a "video remote" question from a certain "Joe from Delaware", they could redeem themselves.

There are two separate shows on Amazon Prime featuring dudes traveling around the UK's canals by narrowboat, and they are both fascinatingly slow and wonderful.

There's also this:

My prediction is it becomes a forum on Hunter Biden. It's the last gasp of trying to suppress the Biden vote. Throw in some lies about how COVID is going away on its own and it's not that bad anyway.

I'll be damned if I watch one second of this mess tonight.

mrincredible said:

My prediction is it becomes a forum on Hunter Biden. It's the last gasp of trying to suppress the Biden vote. Throw in some lies about how COVID is going away on its own and it's not that bad anyway.

I'll be damned if I watch one second of this mess tonight.

 If it was on Fox I'd tend to agree but I can't imagine a Hunter Biden forum on NBC.

Smedley said:

mrincredible said:

My prediction is it becomes a forum on Hunter Biden. It's the last gasp of trying to suppress the Biden vote. Throw in some lies about how COVID is going away on its own and it's not that bad anyway.

I'll be damned if I watch one second of this mess tonight.

 If it was on Fox I'd tend to agree but I can't imagine a Hunter Biden forum on NBC.

 Trump will talk about whatever he wants to talk about. The moderator won't stop him.

Last night I watched the first two episodes on "Russian Doll" on Netflix. I may DVR Trump but I willprobably watch "Russian Doll" instead. Trump's performance will be too bizarre.

Expand your horizons.  You can register for this event tonight. Bobby Brown is my neighbor. 

Controversial Art and Entertainment

In our first Connected Conversations event, representatives from several arts and entertainment fields will be brought together to discuss their views on controversial art as a means to affect change. Panelists will come from the fields of Theater, Sports, Visual Art, Music, Spoken Word and Video.

Participants are: Barbara Heisler (CEO Glass Roots), Anthony Smith (Music and Event Producer), Bobby Brown (Attorney and former Professional Football player), and Angela Kariotis (Seton Hall Professor and performance artist/leader).


STANV said:

Last night I watched the first two episodes on "Russian Doll" on Netflix. I may DVR Trump but I willprobably watch "Russian Doll" instead. Trump's performance will be too bizarre.

More bizarre than Russian Doll. That's the perfect encapsulation of the last four years.  

cramer said:

Expand your horizons.  You can register for this event tonight. Bobby Brown is my neighbor. 

Controversial Art and Entertainment

In our first Connected Conversations event, representatives from several arts and entertainment fields will be brought together to discuss their views on controversial art as a means to affect change. Panelists will come from the fields of Theater, Sports, Visual Art, Music, Spoken Word and Video.

Participants are: Barbara Heisler (CEO Glass Roots), Anthony Smith (Music and Event Producer), Bobby Brown (Attorney and former Professional Football player), and Angela Kariotis (Seton Hall Professor and performance artist/leader).


 Thanks for the reminder on this!

Trump will only care about the ratings and not understand that his ranting, rambling, swirling-the-bowl content of lies will win zero new voters.

Frankly, his ratings probably WILL be higher (so many people love to watch a train wreak). He will consider that a win and send more deluded tweets in CAPS.

Everyday is a new frontier in crazy. 

In addition to NBC, Trump's town hall is also being carried on MSNBC and CNBC vs. Biden's town hall being carried on just ABC. So yeah, Trump's rating would probably be higher, but he has the added advantage of his town hall being carried on three channels. 

Trump is already complaining that he's being set-up  -  this is typical of him. 

"The NBC town hall is the latest example of the network coming to Trump’s aid at crucial moments. In 2015, it allowed then-candidate Trump to host Saturday Night Live in the thick of the Republican primary race. (SNL cast members later called that decision “shameful.”) In September of 2016, two months before the election, Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon playfully tousled Trump’s hair when he was a guest on the late-night NBC talk show. That same month, then NBC anchor Matt Lauer was widely excoriated for asking Trump softball questions at a televised “Commander-in-Chief” forum.

Trump has benefited from a long relationship with the legacy US network. He hosted the reality show The Apprentice on NBC from 2004 until 2015, which burnished his dwindling reputation as a businessman and created a windfall of cash right as he faced the prospect of financial ruin. Trump then leveraged his celebrity into a run for US president.

NBC’s preferential treatment of Trump is somewhat ironic, given he routinely attacks the network for being “unfair” to him. Still, it’s clear the network has trouble saying no to him, even when it’s objectively bad for democracy. The debate schedule changes were a debacle of Trump’s making, but he’s likely to come out of the situation with a win for his campaign—thanks again to NBC."


Ugh - I'm bouncing around watching a little bit of everything.  The woman nodding behind Trump is soooooo annoying.  

jamie said:

Ugh - I'm bouncing around watching a little bit of everything.  The woman nodding behind Trump is soooooo annoying.  

 She’s a plant. Strategically placed so the camera can see her nodding. 

Is everyone speechless?  

I watched the Biden town hall on ABC. I liked it. He will be a good President, provided we win the Senate too.

I missed Trump, but David Plouffe said on Maddow that Biden's campaign has enough money and should just run Trump's entire town hall as an ad for their campaign. It sounded like he divulged a lot more information than he usually does. I don't know why he would think this would be more beneficial to him than having another debate.

jfinnegan said:

I missed Trump, but David Plouffe said on Maddow that Biden's campaign has enough money and should just run Trump's entire town hall as an ad for their campaign. It sounded like he divulged a lot more information than he usually does. I don't know why he would think this would be more beneficial to him than having another debate.

From what I have seen that is absolutely right. I am absolutely delighted that Trump is really doing everything humanly possible to get Biden elected. And he is probably dragging down every Republican down with him too. It is just too good to be true.

The Senate will still be close though. Vote! Donate!

Pretty dumb that abc didn’t broadcast Joe’s talking to the audience for half an hour after the town hall ended.  

Was there an MOL poster at Trump's town hall? 

Tweet that sums it up - 

nohero said:

Was there an MOL poster at Trump's town hall? 

"I have to say, you have a great smile," Dale told the president. "You're so handsome when you smile."

Her remarks lit up the internet — within moments, a fake Paulette Dale account emerged on Twitter, and her observation became an instant meme. Some television viewers noted Dale's likeness to actress Allison Janney, betting that Saturday Night Live will re-enact the moment this weekend.

But despite her complimentary words, Dale wants it known that she does not actually like Trump."


btw - I didn't watch Trump's town hall and didn't know until I read the above article that it was at the Perez Art Museum in Miami. The Perez is spectacular architecturally, and worth a visit if you're in Miami or the area. It overlooks Biscayne Bay. 

I have to say - Biden's recent appearances have almost completely silenced the "cognitive decline" issue.

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