Biden vs Trump

There are oodles of poli threads on here but perhaps we can use one that cuts to the chase of what will be the main event for the next 3 months?

My take right now is that Biden is near his high-water mark in the polls. I think Biden's peaking now for a few reasons: COVID-19 is trending higher, Trump is making an a$$ of himself on a near-daily basis, and Biden has been largely sequestered in the basement. I expect Biden will get a smallish, probably temporary bump from the veep pick (unless it's Michelle Obama in which case Biden will go up by 20 and probably stay there), but then once that fades the best he can do will be to hold his ground.

Now, Biden holding his ground between now and election day would be fine, as he is leading decisively at the moment. But, I worry about downside risk, especially as ol' Joe does NOT inspire confidence in his off-teleprompter appearances. question 

And it's one thing to be quiet in the summer, but once we get past Labor Day it's a different story. Joe's gotta somehow hold it together in September and October or election night will be white-knuckle time.

Smedley said:

There are oodles of poli threads on here but perhaps we can use one that cuts to the chase of what will be the main event for the next 3 months?

My take right now is that Biden is near his high-water mark in the polls. I think Biden's peaking now for a few reasons: COVID-19 is trending higher, Trump is making an a$$ of himself on a near-daily basis, and Biden has been largely sequestered in the basement. I expect Biden will get a smallish, probably temporary bump from the veep pick (unless it's Michelle Obama in which case Biden will go up by 20 and probably stay there), but then once that fades the best he can do will be to hold his ground.

Now, Biden holding his ground between now and election day would be fine, as he is leading decisively at the moment. But, I worry about downside risk, especially as ol' Joe does NOT inspire confidence in his off-teleprompter appearances.

And it's one thing to be quiet in the summer, but once we get past Labor Day it's a different story. Joe's gotta somehow hold it together in September and October or election night will be white-knuckle time.

 I've seen a few speeches that held up pretty well. I realize that is not a resounding endorsement but I haven't heard any real gaffs.

What will be interesting is how the debate is held and handled. Both sides will watch and probably feel their guy won. I doubt there will be any gains or losses at that point but it will have those rating that Trump is always looking for. We should look for a surprise or a stunt by DJT. Remember that he didn't even go to one of the GOP debates and held a fundraiser instead.

His VP pick has been so dragged out and over discussed in the media, and yes probably a bit here, often by me, that you are probably right. A bump and a few people like me who will either be very cheery or sulky.

It's not so much Biden's gaffes as it is his frequent word salads and general incoherence. There's so much to hammer Trump on in a debate, but I worry Biden would meander around and offer word salads and at the end of the night he'd be the one who sees his support slip. 

If Biden's comments are "word salad", then Trump is the whole salad bar, plus the soup and the breadsticks.

Smedley said:

It's not so much Biden's gaffes as it is his frequent word salads and general incoherence. There's so much to hammer Trump on in a debate, but I worry Biden would meander around and offer word salads and at the end of the night he'd be the one who sees his support slip. 

 Lately he's sounded pretty good. But after last election, I take nothing for granted.

I see you changed your avatar.

nohero said:

If Biden's comments are "word salad", then Trump is the whole salad bar, plus the soup and the breadsticks.

 As a debate fan, I mean I watched every minute of that wild GOP series, I have never dreaded a debate more than the one coming up.

I would be relieved if it were cancelled. 

I worry about the debates, Biden has nothing to gain from them other than denying the R's the ability to say that he's too afraid to debate.  Trump has nothing to lose in the debates.  He could say I hate all you Jesus freaks and gun nuts, and they would still vote for him.  

People are spooked because of 2016, but 2016 was a perfect storm.

Deaths from COVID 19 continue to rise. The economy has not recovered. Trump continues to spew nonsense. Voting by mail starts in some States in less than a month.

I am cautiously optimistic, emphasis on caution.

nohero said:

If Biden's comments are "word salad", then Trump is the whole salad bar, plus the soup and the breadsticks.

Trump for sure has lost something off his fastball in terms of being articulate, persuasive and mentally clear. There are YouTube videos of him speaking now versus years ago and there’s no denying it.

But, purely on the basis of articulation and mental acuity, Trump beats Biden IMO. if Trump is in the 3rd inning of losin’ it, Biden is in the 5th, sadly. Maybe bottom of the 5th.

Smedley said:

Trump for sure has lost something off his fastball in terms of being articulate, persuasive and mentally clear. There are YouTube videos of him speaking now versus years ago and there’s no denying it.

But, purely on the basis of articulation and mental acuity, Trump beats Biden IMO. if Trump is in the 3rd inning of losin’ it, Biden is in the 5th, sadly. Maybe bottom of the 5th.

 I think what you see, is that Trump is such a practiced liar that he can make it all up on the fly with no hesitation. Now that may exhibit some skill. There is a fluid stream of deception that many con artists master. He makes ridiculous claims with apparent total conviction. But he has his tricks to stall. Lots of repeating, pauses for emphasis while he picks up the dropped threads, 

Biden on the other hand is famous for his gaffs. But  he has more actual information and experience. He actually does know how government works from a lifetime of service.

My dad at 100 could still play the hell out of a piano from a lifetime of practice.

Trump is experienced at faking it. And it shows.

Smedley said:

Trump for sure has lost something off his fastball in terms of being articulate, persuasive and mentally clear. There are YouTube videos of him speaking now versus years ago and there’s no denying it.

But, purely on the basis of articulation and mental acuity, Trump beats Biden IMO. if Trump is in the 3rd inning of losin’ it, Biden is in the 5th, sadly. Maybe bottom of the 5th.

He exhibits obvious cluelessness and arrogant ignorance in the Axios interview, and it's hard to say that mental acuity is on display.  

nohero said:

Smedley said:

Trump for sure has lost something off his fastball in terms of being articulate, persuasive and mentally clear. There are YouTube videos of him speaking now versus years ago and there’s no denying it.

But, purely on the basis of articulation and mental acuity, Trump beats Biden IMO. if Trump is in the 3rd inning of losin’ it, Biden is in the 5th, sadly. Maybe bottom of the 5th.

He exhibits obvious cluelessness and arrogant ignorance in the Axios interview, and it's hard to say that mental acuity is on display.  

 Do you like anything about Biden? If so, what. You always address concerns about Biden with “trump sucks”.

Yes, trump does suck, and there are lots of voters who will vote on that premise, and that premise alone. But that may not be enough, especially if there are voters who vote on the premise that Biden sucks.

Smedley said:

 Do you like anything about Biden? If so, what. You always address concerns about Biden with “trump sucks”.

Yes, trump does suck, and there are lots of voters who will vote on that premise, and that premise alone. But that may not be enough, especially if there are voters who vote on the premise that Biden sucks.

 I was responding to your statement, “But, purely on the basis of articulation and mental acuity, Trump beats Biden IMO.” That’s why I was talking about Trump. 
Here’s another recent example -

Do you like anything about Biden? If so, what.

I like Biden's empathy.

I'm stunned that someone praised Trump's articulation and mental acuity. 

I think I need a vacation. Maybe when the national parks are opened I'll take a trip to Yo-se-might. 

Smedley said:

But, purely on the basis of articulation and mental acuity, Trump beats Biden IMO. if Trump is in the 3rd inning of losin’ it, Biden is in the 5th, sadly. Maybe bottom of the 5th.

 that's effing absurd. 

ml1 said:

I'm stunned that someone praised Trump's articulation and mental acuity. 

I think I need a vacation. Maybe when the national parks are opened I'll take a trip to Yo-se-might. 

If you’re new here, you can directly respond to a comment you find interesting, you don’t have to be polite and obliquely refer back to a generic “someone”. Come on, don’t be shy.

But if saying Trump’s articulation and mental acuity is better than Biden’s is “praise”, well, then, I’m guilty as charged.

And I would encourage your vacation idea. At least take a vacation from your daily cat fights in the Rose garden thread. Ive been away from MOL politics for the better part of the summer and now I feel mentally rested and recharged.

drummerboy said:

Smedley said:

But, purely on the basis of articulation and mental acuity, Trump beats Biden IMO. if Trump is in the 3rd inning of losin’ it, Biden is in the 5th, sadly. Maybe bottom of the 5th.

 that's effing absurd. 

 Ok, what do you think their respective states of mental decline are? 
Let me guess — Trump in 9th inning, Biden in pregame warmups.

Smedley said:

drummerboy said:

Smedley said:

But, purely on the basis of articulation and mental acuity, Trump beats Biden IMO. if Trump is in the 3rd inning of losin’ it, Biden is in the 5th, sadly. Maybe bottom of the 5th.

 that's effing absurd. 

 Ok, what do you think their respective states of mental decline are? 
Let me guess — Trump in 9th inning, Biden in pregame warmups.

 At the risk of offending folks, You are delusional to think that Trump is mentally better than Biden. The public comments of der fuhrer more than eclipse the occasional stutter of Biden. But then, you've always been a closet Trump supporter, so why should you change?

I think there are different standards for each of them.  Biden's voters expect more of him than Trump's do of him.  Dems who apply Biden's standard to Trump are looking at the wrong things. 

You're asking the wrong question. It's not an issue of mental decline.

But if you can't tell the difference between Trump and Biden when they talk off script, there's no way I can explain it to you. Trump is a walking dumpster fire. Biden is not.

I mean, have you seen any of the Axios interview?

Smedley said:

drummerboy said:

Smedley said:

But, purely on the basis of articulation and mental acuity, Trump beats Biden IMO. if Trump is in the 3rd inning of losin’ it, Biden is in the 5th, sadly. Maybe bottom of the 5th.

 that's effing absurd. 

 Ok, what do you think their respective states of mental decline are? 
Let me guess — Trump in 9th inning, Biden in pregame warmups.


You may want to edit that again, dB.

drummerboy said:

You're asking the wrong question. It's not an issue of mental decline.

But if you can't tell the difference between Trump and Biden when they talk off script, there's no way I can explain it to you. Biden is a walking dumpster fire. Biden is not.

I mean, have you seen any of the Axios interview?

Smedley said:

drummerboy said:

Smedley said:

But, purely on the basis of articulation and mental acuity, Trump beats Biden IMO. if Trump is in the 3rd inning of losin’ it, Biden is in the 5th, sadly. Maybe bottom of the 5th.

 that's effing absurd. 

 Ok, what do you think their respective states of mental decline are? 
Let me guess — Trump in 9th inning, Biden in pregame warmups.


 I saw a lot of the Axios interview. Bombast, BS, outrageous statements, obvious lack of knowledge and preparation, etc. Showed his malignant narcissism with his comments about John Lewis. Overall, just typical trump really. He is who he is. But I didn’t see any evidence of cognitive decline as I see in Biden.

Dennis_Seelbach said:

Smedley said:

drummerboy said:

Smedley said:

But, purely on the basis of articulation and mental acuity, Trump beats Biden IMO. if Trump is in the 3rd inning of losin’ it, Biden is in the 5th, sadly. Maybe bottom of the 5th.

 that's effing absurd. 

 Ok, what do you think their respective states of mental decline are? 
Let me guess — Trump in 9th inning, Biden in pregame warmups.

 At the risk of offending folks, You are delusional to think that Trump is mentally better than Biden. The public comments of der fuhrer more than eclipse the occasional stutter of Biden. But then, you've always been a closet Trump supporter, so why should you change?

Whatever man. I wish Biden’s issues were limited to an “occasional stutter”.

I think democrats are in some level of denial regarding Biden’s cognition, and this thread is evidence of that. Can’t even bring it up without being attacked.

Smedley said:

Ive been away from MOL politics for the better part of the summer and now I feel mentally rested and recharged.

Please stay here. Because as I start my third day without power, I’m not looking forward to any more follow-ups to your “Is this thing a bust?” comment in the Isaias thread.

“Recharged.” You have a way with words.

Smedley said:

If you’re new here, you can directly respond to a comment you find interesting, you don’t have to be polite and obliquely refer back to a generic “someone”. Come on, don’t be shy.

But if saying Trump’s articulation and mental acuity is better than Biden’s is “praise”, well, then, I’m guilty as charged.

And I would encourage your vacation idea. At least take a vacation from your daily cat fights in the Rose garden thread. Ive been away from MOL politics for the better part of the summer and now I feel mentally rested and recharged.

ok. your assessment of Trump v. Biden is completely absurd.  You are being "attacked" because you made a preposterous claim without any evidence to back it up.  Let's see all the examples of how much better the extemporaneous Trump is than BIden.  Let's go to the video.

Smedley said:

Dennis_Seelbach said:

Smedley said:

drummerboy said:

Smedley said:

But, purely on the basis of articulation and mental acuity, Trump beats Biden IMO. if Trump is in the 3rd inning of losin’ it, Biden is in the 5th, sadly. Maybe bottom of the 5th.

 that's effing absurd. 

 Ok, what do you think their respective states of mental decline are? 
Let me guess — Trump in 9th inning, Biden in pregame warmups.

 At the risk of offending folks, You are delusional to think that Trump is mentally better than Biden. The public comments of der fuhrer more than eclipse the occasional stutter of Biden. But then, you've always been a closet Trump supporter, so why should you change?

Whatever man. I wish Biden’s issues were limited to an “occasional stutter”.

I think democrats are in some level of denial regarding Biden’s cognition, and this thread is evidence of that. Can’t even bring it up without being attacked.

You should be attacked over that, because it is the same old republican smear campaign. If you have no real accomplishments to run on, you smear your opponent. Like this swift boat thing with John Kerry. It is disgraceful.

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